1. Who is there for me when if I have a need
He girds up the skirts of his excellence
١. مَن لي بمن إنْ سُمته حاجةً
شمّر فيها فَضْلَ أذيالِهِ
2. And gives his soul without holding back
Giving his wealth unstintingly for my needs
٢. فيبذل النّفسَ ولا يرتضي
في لَزَباتي بَذْلَ أموالِهِ
3. Bearing my burden upon his back
As if it were part of his own burdens
٣. وحاملٍ ثِقْلي على ظهرِهِ
كأنّه من بعض أثقالِهِ
4. If all men betrayed him
Betrayal would not cross his mind
٤. لو غدر النّاسُ به كلُّهمْ
ما خطر الغدرُ على بالِهِ
5. And if I turned away from him
I would not lack his constant kindness
٥. وربّما أعرضتُ عنه فلا
أعدَمُ منه فضلَ إقبالِهِ
6. If a scornful man stumbled
His hands would suffice to humiliate him
٦. ما عثرتْ رِجلُ اِمرئٍ مُنفِضٍ
أغنته كفّاهُ بإذلالِهِ
7. Nor if the eye of a blunderer saw him
Would he replace propriety with impropriety
٧. ولا رأته عينُ ذي زلّةٍ
أَبدَلَ إفحاشاً بإجمالِهِ