1. My beloveds! Do not be surprised at the bags
Of one perplexed in the courtyard of the house looking up
١. خَليليَّ أَلّا عُجتُما بالقلائص
على حائرٍ في عَرْصَةِ الدَّار شاخِصِ
2. He seems a lifeless form, dumbfounded,
Like a dead man were it not for the shuddering of the eyelids
٢. يُخالُ ورسمُ الحيِّ يُخرِسُ نُطقَهُ
أخا ميتَةٍ لولا اِرتعاد الفرائصِ
3. And when they turned away, bearing our hearts
On litters, with the mourning-women keening,
٣. وَلمّا تولّوْا يَحمِلون قُلوبنا
عَلى راتِكاتٍ بالحُدوج رواقِصِ
4. We remained in the house of the Bereaved, our eyes
As though they were a caravan which the departure of the tribes had misled.
٤. ظَلَلْنا بذي الأَرْطى كأنّ عيوننا
مَزادٌ أضَلَّتْهنّ راحةُ عَافِصِ
5. When we share out the eyes between us, you see
None of the people except looks askance.
٥. نُقاسِمُهم شَطرَ العيون فَما تَرى
مِنَ القومِ إلّا ناظراً بتَخاوصِ
6. And we kiss in the dust those who bore
From the earth traces of the tattoos and amulets.
٦. وَنَلثمُ في رَبْعِ الذّين تحمّلوا
من التُّربِ آثار الخُطا والأخامصِ
7. I console myself, though I do not please myself, with intimate friends
Who unfold the knotted necklaces of chastity,
٧. بنفسي وإنْ لم أرضَ نفسي أوانِسٌ
يُفَتِّلْنَ في جُنْحٍ عقودَ العَقائِصِ
8. Young women who conceal all the fair charms
And glance, behaving weakly, from languid eyes,
٨. عَفائِفُ يَكتُمنَ المَحاسنَ كلّها
وَيَنظرنَ وَهْناً من عيون الوصاوصِ
9. An estrangement which no plaint of a complainer leaves alone
And a devotion which no rending of a rending woman rends,
٩. فراقٌ لَنا لَم يَدْعُهُ نَعْقُ ناعقٍ
ومنُصدَعٌ لم يَجْنِهِ قبصُ قابِصِ
10. And who is he whom his steadfastness on estrangement and passion
Leaves with a devotion other than that of the sincere lover?
١٠. وَمن ذا الّذي تَبقى على الهجرِ والنّوى
مودّتُهُ غيرُ المحبِّ المخالصِ
11. And a visitor to my glory, though I have not seen a visit
To merit except one laden with secret envy,
١١. وَزارٍ عَلى مَجْدِي وَلَم أَرَ زارياً
عَلى الفَضلِ إِلّا مُثقَلاً بالمناقِصِ
12. Do not examine me closely, then, till you learn which of us
Fares forth at morning and returns at evening downcast.
١٢. أَلا لا تُفاحِصْنِي فتعلمَ أيُّنَا
يروح ويغدو خازياً بالمفاحِصِ
13. How do you aspire above me when your shade is thin
While my shade upon the mountain-tops is never-fading?
١٣. وَكيفَ تساميني وظلُّك قالصٌ
وظلِّي على سُوحِ العُلا غيرُ قالصِ
14. And you are eager that it should be said, "He hopes,"
While I, for the attainment of the heights, am not striving.
١٤. وَأنتَ حَريصٌ أَن يقاَل مؤمِّلٌ
وَإنّي عَلى كسبِ العُلا غيرُ حارِصِ
15. And I rear the structures of bounty and sweet flowing love,
While you are busied in raising up the stunted date-palm.
١٥. وَأَبنِي أهاضيبَ المكارم والنّدى
وأَنتَ مُعَنّىً باِبتناءِ القَرامِصِ
16. O sons of my uncle! How much rancour do we conceal from you,
On account of the sharp words between us and biting discourse!
١٦. بني عمّنا كم نَكْظِمُ الغيظَ منكُمُ
على لاذعاتٍ بيننا وقوارِصِ
17. And you wished that glory had become cast down
And that for us cutting it off there was no harvest-reaper.
١٧. وَدِدْتُمْ بأنّ المجدَ أصبحَ شارداً
وَليسَ لَنا فيه اِقتِناصٌ لقانِصِ
18. Why is it your concern if others have attained a rank above you
When you did not build it up through the complete term of life?
