
Did you not ask the ruined abode,

ألم تسأل الطلل الدارسا

1. Did you not ask the ruined abode,
While you were standing by it, confining it,

١. أَلَم تَسألِ الطّلَلَ الدّارسا
وكنتَ به واقفاً حابسا

2. And it was once laughing with me,
How it turned with decay frowning?

٢. وَقَد كانَ عَهدي به ضاحكاً
فَكَيفَ اِستَحال بِلىً عابسا

3. Why are you desolate amidst it
When you were intimate in it?

٣. وَما لَكَ مستوحشاً وسْطَهُ
وَما كنتَ إلّا به آنسا

4. And because you denied it
With your eyes you kept touching it.

٤. وَمِن أَجلِ أنّك أنكرتَهُ
بِعَينك ظَلتَ له لامِسا

5. Oh, would that when I met it
I had decayed and not seen it decayed,

٥. وَيا لَيتَني حينَ قابلتُهُ
دُرِستُ ولم أره دارسا

6. For how many gazelles did I see in it
Wearing the garb of youth and passion!

٦. فكمْ قد رأيتُ غزالاً به
لثوب الصِّبا والهوى لابسا

7. Strolling coquettishly, and how many
In its bowers I do not like sighing!

٧. يَميسُ دلالاً وكم في الغصو
نِ ما لستُ أرضى به مائسا

8. You were watered with abundance for so long
You watered it and made it flourish,

٨. سُقيتَ الرَّواءَ فقد طالما
سقيتَ فروّيتَه خامسا

9. And the blowing of the winds
Upon you was like the slumber of youth.

٩. ولا زال مَرُّ نسيمِ الرّياحِ
عليك كَلِيلَ الشّبا ناعسا

10. And the fangs of time did not make you their prey
For you were a horseman to them for ages.

١٠. ولا فَرَستْكَ نيوبُ الزّمانِ
فقد كنتَ دهراً لها فارسا

11. Oh where is the one I used to look to
Sitting lofty in your precinct?

١١. ألا أين من كنتُ أرنو إليه
برَبْعِكَ مُرتفعاً جالسا

12. And he who was glory to the full moon
With his sole ever trampling it!

١٢. وَمن كانَ عزّاً لبدرِ السّماءِ
بأَخمصِه أبداً دائسا

13. It entrapped me with its allurements
While I was infatuated with others.

١٣. تصيّدني منه بالمأثُرات
وكنتُ على غيره شامسا

14. And it was the bright morning to my eye
So rise and look at my gloomy night!

١٤. وكان لعينِي الصّباحَ المنير
فَقوموا اِنظُروا ليلِيَ الدّامسا

15. What young man was there who did not enjoy
In its meadows standing firmly?

١٥. فَأيّ فتىً لَم يَكُن في بحا
رِ أنعُمِهِ القائمَ القامسا

16. And the branch of soft breezes was rustling
Then after it became withered!

١٦. وَقَد كانَ غصنُ النَّقا مورِقاً
فَأصبَحَ مِن بَعدِهِ يابسا

17. And the shaking of the lances and the plain of lights
Returned to us rigid and suppressed!

١٧. وَنوءُ الرّماحِ وبيض الصّفا
حِ عاد بنا جامداً جامسا

18. It left hastily like the light of the lamp
While I was its kindler, kindling it!

١٨. مَضى عَجِلاً كَضياءِ الزّنا
دِ كنتُ له قادحاً قابسا

19. It was as if my heart had caught fire from it
With me having the blinking eye!

١٩. كأنّ لقلِبيَ منه الحريقَ
عليه وفي عينِيَ النّاخسا

20. How strange that when my beloved came to me
And returned with it humiliated!

٢٠. ومن عجبٍ أنّني حين خا
ب طِبِّي وعاد به خائسا

21. I went with it to the abode of decay
Openly and I gave it the guide!

٢١. رَحلتُ بِهِ نَحوَ دار البِلى
جهاراً وأعطيتُه الرّامسا

22. So they did not dwell a dwelling after it
Nor sniffed after it sneezing

٢٢. فَلا سَكَنوا بَعدَهُ مَنزِلاً
ولا شمّتوا بعده عاطسا

23. Nor called after the order of the departure
In anyone after it anxiously!

٢٣. وَلا نَبَّهوا لِنظامِ المدي
حِ في أحدٍ بعده هاجسا

24. Peace be upon you, even if I
Despaired of meeting you for ages!

٢٤. عليك السّلامُ وإنْ كنتُ مِنْ
لقائك طول المدا آيسا

25. And take from my copious tears that
I will always be shedding,

٢٥. وخذْ من دموعِي الغِزار الّتي
أكون بها أبداً نافسا

26. And after you was lost one I protected
For long, while you were guarding him!

٢٦. وقد ضاع بعدك من ذدت عنه
طويلاً وكنتَ له حارسا

27. So between me and the misfortunes of time
Are wars I mentioned luckless to it!

٢٧. فَبَيني وَبينَ خُطوبِ الزّمان
حروبٌ ذكرتُ لها داحسا

28. And were it not for the insanity of its turns
The walker would not have preceded the horseman!

٢٨. وَلَولا جُنونُ مقاديرِهِ
لما سبق الرّاجلُ الفارسا

29. Nor would the demolisher of that which I built
And cutter down of its saplings be planting!

٢٩. وَلا كانَ هادِم ما يبتنيه
وقالعُ أغراسهِ غارسا

30. It made me drink and oh would that it had not
Made me drink bounty, you see me anguished by it!

٣٠. سَقاني وَيا ليت لَم يسقِنِي
نَعمياً تَراني له قالسا

31. And it made me hear and it deafened my hearing
And it has become roaringly deafened!

٣١. وَأَسمَعني وَكَسا أعظُمِي
وَعادَ لَها عارقاً ناهسا