1. I knew the abodes like the fragments of ice
As if they had never been a dwelling for a friend
١. عَرفتُ الدّيارَ كسُحقِ البُرودِ
كأن لم تكنْ لأنيسٍ ديارا
2. I recalled in it the whims of youth
In its plains and wandering youths
٢. ذَكرتُ بِها نزواتِ الصّبا
بساحاتها والشّبابَ المُعارا
3. And a people who attack ceaselessly
Either with freshness or with dust
٣. وَقَوماً يَشنّون لا يفتُرو
ن إمّا النُّضارَ وإمّا الغِوارا
4. Whenever they were blamed in the assembly
They refused except to flare up or explode
٤. أَبَوْا كلّما عُذلوا في الجمي
لِ إلّا اِنبِعاقاً وإلّا اِنفِجارا
5. I suspected my heart to be a traitor
Obeying openly and disobeying secretly
٥. أَمِنتُ على القلبِ خوّانةً
تطيع جهاراً وتَعصِي سِرارا
6. I lead it to longing though its hostility
If not for passion, I would have had the choice
٦. أُقادُ إليها على ضَنّها
ولولا الهوى لملكتُ الخيارا
7. And they said, after the events of
My time changed my white hair to black
٧. وقالوا وقد بدَّلَتْ حادثاتُ
زمانِيَ ليلَ مشيبي نهارا
8. White hair came to him with such dignity
So I said to them I did not want dignity
٨. أتاه المشيبُ بذاك الوَقارِ
فقلت لهمْ ما أردتُ الوَقارا
9. So oh that time would lend the jogging of time
When it would take back what it lent
٩. فيا ليت دهراً أعار السّوا
دَ إذ كان يَرجِعه ما أعارا
10. And that the whiteness which wanted to leave
After visiting would not have visited
١٠. وَلَيتَ بَياضاً أراد الرّحيلَ
عقيب الزّيارة ما كان زارا
11. And a rug spread out for the racetracks of steeds
If they run, they do not fear stumbling
١١. وَمفترشٍ صَهَواتِ الجيادِ
إذا ما جرى لا يخاف العِثارا
12. You see it straight as the chest of spears
That does not taste blindness except for delusion
١٢. تَراهُ قَويماً كصدر القنا
ةِ لا يَطعَمُ الغُمضَ إلّا غرارا
13. It walked in the dark until it regained
The mirror of those nights' secrets
١٣. سرى في الظّلام إلى أن أعا
دَ مرآةَ تلك اللّيالي سِرَارا
14. So when the side of fate turned him
To shake the dust off his shoulders
١٤. فَلمّا ثناه جنابُ الأجل
لِ نَفّض عن مَنكِبيهِ الغُبارا
15. And relieve him of the reins of travel
He threw down his stick and slackened his waist-wrap
١٥. وشرَّد عنه زَماعَ الرّحيل
فألقى عصاه وأرخى الإزارا
16. A shrine, when the guides prayed in it
They refused to pray in other than it
١٦. مَزارٌ إذا أمّه الرائدونَ
أَبَوْا أن يؤمّوا سواه مزارا
17. And a resting place, when the traveling she-camels of men
Were disturbed, it would be peace
١٧. وَمَغنىً إذا اِضطربتْ بالرّجالِ
رحالُ الرّكائب كان القرارا
18. So Allah's gift to you, you who takes
Revenge although vengeance was denied the avenger
١٨. فَللّهِ دَرُّك من آخذٍ
وقد وُتِرَ المجدُ للمجد ثارا
19. And whom the terrified did not seek refuge in
His mountain except that he gave refuge
١٩. وَمن جبلٍ ما اِستجار المَروعُ
بهِ في البوائقِ إلّا أَجارا
20. A young man who does not sleep suspiciously
And does not take worry except to vie
٢٠. فَتىً لا ينام على رِيبةٍ
ولا يأخذُ الغَمَّ إلّا اِقتِسارا
21. He does not choose but the horses
Whose darkness the clouds penetrated
٢١. وَلا يصطفِي غيرَ سيّارةٍ
مِنَ الذّكرِ خاضَ إلَيها الغِمارا
22. And they tried you during the steps
An understanding one tested with them, so he puzzled
٢٢. وَقَد جَرّبوك خِلالَ الخطو
ب عيَّ بهنّ لبيبٌ فحارا
23. You were not but the spearheads for the spear
And were not but the spark for the sword
٢٣. فَما كنتَ للرّمح إلّا السّنانَ
وَلا كنت للسّيف إلّا الغِرارا
And you in frightening are like the juggler
٢٤. وَإِنّك في الرّوع كالمَضْرَحِيِّ
أضاق على الطائرات المطارا
25. Who narrowed the horizon for the birds
