
After you, my sorrows have become severe, so do not blame me

صارمت بعدك أشجاني فلا تلم

1. After you, my sorrows have become severe, so do not blame me
I have sold the passion of love in the most precious way

١. صارَمتُ بعدكَ أَشجاني فَلا تَلُمِ
وَبِعتُ وعرَ الهَوى بِالمنهجِ الأممِ

2. Do not think I have harbored love in my liver
Except with the utmost fortitude and great ambitions

٢. لا تَحسَبنّي أَضفت الحبّ في كَبدي
إلّا وَللحزمِ منّي أَكبر الهممِ

3. The nobility of the exalted has not left my sphere
A remainder for the collision with the daughter of dreams

٣. ما غادَرَت شَرفَ العلياء في وَطري
بقيّةٌ للتصابي باِبنةِ الحلمِ

4. You have reaped fruits from me you did not plant
By God, they only ripened over my blood

٤. جَنيتَ منّي ثماراً لَستَ مُنبِتَها
تاللَّه ما أَينعت إلّا عَلى ديمِ

5. Watering those whose opinions were not guided
By one who slipped between the paths of excuse and regret

٥. سقياً لمن لم يمشّ الرّأيُ مُهجتهُ
في فائتٍ بينَ طرقِ العذرِ والندمِ

6. When a man's intimate talks have changed
He quenches you from his love with fresh infatuation

٦. إِذا اِمرؤٌ أَخلَفت أنواءُ خلّتهِ
سَقاك مِن ودّه بِالوابلِ العرمِ

7. O Lord, make the affection of the intimate disavow
And remove his heart from the sickness of despair

٧. يا ربّ نافِر ودٍّ بتُّ أُونِسهُ
وَأنتضي قَلبهُ من خلّةِ السّقمِ

8. I have tempted my forbearance with him and given him
My determination and made his love the choicest of my ambitions

٨. ما زِلت أُغري بهِ حِلمي وَأمنحهُ
عَزمي وَأَقري هَواهُ الصفوَ من هممي

9. Until I removed the reigns of glory from my neck through him
And acquitted me from the debt of generosity

٩. حتّى فككتُ ذِمامَ المَجدِ مِن عُنُقي
فيهِ وَبرّأَني مِن عهدةِ الكرمِ

10. What business do I have with fate trying to make me drink
From its basin less than it intends to drink my blood

١٠. ما لي وَللدّهرِ يُصديني لأنقَعَ مِن
حِياضهِ دونَ ما ينويهِ شربُ دَمي

11. I have risen from you with a cup of injustice, if your
Whisper falls on my ear only out of deafness

١١. شَرَقتُ منك بِكأسِ الضّيمِ إِن وقعت
نَجواك مِن أُذني إلّا عَلى صممِ

12. Ask me about the sweet time, its springs
So an eloquent saying may enlighten the beholder

١٢. سَلني عن الزّمن المَعسولِ منهلهُ
فربَّ قولٍ جَلا عن ناظر الفهمِ

13. I have ridden it wild, unrestrained
By any goal, panic-stricken

١٣. رَكبتُ منهُ جموحاً لا تكفكفهُ
عَن بعدِ غايَته مَذروبةُ اللُّجُمِ

14. And it has delighted me with meanings that did not inherit
In my hands other than humiliation

١٤. وَسرّني بِمعانٍ لَم تَرِث بيَدي
فَما حَصلتُ بِها إلّا عَلى الوكمِ

15. Long has fate been arrogant towards me over people
So look at it, I have nursed it with my attributes

١٥. قَد كانَ يَطغى عليَّ الدّهر من خلقٍ
فَاِنظُر إِليهِ وقَد أَرضعته شِيَمي

16. Enough of life for me is what my soul does not settle for
Nor what I stipulate upon my foot

١٦. حَسبي منَ العيشِ ما لا تَستَكينُ لَه
نَفسي ولا أَتقاضاهُ على قَدمي

17. For if gifts were according to their omens
The springs of abundant moisture would flow

١٧. فَلو تَكون العَطايا وفقَ مُنيتها
جَرت ينابيعُ وفرِ الجاشعِ القرمِ

18. And I do not care if I strive
