
My phantom keeps visiting, between thickets and little hills,

ما ضر طيفك لو والى زياراتي

1. My phantom keeps visiting, between thickets and little hills,
While caravans are busy with their camels and their saddles.

١. ما ضرّ طيفَكِ لو والى زياراتي
ما بَينَ تِلكَ المَحاني والثّنِيّاتِ

2. They fell like glass bottles aligned for them,
Yet to your eyes they're alive like dead.

٢. والرّكبُ عنّا مشاغيلٌ بأَبيَنهمْ
مِنَ الدّؤوب وإرقالِ المطيّاتِ

3. If dawn has forbidden a bond, it was to torture us,
But it is made lawful by the delusions of nights.

٣. صَرْعى كأنّ زجاجاتٍ أُدِرْنَ لهمْ
فهمْ لعينيك أحياءٌ كأمواتِ

4. And how often have I been visited by wings of night when they spread,
By one who wasn't on my mind that he'd come.

٤. إنْ حرّم الصّبحُ وصلاً كان يُجذلُنا
فَهْوَ الحلالُ بتهويمِ العشيّاتِ

5. And he'd visit without an appointed time, and how often
His visit was diverted from us at every time.

٥. وَكَم أَتاني وجُنحُ اللَّيلِ حُلّتُهُ
مَن لَم يَكُن في حسابي أنَّه ياتي

6. And you have seen, and the camel has walked with you,
How patient I've been with those afflictions.

٦. وَزارَ في غيرِ ميقاتٍ وكم لُوِيَتْ
عنّا زيارتُهُ في كلِّ ميقاتِ

7. And how often have I turned my cheek from your caravans,
When my wants and needs were in the caravans.

٧. وَقَد رَأَيتمْ وَقد سار المطيُّ بكمْ
كَيفَ اِصطِباري على تلك المصيباتِ

8. And I said, no rancor is found in my heart to the blamer,
While my heart is burnt by the fire of passion's coal.

٨. وَكَم ثنيتُ لِحاظي عَن هوادِجكمْ
وَفي الهَوادِجِ أَوطاري وحاجاتي

9. Tell those who severed on the day of their departure,
Private conversations like doves in the thicket.

٩. وقلت لا وجدَ في قلبي لِلائِمِهِ
وَالقلبُ تحرقُهُ نارُ الصّباباتِ

10. Memories, with no burdens to carry them
A day of grace like the gamboling of cubs.

١٠. قلْ للّذين حَدَوْا في يوم رِحلَتِهم
خُوصاً خمائِصَ أمثالَ الحنيّاتِ

11. They and the caravan that takes me far from arranging them
To the litters, longing, each moaning camel.

١١. مذكّراتٍ فلا سَقْبٌ لهنّ ولا
كَرِعْنَ يوماً بنشوانِ الوليداتِ

12. And how many tough, patient she-camels endured them
Until they brought them safe, honored litters.

١٢. لَهُنّ والرّحلُ يَعْلَولِي مناسِجَها
إلى السَّباسِبِ شوقاً كلَّ حنّاتِ

13. If messengers are sent to fulfill wishes,
They guaranteed you'd bring near the distant.

١٣. وكمْ ولَجْنَ شديداتٍ صَبَرْنَ بها
حَتّى نَجونَ كِراماً بالحُشاشاتِ

14. Whoever of you reaches the minister, tell him
My greetings and regards when you reach him.

١٤. فَإِنْ بُعِثْنَ إِلى نيلِ المُنى رُسُلاً
كفَلْنَ منك بتقريبِ البعيداتِ

15. He whose life gladdened the world and then the country,
They weren't unjust when they called him the prosperous.

١٥. مَنْ فيكُمُ مُبلغٌ عنّي الوزيرَ إذا
بَلَغْتموه سلامي والتحيّاتِ

16. Say, Would that I were the messenger, nothing
Would convey to you except my words, messages.

١٦. وَمن سعود الورى ثمّ البلاد بهِ
لم يَظلموا إذ دعوه ذا السّعاداتِ

17. God bless you in pressing, perilous circumstances,
You aided me with joys and reliefs.

١٧. قولوا لَيتني كنتُ الرّسولَ وما
أدّى إليك سوى لفظِي رسالاتي

18. In gloomy darkness where no light shines,
You removed the garments of darkness from us.

١٨. للّه دَرُّكَ في مُستغْلَقٍ حَرِجٍ
أسعفتَ فيه بفرحاتٍ وفُرجاتِ

19. In your hands a messenger you send,
Whenever you want, to all the wishing.