١٨. وَماذا عليكمْ مَنْ عَلا رَتَباتكمْ
ولم تَبْتَنوها في أجلِّ المراهِصِ
19. And you spurn aside from us what God has unfolded
As though the outshining of dawn were disapproved by the blind.
١٩. وَتَطوونَ منّا ما قضى اللَّهُ نَشرَهُ
وما ضرّ ضوءَ الصُّبحِ إنكارُ غامِصِ
20. And you said that palm leaves and rushes are the same−
What then when we tried you by the distinguishing properties!
٢٠. وَقلتُم بأنَّ النَّجْرَ والسِّنْخَ واحدٌ
فَماذا وَقَد فُتْناكُمُ بالخصائِصِ
21. Come let us enumerate glory as between us and you
To see which of us surpasses with all the attributes taken away.
٢١. تَعالَوْا نعدُّ الفخرَ منّا ومنكُمُ
لِننظر أَوْلانا برجع النّقائِصِ
22. You possess no glory but the wealth of a carrier of faggots
And there is no praise of you but only from a cheating pleader,
٢٢. فَما لكُمُ مَجدٌ سِوى مالِ باخلٍ
وَلا فيكُمُ مَدحٌ سِوى قولِ خارِصِ
23. You are not the penetration of the interiors by your provisions
But penetrate the interiors of provisions by your greedy bellies:
٢٣. وَما أَنتُمُ بخلُ البطونِ لزادكمْ
وَلكِنْ لأزوادِ البطونِ الخمائِصِ
24. O sons of my uncle! How proudly your minds range at large
With the power of the outstretched arm, brachia like palm-fronds
٢٤. بَنِي عمّنا كَم تسرحون بِهامكمْ
بعَقْوَةِ مفتولِ الذّراع قُصاقِصِ
25. And how every day and night you load us
Upon the back of a stallion suffering from mange
٢٥. وَكَم تَحملونا كلَّ يومٍ وليلةٍ
على ظَهرِ جمّاحٍ من الشّرِّ قامِصِ
26. Who chafes till he flows from every orifice
And is recited at dawn with ejaculations omitted.
٢٦. يُعَنُّ فَيجري مِلْءَ كل فروجِهِ
وَيُتلى غداةَ الجَريِ منه بناكِصِ
27. Is it right that we should walk in misery while you
Step with the tread of a blood-swollen parasite?
٢٧. أَفي الحقّ أنْ نمشي الضّراءَ وأنتُمُ
تدِبّون مِن خَلْفِي دَبيبَ الدَّعامِصِ
28. And (that) we should consent to less than half from you
While you pile up the confusion of the deceiver?
٢٨. وَنرضى بِدون النّصْفِ منكمْ وأنتُمُ
تُلِطّون إلطاطَ الغريمِ المُلاوِصِ
29. And you never sneezed except with one whose nose was cut off
And you never looked except with the blindness of a blinker
٢٩. وَلَم تَعطِسوا لَولاىَ إلّا بِأجدَعٍ
وَلَم تَنظُروا إلّا بِعُمْىٍ بخائِصِ
30. And you never rode a riding beast except one docked of tail
Which knocks the saddle-bags with the saddle strap.
٣٠. وَلَم تَركَبوا إِلّا قَرا كلِّ ظالعٍ
أجبَّ سنامِ الظّهرِ بالرّحلِ شامِصِ
31. Maintain the bygone reputation with what does not dishonor it,
For how many a pure basket does not contain purity!
٣١. صِلوا الحَسَبَ الماضي بما لا يَشينُهُ
فكم ذي نِجارٍ خالصٍ غيرُ خالصِ
32. And do not gain from the aspect of glory everything
Except a first, prosperous, not mixed with dregs.
٣٢. ولا تحصُلوا من جانب الفخرِ كلِّهِ
على أوّلٍ زاكٍ وأصلٍ مُصامِصِ
33. And be the beginning of glory, not the end of it,
And remain visible and exposed to the test of an examiner,
٣٣. وَكونوا اِبتِداءَ الفخرِ لا غايةً له
وثَبْتين في مرأىً وفي فحص فاحِصِ
34. As though it walked proudly between thin, polished blades
And long, hurling spears.
٣٤. كَأنّي بها تختالُ بَينَ صَفائحٍ
رقاقٍ وأرماحٍ طِوالٍ عَوارصِ
35. They bar the holes of excuse from us and you,
So to excuse there is no way to slip through.
٣٥. تَسدّ فِجاجَ العُذرِ مِنّا ومنكُمُ
فليس إلى عُذرٍ مَحيصٌ لحائِصِ