Without attaining what I love of the shares

١٨. وَما أُبالي إِذا ما كنتُ مجتهداً
ألّا أَفوزَ بِما أَهوى من القسمِ

19. By God, my soul demands a wondrous livelihood
At which the lip of old age smiles in determination

١٩. للَّه نَفسي تَقاضى إربةً عجباً
مِنها تبسّم ثغرُ الشيبِ في اللِّممِ

20. And a man may attain his wealth
Through what the creation sees as nearest to extinction

٢٠. وربّما أَدركَ الإنسانُ ثَروتَهُ
ممّا يراهُ الورى أَدنى إلى العدمِ

21. And my benefit in drinking cold water, I drink it
While in my side lies a heart that is not courageous

٢١. وَما اِنتِفاعي ببردِ الماءِ أَشربهُ
وَبينَ جنبيّ قلبٌ لَيس بالشبِمِ

22. Let me disturb the intestines of the countries, for
The bitterness of life is only from the bits of pain

٢٢. دَعني أقلقلُ أَحشاءَ البلادِ فَما
غَضارةُ العَيشِ إلّا مِن ذرا الألمِ

23. If my right hand releases its well-trained
Neck, then there are no reins over bodies for ambitions

٢٣. إِذا أَطارَت يَميني عُنقَ مُرهَفِها
فَلا ذِمامَ على الأجسادِ للقممِ

24. And if my steps rise over my energetic stance
Then say to the expulsion of calamity, if you wish, intrude

٢٤. وَإِن عَلَت نَبعَتي أَكتافَ بادِرَتي
فَقُل لِصرفِ الرّدى إِن شئتَ فَاِقتحمِ

25. It is enough for glories that I have attained its peak
And that I am its visitor over all nations

٢٥. حَسبُ المَعالي بِأنّي نِلتُ غايَتها
وَأنّني زيرُها مِن سائرِ الأممِ

26. How can my departure not inflame the orbit
While the spark of Musa's son climbs my trunk

٢٦. وَكيفَ لا تُلهِبُ الأفلاكَ هاجرتي
وَمِن زنادِ اِبن موسى يَعتلي ضرمي

27. A branch that followed its predecessors, reaching them
As the dawn glow reached the darkness

٢٧. فرعٌ قَفا إِثر أُولاه فَأَدرَكها
كَما قَفت طلعةُ الإِصباحِ للظلمِ

28. Who is like Al-Hussain when the horses excited him
The striking of knights with Indian swords

٢٨. مَن كَالحُسين إِذا ما الخيلُ أَطربها
قَرعُ الفَوارسِ بِالهنديّةِ الخذمِ

29. And melted patience in the intestines of a pregnant woman
A fire from death or a touch from boredom

٢٩. وَذوّب الصّبر في أَحشاء حاملةٍ
وَهجٌ منَ المَوتِ أَو مسٌّ منَ السأمِ

30. He goes to the first determination which awakened his senses
Not resting for abstinence towards accusations

٣٠. يَمضي لأوّلِ عَزمٍ زارَ هاجِسَهُ
لا يَستَريحُ لإِحجامٍ إلى التُّهمِ

31. With every sharp sword accusing lifespans
But in the glories he is not an accuser

٣١. بِكلِّ نَصلٍ عَلى الآجالِ متّهمٍ
لَكِنّه في المَعالي غيرُ متَّهمِ

32. His habit is to divide eggs in turmoil
So blood to soil, and parts to vultures

٣٢. تَقَسُّمُ البيضِ في الهَيجاءِ عادتُهُ
فالدَّمُّ للتربِ وَالأشلاءُ للرخمِ

33. He does not seek legal dispensation from other than his own support
Indeed, courage in it is the strongest of pacts

٣٣. لا يَبتَغي ذِمّةً مِن غَيرِ نَجدتهِ
إنّ الشّجاعَةَ فيها أَوثقُ الذممِ

34. How many springs have its drinking made heroes recoil
You have satisfied the ardour of gazelles in it from confusion

٣٤. كَم مَوردٍ شَجَتِ الأَبطالَ جَرعتُهُ
أَشبعتَ سغبَ الظّبا فيه من البهمِ

35. And positions whose embers make the feet slip
You have guided the blindness of ostriches in it to the morsel

