1. We all make excuses for the impossible,
And are fooled by hopes and dreams.
١. إنّا نُعلّلُ كلّنا بمحالِ
ونُغَرُّ بالغدوات والآصالِ
2. It’s as though we graze on mirages in the wilderness,
Always drinking from a figment of imagination.
٢. وكأنّنا نرعى القَواءَ من الطَّوى
أبداً ونكرع من ظماً في آلِ
3. The youth yearns for longevity, yet below him
Lies the pit of doom and the assault of fate.
٣. يهوى الفتى طول البقاء ودونه
وَلَعُ الرّدى وتعرّضُ الآجالِ
4. His hopes lead him on while behind him
Is a destiny that shatters the strangers of dreams.
٤. وتقوده آمالُه ووراءَها
قَدَرٌ يحطّم غَرْبَةَ الآمالِ
5. Man is caught between a tragedy of the soul,
Or of family, life, or wealth and riches.
٥. والمرءُ بين مصيبةٍ في النفس أو
في الأهل أو في الحال أو في المالِ
6. And if disasters spare him, he still remains
Subject to the vagaries of all things.
٦. ولئنْ عفتْ عنه الحوادث إنّه
رهنٌ لبعض تقلّبِ الأحوالِ
7. It is the way of fate with her children
To make every fortunate one meet his end.
٧. وسجيّةٌ للدّهر في أبنائِهِ
إِلحاقُ كلِّ مؤثَّلٍ بزوالِ
8. I have lost a dear one. His loss distorts me.
It has cloven my sides and pierced my joints.
٨. للَّه مُفتَقَدٌ تحيّف فقدُهُ
من جانبيَّ وحزّ في أوصالِي
9. At dawn, his caller deafens my hearing;
And casts the blackness of gloom over my wings.
٩. وأصمّ ناعيه الغداة مسامعي
ورمى سوادَ جوانحي بخَبالِ
10. The throng of worries besiege me, fattening me,
As wishes run wild, toppling all that can be attained.
١٠. وأزارني وفدَ الهموم يسمْنَنِي
شَطَطَ المُنى فينلْن كلَّ مَنالِ
11. Insomnia keeps me restless, as if I slept
On a bed of thorns flaying my sides.
١١. وأباتَنِي قَلِقَ الوساد كأنّني اِس
تَبْطَنْتُ للجنبين شوكَ سَيالِ
12. My love shows, though patience is my goal,
And my tears answer me without being asked.
١٢. يبدو غَرامي والتّجلّدُ مقصدي
ويُجيبني دمعي بغير سؤالِ
13. Whenever I seek patience from it, I find it
In the realm of frustration and paucity.
١٣. ومتى طلبتُ الصّبر عنه وجدتُه
في حَيِّزِ الإعوازِ والإقلالِ
14. O you who migrated, betrayed by a treacherous one
Whose harm cannot be avoided by migration!
١٤. يا نازحاً غدرتْ به غدّارةٌ
لا يُتَّقَى مكروهها بنزالِ
15. The strokes of fate have been long for him, and his adversity
Remains even when the noble are gone.
١٥. طالتْ به أيدي الخطوب ورُزؤُه
أبقى ذُرا العلياء غير طوالِ
16. They carried his bier as though
They bore a mountain of mountains.
١٦. رَفَعوا جَوانب نعشه فكأنّما
رفعوا به جبلاً من الأجبالِ
17. And they wrapped him in panels that are not
Laid except for favors and generosity.
١٧. وطوَوْا عليه صفائحاً ما نُضِّدَتْ
إلّا على الإنعامِ والإفضالِ
18. They showed him other than a lowly grave,
And mourned him with unsoiled garments.
١٨. وأرَوْه غيرَ مضاجعٍ لدنيّةٍ
ونَعَوْه غيرَ مدنَّسِ الأذيالِ
19. They parted ways at his tomb, which is
The concourse of visitors and conversations.
١٩. وتصدّعوا عن جانبيه وإنّه
عَطَنُ الوفودِ ومجمعُ الأقوالِ
20. Who will lead the singers when the stalwarts are gone,
Lost in confusion and wailing?
٢٠. مَنْ للذّمارِ إذا الفحولُ تهادَرَتْ
وخلطن بين تخبّطٍ وصِيالِ
21. Who will answer the guests when they dispute over no argument?
Who will attend to the opponents when they disengage from debate?
٢١. مَنْ للوفود تصامتوا عن حجّةٍ
مَنْ للخصومِ تفارغوا لجدالِ
22. Who will help the destitute when he is in dire need,
Empty-handed, stripped of his money?
٢٢. مَنْ للضّرِيك إذا غدا في أزْمَةٍ
صِفْرَ اليدين وراح بالأموالِ
23. Who will lead the armies and restore them
Laden with captives and spoils?
٢٣. مَنْ للجيوش يقودها فيُعيدها
محفوفةً بالسَّبْىِ والأنفالِ
24. Who will provoke the steeds snorted in fury
As the north wind stirred their passion?
٢٤. مَنْ للخيولِ يُثيرها مِقْوَرَّةً
مثلَ الدَّبى هاجَتْهُ ريحُ شمالِ
25. Who will water the breasts of the valiant in every
Raiding with the blood of heroes?
٢٥. مَنْ للقَنا يروي صدورَ صِعاده
في كلِّ رَوْعٍ من دمِ الأبطالِ
26. Who will blunt the sharp edges of swords
With blows between shoulders and napes?
٢٦. مَنْ للسّيوف يفلّ حدَّ شفارها
بالضّربِ بين كواهلٍ وقِلالِ
27. The belly of earth has revealed its shining sun,
And it lies prostrated in the open.
٢٧. كشفتْ بطونُ الأرضِ شمس ظهورها
واِستَضجعتْ جوّاً لها في جالِ
28. Alas! The plots of the brave and tricks of the cunning
Are lost to the decree of fate and its dispensation!
٢٨. هيهات ضلّ عن القضاءِ وصرفِهِ
كيدُ الشّجاعِ وحيلةُ المحتالِ
29. O Abu Ali, none shall be watched over like you!
So be patient, though the patience of others is dear.
٢٩. أَأبا عليٍّ لن تُراعَ بمثلها
فاِصبِرْ لها ولَصَبْرُ غيرك غالِ
30. O bearer of burdens, yours is no easy load;
It is not like other burdens.
٣٠. يا حاملَ الأثقالِ ما حُمّلْتَه
ثِقلٌ وليس كسائر الأثقالِ
31. Hold back the tears from your eyelids, after
They have frozen and ceased to fall for calamities.
٣١. فذُدِ الدّموع عن الجفون وطالما
جمدتْ فلم تقطرْ على الأهوالِ
32. And when sadness turns away from you,
Don the garb of the one who meets you.
٣٢. ومتى طوى عنك السُّلوُّ سبيلَه
فاِلبَسْ لمن يلقاك ثوبَ السّالي
33. And find solace from one who cannot console you,
Except by retained virtues and glories.
٣٣. وتعزَّ عمّنْ لا يعزّي بعدهُ
إلّا مكارمُ أُبقيتْ ومعالي