
Patience, patience, for in patience lies salvation

صبرا ففي الصبر الجميل

1. Patience, patience, for in patience lies salvation
To make bearable what can be made bearable

١. صبراً ففي الصّبر الجمي
لِ يهون فينا ما يهونُ

2. Do not despair at what has transpired
Take what cannot transpire

٢. لا تجزعنَّ لكائنٍ
ماضٍ وخذْ ما لا يكونُ

3. And leave yearning behind
For yearning has never brought back the yearned

٣. ودعِ الحنينَ فإنّه
ما ردَّ مُفتَقَداً حنينُ

4. And stop knocking your head against a wall
For no wall was ever knocked down by a forehead

٤. وَاِترُكْ لَنا قَرْعَ الجَبِي
نِ فما جنى شيئاً جبينُ

5. And when you look back at what
We have been deprived of through death

٥. وَإِذا اِلتفتّ إلى الّذي
خلّتْ لنا منك المَنونُ

6. And at your father, for he is to us
A mountain, an eternal fortress

٦. وإلى أبيك فإنّهُ
جبلٌ لنا أبداً حصينُ

7. So loss is gain, reconciliation
And the harshness of days becomes gentle

٧. فالغُرْمُ غُنْمٌ واصلٌ
وخشونةُ الأيّامِ لِينُ

8. The north wind has passed and
The right hand, gentle with us, remains

٨. مضتِ الشّمالُ وبُقِّيَتْ
رِفْقاً بنا منك اليمينُ

9. And a branch, which has branches for this world,
Remains with us from you

٩. وذوى لنا غُصنٌ وبا
قٍ منك للدّنيا غُصونُ

10. So if we thirst for lack of rain
We have the fresh, sweet well

١٠. فَلئِنْ ظمئنا بالفقي
دِ فعندنا العَذْبُ المَعينُ

11. And if a lion that belonged to us is gone
The lion remains and the lair

١١. ولَئِنْ مضى ليثٌ لنا
فاللّيثُ باقٍ والعرينُ

12. Eyes may stay if they remain
And may shed tears if they do not

١٢. قَرّتْ عيونٌ إنْ بَقِي
تَ لنا وإنْ ذَرَفَتْ عيونُ

13. You are for us the abode of glory
And you are the firm rope

١٣. أنتمْ لنا دارُ المُقا
مِ وأنتُمُ الحبلُ المتينُ

14. And through your family's sanctity
We have the life of this world and of faith according to our wishes

١٤. ولنا كما شئنا بِعَق
وَةِ داركُمْ دُنيا ودينُ

15. You are guides in perplexity
And you are the clear truth

١٥. أنتمْ هداةٌ في الظّلا
مِ وأنتمُ الحقُّ المبينُ

16. You are swords in events
That misfortune cannot touch

١٦. أنتمْ سيوفٌ في الحوا
دِثِ لا تلمُّ بها القُيونُ

17. And when you are provoked, that provocation
Is for you the safe sanctuary

١٧. وَإذا اِنتُديتمْ فالنّدي
ي لكُم هو البلدُ الأمينُ

18. And the two holy places, and Zamzam
And the black stone and the guarded tablet

١٨. والمَوْقفانِ وزَمْزَمٌ
والحِجْرُ والحَجَرُ المَصونُ

19. Who, do you think, did tribulation
Spare, and the mournful fate of time?

١٩. من ذا ترى عَفَتِ النّوا
ئبُ عنه والزّمنُ الخَؤونُ

20. The sentence of death is an intricate one
For which generations have died grieving

٢٠. داءُ المنيّةِ معضلٌ
ماتتْ بحسرتِهِ القُرونُ

21. It spared no brave man among men, nor any loved one
And love of this life, what an insanity is its crime!

٢١. لم ينجُ منه لا جوا
دٌ في الرّجالِ ولا ضَنينُ

22. O soul that found peace and priceless treasure
O son whom the centuries have not seen the like of his glory

٢٢. ومحبّةُ الدّنيا وه
ذي مِنْ جنايتها جنونُ

23. He unified the horizons and the nearby lands
As one, needing no other's help

٢٣. يا أيّها الذُّخرُ النَّفي
سُ سلمتَ والكنزُ الثمينُ

24. Replace your sorrow with that of another
Perhaps the sorrowful may regret

٢٤. واِبنَ الّذي شابتْ ولم
تَرَ مثلَ دولتِهِ القرونُ

25. And ignore regard for certainty
Since certainty may sometimes harm

٢٥. ساسَ الأقاصي والأدا
ني واحداً لا يستعينُ

26. For life cannot be sweetened
Except by safety or uncertainty

٢٦. بدّلْ بحزنك غيرَه
فلربّما نَدِم الحزينُ

27. May God bless him whose eyelids
Were wounded by the place of his death

٢٧. واِترُكْ مُراعاة اليقي
نِ فربّما ضرّ اليقينُ

28. He mixed with dust, and none
Resembles him, not a companion nor a namesake

٢٨. فالعيشُ ليس تُطِيبُهُ
إلّا أمانٍ أو ظُنونُ

29. The rain clouds watered the sides of his grave
The humming of the spilling rain a song

٢٩. صَلّى الإلهُ على الّذي
قُرِحَتْ لمصرعِهِ الجُفونُ

30. Shed tears over it, for if they flow
Sorrows will be carried in their streams

٣٠. حلَّ التُّرابَ وما له
إِلّاكَ شِبهٌ أو قَرينُ