٣٥. وَموقفٍ تستزلُّ الرِّجلَ جمرتُهُ
أَرشدتَ عُميَ القنا فيه إلى اللقمِ

36. You wade in the sea of calamity where glory is its coast
With a forgiving face or a vengeance-taking deed

٣٦. تَخوضُ بَحرَ الرّدى وَالمجدُ ساحِلهُ
بِوَجهِ مُغتفرٍ أَو فعلِ منتقمِ

37. Since there is no lewdness except in a sulking mouth
And no hand for calamity except over suppression

٣٧. إِذ لا حُشاشةَ إلّا في فَمٍ حنقٍ
وَلا يدٌ للرّدى إلّا عَلى كظمِ

38. Glory cannot be attained but by every brandisher
Who throws himself into the fray with an unvirtuous soul

٣٨. لا يُحرزُ العزّ إلّا كلّ مُنصلتٍ
يَرمي الوغى بِجنانٍ غيرِ مُحتَشمِ

39. Of disciplined thoughts in the heights, allotting
Glory will not gather but every allotter

٣٩. مُجذّبِ الفكرِ في العَلياءِ مقتَسِمٍ
لَن يَجمع المَجد إلّا كلّ مقتسمِ

40. O you for whom hopes lean as
The breeze leans the waving of treetops

٤٠. يا مَن أمالَ لهُ الآمالَ سُؤددهُ
كَما تُميلُ الصّبا خرعوبةَ السلمِ

41. Do not accept lowliness for me, I am not its companion
Little for little and glory for glory

٤١. لا تَرضَ لي بِالهوَينا لَستُ صاحِبها
القلُّ لِلقلِّ وَالإعظامُ للعظمِ

42. Are people attributed anger that does not control them
In the towering heights except to ambitions?

٤٢. هَل يُنسَبُ النّاسُ عَضباً لا تحكّمُهُ
في شاهِقاتِ الطّلى إلّا إِلى الهممِ

43. The matters of the brave lion of the forest have debased
To remain eternally in the bellies of betrayal and suppression

٤٣. لهان خطبُ لِيوثِ الغابِ ما رَضِيَت
تأبّداً في بطونِ الغيلِ والأجمِ

44. May God only refuse you but what is His habit
Towards your envious ones, so flow in thanking it blood

٤٤. يَأبى لَكَ اللَّه إلّا مثلَ عادَتهِ
في حاسِديك فَدم في شكرها تَدُمِ

45. They have exhausted scheming, if fate allowed them
And they awoke, though the time has not slept

٤٥. قَد أَفرغوا الكيدَ لَو أَملى القضاءُ لهم
وَاِستَيقَظوا غيرَ أنّ الحينَ لم ينمِ

46. Inequity has given its workers their reward for it
And the planter of inequity reaps the harvest of vengeance

٤٦. وَفّاهُمُ البَغيُ أَجرَ العاملينَ بِهِ
وَزارِعُ البغيِ يجني خوطَة النِّقمِ

47. They have only startled you undeserved
And only threw at you without being demolished

٤٧. ما روّعوا مِنكَ إلّا غَيرَ مُنتهرٍ
وَلا رَموا منكَ إلّا غَير مُنهدمِ

48. One day when Allah gives you drink from His hand
A rain from which the plantation of blessings is watered

٤٨. تَهنّ يَوماً سَقاك اللَّه مِن يدهِ
غَيثاً تروّض منهُ مَنبتُ النِّعمِ

49. And on this Eid undermine the hopes of our enemies
For it is more worthy of being eradicated than blessings

٤٩. وَاِعقر بِذا العيد آمال العُداةِ لَنا
فَإنّها بالرّدى أَولى منَ النعمِ

50. For long has their army pranced around us
While you prance in the sanctuary inviolable

٥٠. فَطالَما رَفَلت فينا عَساكِرهُ
وَأنتَ ترفلُ في مُستودعِ الحرمِ

51. The pride of one whose virtues are few
Is poetry, and the pride of poetry is that my words adorn it

٥١. بِالشّعرِ مَفخرُ مَن قلّت فَضائلهُ
وَمفخرُ الشعرِ أَن حلّيتُهُ كلمي

52. Were it not for you I would not glance in its intimacy
Nor would I know for it to the listeners my mouth

٥٢. لَولاك لم أَجرِ طرفي في سَرارتهِ
وَلا أَدرتُ لَه للسامِعين فَمي