1. I reproached your specter in the night of the sand
While the caravan took rest from the toil
١. نادمتُ طيفَكِ ليلةَ الرّملِ
والرّكبُ من وَسَنٍ على شُغلِ
2. They were attentive to your estrangement when you were miserly with the morning
And they became blind to seeing at the time of generosity
٢. فطنوا لهجركِ إذْ بخلتِ ضحىً
وعموا كرىً عن ساعة البذلِ
3. We have become destitute, and how can an impoverished young man
Become wealthy while in the grip of jest?
٣. بتنا نُجِدّ وكيف جدّ فتىً
مسترهنٌ في قبضةِ الهزلِ
4. I present to her who was created as she desired
Beauty, though she did not accept it from me
٤. أهدي الّتي خلقتْ كما اِقترحتْ
حسناً وما اِسترضته من دَلِّ
5. How often she did wrong intentionally
Making herself available to love
٥. كم قد أساءتْ وهي عامدةٌ
فجعلتها للحبِّ في حِلِّ
6. And indeed, those who do not deceive me know
That I am lovesick for the beautiful eyes
٦. وَلَقَد درى من لا يُخادعني
أنّي صريعُ الأعينِ النُّجْلِ
7. Those who traveled pre-dawn
Killed me by doing so though they did not intend to kill me
٧. إنّ الّذين ترحّلوا سَحَراً
قتلوا بذاك وما نَوَوْا قتلي
8. When they left, they took nothing with them
Except my heart, steadfast in passion for them
٨. لم يحملوا يومَ الرّحيل سوى
قلبي العميد بهمْ على البُزلِ
9. And when I see the beauty of a singer
It is the one she stole from my perfection
٩. وإذا رأيت جمالَ غانيةٍ
فهو الّذي سَرَقَتْه من جُمَلِ
10. A white woman who shames the dawn with her brilliance
And the darkness with the incense of her thick hair
١٠. بيضاء تفضح بالضّياء ضحىً
ودُجىً بفاحمِ شعرها الجَثلِ
11. She pretended not to see me when she saw me
Ablaze in the separation between us, burning
١١. وتنكّرتْ لمّا رأتْ وَضَحاً
متلهّباً في مَفرَقِي يغلي
12. And she softened me for a time with love songs until
Youth was inscribed for me with isolation
١٢. ولينني زمناً بهنّ فمذْ
شاب العِذارُ كتَبْنَ بالعَزْلِ
13. How often I wore it, and that youth was with me,
With a bracelet and an anklet of a child
١٣. فكمِ اِرتديتُ وذا الشّبابُ معي
بغديرةٍ وبمعصمٍ طَفْلِ
14. But now, no gait of mine walks with a singer
Nor do my messages lead her
١٤. فالآن ما يمشي لغانيةٍ
خَطْوي ولا تقتادها رُسْلي
15. I am restrained from her by old age, just as
The difficult colt is restrained by the hobble
١٥. قُيّدتُ عنها بالمشيب كما
عَقِلَ الشَّرودُ الصَّعْبُ بالشُّكلِ
16. Do not obligate me today, wrongfully,
To what is not of my binding or loosing
١٦. لا تُلزميني اليومَ ظالمةً
ما ليس من عَقْدي ولا حَلِّي
17. Grayness, which I have been blemished with,
Is from the doing of your Lord, not mine
١٧. إنّ المشيبَ وقد ذُمِمْت به
من فعل ربِّكِ ليس من فعلي
18. I did not bring it down upon myself,
But He who brought it to my encampment
١٨. ما إنْ نزلتُ عليه أرْحُلَه
وهو الّذي وافى إلى رَحْلي
19. Who can inform Him for me, so I may thank
The King of Honor, the Assembler of Virtue
١٩. مَن مبلغٌ عنّي لأشكرَه ال
ملكَ العزيزَ وجامعَ الفضلِ
20. And the Doer of deeds - never before
Known between people - and the Utterer of Judgment
٢٠. والفاعلَ الفعلاتِ ما عُهدتْ
بين الأنام وقائلَ الفَصلِ
21. You who set me straight, ennobled
Between branch and origin
٢١. أَنت الّذي سوّيتَ معتلياً
بالفخرِ بينَ الفَرع والأصلِ
22. May God reward you among the excited ones, while
The pigeons upon it stood on one leg
٢٢. للَّه دَرُّك في الهياجِ وقد
قامَ الحِمامُ به على رِجْلِ
23. And the judgment is for the longnecked brown ones among the people
Or for the white-speckled ones
٢٣. والحكمُ للسّمرِ الطّوالِ به
في القومِ أو للأبيضِ النَّصْلِ
24. And war makes grim every wide-chested one
With its leather coats and iron coats of mail
٢٤. والحربُ تعذِمُ كلَّ مُضْطَبِعٍ
