
Leave her be, a respite for the blamers

خل عنها منيحة للئام

1. Leave her be, a respite for the blamers
And ask about what the clouds of blame pour

١. خلِّ عنها مَنيحةً للّئامِ
واِسلُ عمّا يُسيلُ سُحْبَ المِلامِ

2. And learn all that you need in these days
Where do I miss its rightness and bargaining

٢. وتعلّمْ كلَّ الّذي أنت مُحتا
جٌ إليه في هذه الأيّامِ

3. With a rugged path behind me and in front of me
With clear proof, proper opinion

٣. أين أُخطِي صوابَها والتّجاري
بُ جُثومٌ خلفي ومن قُدّامي

4. Like Sirius with a lantern in the darkness
Man was created imperfect and he aspires

٤. بِبيانٍ يسري بِرأيٍ مُصيبٍ
كالسُّرى بالمصباحِ في الإظلامِ

5. To demonstrate maturity in seeking perfection
Whoever God has decided to entrust with responsibility

٥. خُلِقَ المرءُ ناقصاً وهو يُدمِي
أَظهُرَ العِيسِ في اِبتغاءِ التَّمامِ

6. Wealth is not enough for his goals
And preoccupied with blocking the paths of death

٦. من رأى اللَّهُ أَن ينوط به الحا
جَ فليس الغِنى له بِمرامِ

7. While he is resting on the path of the dovecote
My ignorance has passed and dissipated from me

٧. ومُعنّىً بسدِّ طُرْقِ المنايا
وهو ملقىً على طريقِ الحِمامِ

8. And my foolishness and bareness have been revealed
And I forgot what old age and hoary hair

٨. قد مضى باطلي وأقشع عنّي
وتجلّتْ جهالتي وعُرامي

9. Tell me, shining in my darkness
So my desisting from passion and my earnestness

٩. وتناسيتُ ما تقولُ لِيَ الشّر
رةُ والشيبُ لامعٌ في ظلامِي

10. And my devotion to prohibition and my standing
And I obeyed advice after having been

١٠. فعدولِي عن الهوى وصُدوفي
وعكوفي على النُّهى ومُقامي

11. Renouncing advice, doffing my cloak
And I turned away willingly from God's racecourse

١١. وأطعتُ النَّصيحَ من بعد أن كُنْ
تُ على النُّصْحِ خالعاً لِلجامي

12. And the place of wishes and the shelter of the blamers
And I made the chiefs hope through status and money

١٢. وتجافيتُ طائعاً مَسْرَحَ اللّهْ
وِ ومجنَى المُنى ومخبَى اللِّئامِ

13. To pull the gown of favor
And I learned that the delusion of wealth within us

١٣. وأَعَدْتُ العُفاةَ بالجاهِ والما
لِ يجرّون بُردَةَ الإنعامِ

14. Is like the delusion of dreams
And my position among the caliphs one day

١٤. وتعلّمتُ أنّما زَوْرَةُ الآ
مالِ فينا كزَوْرَةِ الأحلامِ

15. When delegations gather is the best position
None but me has the likes of what I have from them

١٥. ومُقامي من الخلائف في يو
مِ اِجتماعِ الوفود خيرُ مقامِ

16. Of types of glorification and honor
They always have and always will extol my status

١٦. ما لِغيري مثلُ الّذي لِيَ منهمْ
من صنوفِ الإعظامِ والإكرامِ

17. And recompense me abundantly
And stand in awe of me, and the poets

١٧. لم يزالوا ولن يزالوا مُشيدي
نَ محلّي ومُجْزلي أَقسامي

18. Have inclined toward my opinion in weighty matters
And when I judge a matter they close off

١٨. ومُهيبين بي وقد عَنَتِ الشُّو
رى إلى الرّأي في الأمورِ الجسامِ

19. The ways of departing from my judgments
And they turn away any visitor with whom

١٩. وإذا ما حكمتُ في الأمر سدّوا
طرُقاتِ الخروجِ عن أحكامي

20. There is no grant of mine
And they release their palms from the fruits of the lush

٢٠. ويَعافون كلَّ وِرْدٍ به الري
يُ إذا كان لا يَبُلُّ أُوامِي

21. Unless my protection is upon them
They possessed my lead due to what they enabled

٢١. ويردّون سَرْحَهُمْ عن جميع ال
قاعِ ما لم يكن به أَنْعامِي

22. Of my adherence to loving them and my commitment
So if I pardon a sin one day it is for their sake

٢٢. وتُخَلّي أَكفُّهمْ مُحْصَداتِ الش
