1. O my companion and helper
Whenever I attempt to get up
١. يا خليلي ومُعِينِي
كلّما رُمت النُّهوضا
2. Heal my illness, O David
Or make me one of the healed
٢. داوِ دائي أوْ فعُدْني
مَعَ عُوّادي مريضا
3. It is ugly of you to neglect
One who is not neglectful
٣. فَقَبيحٌ بك أن تَرْ
فُضَ من ليس رَفوضا
4. The day has come when he lived
Seeing what was hateful
٤. قد أتى من يوم عاشو
راءَ ما كان بغيضا
5. Let my wailing in it rise
And my tears overflow
٥. دَعْ نشيجي فيه يعلو
ودموعي أنْ تَفيضا
6. My tusks have been dyed with the
Blood of my worn out teeth
٦. وبَنانِي قد خُضِبْنَ ال
دَم من سِنِّي عَضيضا
7. And be the supporter in the
War whenever you were a supporter
٧. وكن النّاهضَ للحَرْ
بِ متى كنتَ نَهوضا
8. And make room for the tears
From your painful tragedies
٨. واِجعلِ الجيبَ لدمعٍ
من مآقيك مَغيضا
9. It is a day we were given
A bitter drink from its misfortunes
٩. إنّه يومٌ سقينا
من نواحيه مضيضا
10. Religion has become shaky and whoever
Was in it has become frail
١٠. هَزَل الدّينُ ومَن في
هِ وقد كان نَحيضا
11. And the miscarried one has been thrown
Who was a fetus in the womb
١١. ورمتْ مُجْهَضَةٌ مَنْ
كان في البطن جهيضا
12. Leave your troubles and listen
To its heartfelt elegies
١٢. ودعِ الأطرابَ واِسمعْ
مِن مراثيهِ القريضا
13. Do not refuse, as we have worn
A tattered garment
١٣. لا تُرِدْ فيه وقد أدْ
نَسَنا ثوباً رَحيضا
14. Tell a people who have always been
Deeply rooted in ignorance
١٤. قلْ لقومٍ لم يزالوا
في الجهالاتِ رُبوضا
15. It deluded them that they
Built while they built nothing
١٥. غرّهمْ أنّهُمُ سا
دوا وما شادوا بعوضا
16. Tomorrow, in spite of you
You will repay the debts
١٦. في غدٍ بالرَّغم منكمْ
سترُدُّون القُروضا
17. You will find a building
For you, very contrary
١٧. سوف تلقون بناءً
لكُمُ طال نقيضا
18. And what is pleasant to your
Mouths today is menses
١٨. والّذي يحلو بأفوا
هِكُمُ اليومَ حميضا
19. While you are domes in it
And a court and yard
١٩. وقِباباً أنتُمُ في
ها وهاداً وحضيضا
20. And I soon see them
As insects, black and white
٢٠. وَأراها عن قريبٍ
كالدّبى سوداً وبيضا
21. And you see the white and the
White over them flickering
٢١. وترى للبِيض والبي
ضُ عليهنّ وميضا
22. And on their shoulders every
Young man wrapped in bandages
٢٢. وعلى أكتادها كل
لُ فتىً يُلفى جَريضا
23. With them a glance hopes
Which yesterday was frowning
٢٣. فبِهِمْ يطمَعُ طَرْفٌ
كان بالأمسِ غضيضا
24. With them one who was sick is cured
Who was not obscure gloominess
٢٤. وبهمْ يبرأُ من كا
ن وقد ضيموا المريضا
25. With them a glance rests
Who was not obscure gloominess
٢٥. وبهمْ يرقد طَرْفٌ
لم يكنْ وَجْداً غموضا
26. For the stubbornness of their blood
Poured on the ground boiling
٢٦. لأُباةٍ دَمُهُمْ سا
لَ على الأرض غريضا
27. The head was raised to the
Long spear narrating the flickering
٢٧. رُفِعَ الرّأسُ على عا
لي القنا يَحكي الوميضا
28. And the body bowed to the bare
Horses galloping furiously
٢٨. واِنثنى الجسمُ لجُرْدِ ال
خيلِ بالعَدْوِ رضيضا
29. Far be it from me to
Abandon them or seek a substitute
٢٩. حاشَ لي أَنْ أَتخلَّى
منهُمُ أو أستعيضا
30. So may God water graves
For them with the sweet bitter
٣٠. فَسقى اللَّهُ قبوراً
لهمُ العذْبَ الغضيضا
31. But they refused except the land of the green
And the small garden plot
٣١. وَأبَتْ إلّا ثَرى الأَخْ
ضرِ والرَّوضَ الأريضا
32. And to them those spirits
Make those cherished visits
٣٢. وَإِليهنَّ يَشُدُّ ال
قومُ هاتيك الغُروضا
33. Not because of elegy for them
Rather, they fulfilled their duties
٣٣. ما نحَوْهُنَّ لنَدْبٍ
إنّما قضّوا فُروضا
34. And loved them as a receipt
That leaves the mouths in chaos
٣٤. وحَبْوهُنَّ اِستِلاماً
يَتركُ الأفواهَ فوضى