بروائها بنيوبها العُصْلِ
25. And there, the evil of war is a burden
Like a sausage at times, and like mange at times
٢٥. وهناك من شرّ القنا عَلَقٌ
كالطَّلِّ آونةً وكالوَبْلِ
26. And the stab bursts open every leather coat
Like an open door for eating
٢٦. والطّعنُ يفتقُ كلَّ واسعةٍ
كالباب فاغرةٍ إلى الأكلِ
27. In a slippery stand, it grays the one who sees it,
Were she one who parts from a child
٢٧. في موقفٍ زلقٍ تشيب به
لو أبصَرَتْه مفارقُ الطِّفلِ
28. Filled with lions, attacking,
Branches among horses and men
٢٨. ملآن بالآسادِ ضاريةً
غصّان من خيلٍ ومن رِجْلِ
29. You were the most honorable among them, though
The people bowed their heads before you in humiliation
٢٩. كنتَ الأعزَّ به وقد خفضتْ
فيه رؤوس القوم من ذُلِّ
30. And with it you gave the mothers of warriors to drink
Affliction - a draught of bereavement
٣٠. وسَقَيْتَ أُمّاتِ الكماةِ به
ضرباً وطعناً جرعةَ الثُّكلِ
31. As if you do not fear violence
Or dislike the bitterness of death
٣١. حتّى كأنّك لا تخاف ردىً
أو لا تعاف مرارَةَ القتلِ
32. How often you gave relief while you belittled
Any constriction - you do not accept tightness
٣٢. كم قد فرجتَ وأنتَ محتقرٌ
لا ترتضي مِن ضَيّقٍ أَزْلِ
33. And you breathed from generosity a spirit for us that passed
And you killed some from their resting places
٣٣. ونفختَ من كَرَمٍ قضى ومضى
روحاً لنا وقتلتَ مِن مَحْلِ
34. And you showed us that marked ones
Were more stingy in their outpourings
٣٤. وأريتَنا أنّ الألَى سُطِرَتْ
نَفَحاتُهمْ كانوا أُولي بُخْلِ
35. In my heart, while you were complaining,
Were straight shots like arrows
٣٥. قد كان في قلبي وأنت على
شكواك مثلُ صوائبِ النَّبْلِ
36. And it was as if, when I heard of it,
I was confused, full of stupidity
٣٦. وكأنّني لمّا سمعتُ به
حيرانُ ممتلئٌ من الخَبْلِ
37. And if only I could afford redemption
I would redeem it with my soul and family
٣٧. ولو اِنّني أسطيع فِدْيَتَها
لفديتُها بالنّفسِ والأهلِ
38. And I carried a burden no person carried
For so long - you are my strong right hand
٣٨. وحملتُ ثِقْلاً لاِمرئٍ حملتْ
طولَ الزّمانِ يميُنه ثِقْلي
39. You - if I fear harm, you are my champions,
And if I am struck, you are my blades
٣٩. أنتمْ إذا خفتُ الأذى عُصُري
وإذا ضَحيتُ فأنتمُ ظِلّي
40. And if I thirst, from your pools is my drinking,
And from your rain barrels my irrigation
٤٠. وإذا ضُربتُ فأنتُمُ جُنَنِي
وإذا ضَربتُ فأنتُمُ نَصْلي
41. And indeed, I am done with all matters together -
Your praise and your panegyrizing are my occupation
٤١. وإذا ظمئتُ فمن غديركمُ
نَهلي ومن جَدْواكُم عَلِّي
42. And you are from a people - when they promise
They surpass in violating and procrastinating
٤٢. ولقد فرغتُ من الأمور معاً
وثناؤكمْ ومديحكمْ شُغلي
43. They pushed the stars from their positions
And walked upon the eagles with sandals
٤٣. ولأنتَ من قومٍ إذا وعدوا
سفّوا عن الإخلافِ والمَطْلِ
44. And rugged terrain was like the exposed hillsides when
They crossed a distance, and sadness like the plains
٤٤. زحموا الكواكبَ عن مراكزها
ومشوا على النَّسْرين بالنَّعْلِ
45. O master, there is no equal to match you -
There is no other like me in loyalty to you
٤٥. والوعرُ كالجردِ المبين إذا
قطعوا مدىً والحَزْنُ كالسَّهْلِ
46. Nothing of me was in the hands of mortals -
Now take me from me - all my love
٤٦. يا مالكاً لا مثلَ يعدلُه
ما في ولائك آخَرٌ مثلي
47. And listen to a poem whose rhymes I speak
Which he dictates to me about you what he dictates
٤٧. ما كان بعضي في يَدَيْ بشرٍ
فالآن خذْ منّي هوىً كُلّي
48. I made it precious for an age, and since
My peace depended on you, I made cheap what I made precious
٤٨. وَاِسمَعْ مديحاً بتّ أنظمه
يمليه منك عليَّ ما يُملي
٤٩. أغليتُه دهراً ومذ عَلِقتْ
بك راحتي أرخصت ما أغلي