شرِّ ما لم يكن بهنّ اِعتِصامي

23. And for their sake my revenge will be
And toward them, if hostile tribes show

٢٣. ملكوا رِبْقَتِي لِما سيّروهُ
من لُصوقي بودّهمْ واِلتزامي

24. Hostility, will be my alignment and conjunction
And I specialized the kings, they answer

٢٤. فلهمْ إنْ عفوتُ يوماً عن الذّنْ
بِ وَمِن أَجلهمْ يكونُ اِنتِقامي

25. My call and listen to my speech
And if I blame them one day for some

٢٥. وَإليهمْ إِذا تحيّز أقوا
مٌ بقومٍ تحيُّزي واِنضمامي

26. Grave mistake, they carry out my reproach there
And when perils happened that enfeebled

٢٦. وتخصّصتُ بالملوكِ يلبُّو
ن نِدائي ويسمعون كلامي

27. The order of kings, or weakness befell the regime
They make me their guide in fiery chaos

٢٧. وإذا ما ذممت يوماً عليهمْ
في عظيمٍ أمضَوْا هناك ذِمامي

28. Or they make me their morning in darkness
How often my word held back the hotheads

٢٨. ومتى أعْضَلَتْ خطوبٌ صِعابٌ
أَو وَهى للملوك سِلْكُ نظامِ

29. And restrained the swords with the pens
For they saw the day they provoked the king of al-Basrah

٢٩. جعلوني دليلَهمْ في ضَلالٍ
مُوقَدٍ أو صباحَهمْ في ظلامِ

30. My keeping him from attacking
After the battle was intent, and swooping

٣٠. كم كفيتُ الكُلومَ بالكلمِ الغُر
رِ وحدَّ السُّيوفِ بالأقلامِ

31. Down to snatch the dearest plunder was rushing headlong
And there appeared to the people a dreadful, deaf

٣١. قد رأَوْا يومَ هيّجوا ملك البَصْ
رَةِ كَفِّي له عن الإقدامِ

32. Commotion roaming the darkness without a bridle
They charged me with rectifying it, and put me forward

٣٢. بعد أنْ أزمعَ اللّقاءُ وأهوى
لاِقتِناصِ الطُّلى هَوِيَّ القَطامِي

33. To seek peace in the most perilous exploits
So I warded it off by my moderation

٣٣. وتراءتْ للنّاسِ شنعاءُ صَمّا
ءُ تجوبُ الدُّجى بغير خِطامِ

34. And propped up its distortion with my pillars
And I gave back clarity after it was being dragged

٣٤. قلّدوني إصلاحَها ورَمَوْا بي
طلبَ السِّلمِ في صعابِ المرامي

35. By the fist of the dominant
How can my glory ebb when chance stumbled

٣٥. فَتَلافيتُ دَرأَها باِعتِدالي
وَدَعمت اِعوِجاجها بدِعامي

36. On the error of the scantily ambitious?
And ignorant is he who imagines while behind me

٣٦. وَأَعَدْتُ الصّفاءَ من بعد أنْ كا
ن مسوقاً من قبضةِ المُستامِ

37. That he is ahead of me in merit
My fault against him is none but my surplus

٣٧. كَيفَ يَبغِي شَأوي وقد ملك الفو
تَ عَثورُ الخُطا قصيرُ المَرامِ

38. Over him and his falling short of my wholeness
I contended against those who reached out to possibility

٣٨. وغبيٌّ يَخال وهو ورائي
أنّه من فضيلةٍ مِن أمامي

39. Ambitiously trying to cut off all dispute
No embittered one has defamed me, and how many have I poisoned

٣٩. لَيس ذَنبي عليه غيرَ زيادا
تي عليه ونقصَه عن تمامي

40. And laid low with what would shame the embittered!
My roots were implanted in clay of pottery

٤٠. قد خصمتُ الّذين مدّوا إِلى الفخ
ر طماحاً بقطع كلِّ خصامِ

41. And my green branches flourished, growing
So leave to the brave his nighttime bed and leave the lair

٤١. لم يُصبني بالسُّوءِ رامٍ وكم أصْ
مى وأَردى بما يُعابُ الرّامي

42. To the snarling wolf!
For if my silence tempts you, how many torrid

٤٢. غُرِسَتْ في ذُرا الفخار أُصولي
وفورعي خُضْرُ الغصونِ نوامِ

43. Deserts rage after slumber!
Between me and the first of my people is nothing

٤٣. فَدَعُوا للشّجاع مَطْواه في الوا
دي وخلّوا العرينَ للضِّرْغامِ

44. But righteousness or a messenger or an imam,
Or a great worthy man for tremendous, formidable

٤٤. فَلئن غرّكمْ صُموتي فكم صِل