And how many positions under the king of kings
٢٥. وَكَم لكَ دونَ مليك المُلوك
مقامٌ ركبتَ إليه الخِطارا
26. Have you assumed, although difficult
And confused as the confusion of darkness
٢٦. وَمُلتبسٍ كَاِلتِباسِ الظّلا
م أضرمتَ فيه من الرّأي نارا
27. In which you ignited the fire of opinion
And you were the right hand in those calamities
٢٧. وَكُنتَ اليَمينَ بِتلكَ الشُّغوب
وكان الأنام جميعاً يسارا
28. While all the people were the left
And when the outcome of the affairs was evident
٢٨. وَلَمّا تَبيّن عُقبى الأمورِ
وأسفَر دَيجورُها فَاِستَنارا
29. And its darkness shone clearly
It was realized, after that blindness disappeared,
٢٩. دَرى بَعدَ أَن زال ذاكَ المِرا
ءُ مَن بالصّواب عليه أَشارا
30. Who it was that counseled correctly
And if not for your defense of those you see
٣٠. وَلَولا دِفاعُك عَمّن تراهُ
رَأَينا أَكفّ رجالٍ قصارا
31. We would have seen the shortest of men
And I have a breath between this praise
٣١. وَلِي نَفثةٌ بينَ هَذا المديحِ
صبرتُ فلم أُعطَ عنها اِصطِبارا
32. I was patient yet gave no patience
Do I approach you in pure intimacy
٣٢. أَأَدنو إِليك بمحض الوِداد
وتبعُدُ عنّي وداداً وَدارا
33. Yet you distance intimacy and house from me
And I forget so there is no mention of me absent
٣٣. وَأُنسى فَلا ذكرَ لِي في المغيبِ
وَما زادَني ذاك إلّا اِدّكارا
34. And that only increased my hurt
And I fear your fierceness against me
٣٤. وَإنّي لأخشى وَحوشيتَ من
هُ أنْ يحسب النّاسُ هذا اِزوِرارا
35. That the people reckon this as falseness
I am not one who suspects conscience
٣٥. وَلَستُ بمتّهِمٍ للضميرِ
وَلَكنّني أَستزيد الجِهارا
36. But I exaggerate openness
And if the people accepted an excuse from a man
٣٦. وَلَو قَبل النّاسُ عُذر اِمرئٍ
لأوسعتُهم عَن سِواي اِعتِذارا
37. I would have given them my ample apology
For they have no other than what they saw
٣٧. فَلَيسَ لَهمْ غير ما أبصروهُ
عِياناً وعدّوا سواهُ ضِمارا
38. Openly and deemed the rest as buried
And my replies would come to me hastily
٣٨. وَكانَت جَوابات كتبي تجيئ
إليَّ سِراعاً بفخرٍ غِزارا
39. With abundant pride
For now the years have lengthened
٣٩. فَقَد صرنَ إمّا طوين السّنين
وإمّا وردن خفافا قصارا
40. Or they have come to me swiftly fleeting
And how can the minor matters fail
٤٠. وَكيفَ تَخيب صِغارُ الأمورِ
لَدَىْ مَن أَنال الأمورَ الكبارا
41. To one I attained the greatest matters
And how many travels I have in you
٤١. وَكمْ لِيَ فيك من السّائرا
تِ أنجد سارٍ بها ثمّ غارا
42. I seek that I travel in them then hide
And many words like the arrows of fate
٤٢. وَمن كَلِمٍ كنبال المصيبِ
وبيتٍ شَرودٍ إذا قيل سارا
43. And distracted verse, if said travelled
They sing it for the racers
٤٣. يغنّي بهنّ الحداةُ الرِّكابَ
ويُسقى بهن الطَّروبُ العُقارا
44. And it is drunk by lords of wine
And it is you who to the king of kings
٤٤. وَأَنتَ الّذي لِمَليك المُلو
كِ صيَّرته راعياً لي فصارا
45. Made me his shepherd so we travelled
And when you built in his plains
٤٥. وَلَمّا بَنيتَ بِساحاتِهِ
أَطلتَ الذُّرا وَرَفعتَ المَنارا
46. You extended the arms and raised the minarets
So you never ceased, oh solver of problems
٤٦. فَلا زِلتَ يا فارجَ المشكلاتِ
تنالُ المرادَ وتُكفى الحذارا
47. Attaining the purpose and being secured from caution
And you were congratulated for the celebration
٤٧. وَهُنّئتَ بالمهْرَجانِ الّذي
يعود كما تبتغيه مِرارا
48. That returns as you wish it repeatedly
It returns with what you desired for it
٤٨. يَعودُ بِما شِئتَ شوقاً إليك
مراراً وإنْ لم تُعِره اِنتظارا
49. Repeatedly even if you did not await it
And why does not time that saw you
٤٩. ولِمْ لا يتيهُ زمانٌ رآ
ك فضلاً لأيّامه وَاِفتِخارا