لِ فَلاةٍ يَهُبّ بعد مَنامِ

45. Mishaps or momentous events,
With bodies like boulders, staid,

٤٥. ليس بيني وبين أوّلِ قومي
غيرُ بَرٍّ أوْ مُرْسَلٍ أو إِمامِ

46. And faces like full moons, perfect,
I want my sweet-smelling fame to spread through

٤٦. أوْ عظيمٍ مؤهَّلٍ لخطوبٍ
شامساتٍ أوْ حادثاتٍ عِظامِ

47. Champions from every courageous cavalier
None but the chief above the rabble is there

٤٧. بحُلومٍ مثل الصُّخورِ رِزانٍ
ووجوهٍ مثلَ البُدورِ تَمامِ

48. A jump and a leap in youth like a boy
They left rain in the most desolate place and they were

٤٨. أَرِجي الذِّكرِ طيّبي النَّشرِ بسّا
مين من كلِّ باسلٍ بسّامِ

49. The spirits in the wilds, in bodies
And if blood was split and the elite

٤٩. ليسَ فيهمْ إِلّا الرئيسُ على الأش
ياخِ طُرّاً والسِّنُّ سِنُّ الغُلامِ

50. Were about to die, fallen in disaster
They relinquished life to death and turned away

٥٠. خَلَفوا الغيثَ في المحولِ وكانوا
في البرايا الأرواحَ في الأجسامِ

51. With piercing noses, disdainful of compulsion
And they took amusement while their honor remained

٥١. وَإِذا ما الدّماءُ سِلْنَ وأَطرا
فُ العوالي هَمَتْ بموتٍ زُؤامِ

52. Unstained, the everlasting mantle undefiled by grit
And their striking nowhere but the throat of slaughter and smiting

٥٢. وَهَبوا العيشَ لِلمَماتِ وآبوا
بأُنوفٍ شُمٍّ عن الإرغامِ

53. Of the swords, none but the Hot and Cold Springs
And if you compared them with others besides them

٥٣. وتسلَّوْا والعِرْضُ أَمْلَسُ لم يُدْ
مَ بِقَرْفٍ عن الجلودِ الدَّوامِي

54. The difference between foul and pure would be clear
Sometimes my guardianship flows over furious

٥٤. وأَبى طعنُهمْ سوى ثُغرةِ النّحْ
ر وضربُ السُّيوفِ غير الهامِ

55. As flooding water and an ocean of eloquence
And meanings refined more delicately than perceptions

٥٥. وإذا ما قرنتَهمْ بسواهمْ
بان ما بين تَلْعةٍ وشَمامِ

56. Which I brought near to the perceptions
And fine details which I presented boldly

٥٦. كان لَولايَ غائضاً مكرعُ الفق
هِ سحيقَ المدا وبحرُ الكلام

57. And licit things which I explicated from prohibited
How often I crushed an unsavory adversary in debate

٥٧. ومعانٍ شَحَطْن لُطفاً عن الأف
هامِ قرّبتُها من الأفهامِ

58. As if I star-blazed him with stars
And a stubborn one I guided after he had been

٥٨. ودقيقٌ أبرزتُهُ بجليلٍ
وحلالٌ أبَنْتُهُ من حرامِ

59. Straying from the Sunna of Islam
And the loose-tongued, there poured upon him

٥٩. كم لَدودٍ خصمتُهُ بجدالٍ
فكأنّي كَعَمْتُهُ بكَعامِ

60. Through my speech the clouds of silencing
And through my scattering and arranging, expeditions spread

٦٠. وعنودٍ هديتُهُ بعد أنْ كا
نَ شَروداً عن سُنّةِ الإسلامِ

61. To the horizons unfurling the surplus of the lead rope
Indeed, I have attained what I intended

٦١. وطويلِ اللّسانِ صُبَّتْ عليه
بمقالي غمائمُ الإفحامِ

62. And surpassed greatly what the tribes desired
I care not, seeing with my own eyes

٦٢. وبنثري والنَّظْمِ سارتْ إلى الآ
فاقِ شوسٌ يمدُدْن فضلَ زمامِ

63. What noble circles hoped of me
And if I were in a high place of glory

٦٣. قَد بَلغتُ الّذي أردتُ وَجاوَز
تُ طَويلاً تَمَنِّيَ الأقوامِ

64. Above the dust of dreams
And if my skirt and train were exposed

٦٤. ما أُبالي وقد رأيتُ بنفسي
ما ترجّتْ منّي بُدورَ حِمامِي

65. For censured faults and sins
Then an inert life and a departure

٦٥. وإذا كنتُ في يَفاعٍ من العِز
زِ منيفٍ على ذُرا الأحلامِ

66. Are impending, soon to come

٦٦. وتعرَّتْ مآزري وذُيولي
من عيوبٍ مذمومةٍ وأثامِ

٦٧. فحياةٌ كميتةٍ ورحيلٌ
إنْ تدانى وشيكُهُ كمُقامِ