١٩. وفاحمٍ مُدْلَهمٍّ لا ضياءَ بهِ
نزعتَ عنه لنا أثواب ظُلماتِ

20. Like sprinkling rain seen giving sight,
To cut through the horizons the caravans.

٢٠. وفي يديك رسولٌ منك تُرسلهُ
متى أردتَ إلى كلِّ المنيّاتِ

21. I swear by litters that carry the fallen dead,
That they have no knowledge of meadows from the clouds’ watering.

٢١. مثلَ الرِّشاءِ يُرى منه لمبصرِهِ
تغضّنُ الرُّقمِ يقطعن التّنوفاتِ

22. They return home where the angels live,
An intention that surpasses all intention.

٢٢. حَلفتُ بالبُدْنِ يرعين الوَجيف ولا
عَهدٌ لهنَّ بِرَيٍّ من غماماتِ

23. And those who circumambulate around it when they blocked,
It for protection with touching and kissing.

٢٣. يُردنَ بيتاً به الأملاكُ ساكنةٌ
بنيّة فَضَلَتْ كلَّ البِنيّاتِ

24. And how much they shed in Mina's valley throngs
At the stoning pillars from the aged pebbles.

٢٤. وَالطائِفين حوالَيْهِ وقد سَدَكوا
بِه تُقاءً بمسحاتٍ ولثماتِ

25. And flinging forearms like Indian swords polished,
They cast each day the little pebbles.

٢٥. وما أراقوه في وادي مِنى زُمَراً
عند الجِمارِ من الكُومِ المسنّاتِ

26. And those spending the night in a group after they stood
At the knoll, but oh, what standing!

٢٦. وأذرُعٍ كسيوفِ الهندِ ضاحيةٍ
يَقذفن في كلِّ يومٍ بالحُصيّاتِ

27. And they passed it quickly after they slaughtered
Until they came to it with heavy crimes.

٢٧. وَالبائتينَ بجَمْعٍ بعد أن وقفوا
على المعرَّفِ لكنْ أيَّ وَقْفاتِ

28. It erased the mark of light from their faces,
The one who had been erasing sins.

٢٨. وَجاوَزوه خِفافاً بَعد أَن ذَبحوا
حتّى أَتوه بِأجرامٍ ثقيلاتِ

29. You are, apart from all these people,
More rightful for me and worthier of loyalty.

٢٩. مَحا النضارةَ من صَفْحاتِ أوجههمْ
ذاكَ الّذي كَان محواً للجريراتِ

30. Bring me closer to you, humankind doesn't guide me,
Except a gallant youth who sheltered virtues.

٣٠. لأنتَ مِن دونِ هَذا الخلقِ كلِّهِمُ
أَحقّ فينا وَأَولى بالموالاةِ

31. Strengthen your hand with what you gave of my hatred
And passion and the fermenting of my affection.

٣١. قُدنِي إِلَيكَ فما يَقتادني بشرٌ
إلّا فتىً كان مأوىً للفضيلاتِ

32. I am the one who doesn't change with time from my ardency
For those I was ardent for, and I don't forget my early madness.

٣٢. وَاِشددْ يَديك بما ناولتَ من مِقَتِي
ومن غرامي ومن ثاوِي مودّاتي

33. Don't fear deviation from me in the long term,
Everything you see in me is nothing but my stumblings.

٣٣. أَنا الّذي لا أَحول الدّهرَ عن كَلَفِي
بِمن كلفتُ ولا أسلو صباباتي

34. It's all the same to me, I owe no favor to,
Refuge from harm and comforts of pleasures.

٣٤. لا تخشَ منّي على طول المدى زللاً
فكلُّ شيءٍ تراه غير زلّاتي

35. I complain to God of my longing for you and what is
In my heart of burning agonies and stirring.

٣٥. سِيّانِ عندي ولا منٌّ عليه بهِ
مَغْنى الأذى ومقرّاتُ اللّذاذاتِ

36. And I'm barred from my adornment, your nearness, or
The palms are empty, devoid of visits.

٣٦. أَشكو إلى اللَّه أَشواقي إِليك وما
في القلبِ مِن حرّ لوعاتٍ ورَوْعاتِ

37. And if I saw you away from all the people,
I'd be content with this life, done with my wishes.

٣٧. وَإِنّني عاطِلٌ مِن حَلي قُربِكَ أو
صِفْرُ اليدين خليٌّ من زياراتي

38. Don't think I never saw him, ever,
We meet in affection.

٣٨. ولو رأيتُك دون النّاسِ كلِّهِمُ
قَضيتُ مِن هَذهِ الدّنيا لُباناتي

39. And how much meeting for a people in their hearts,
As they wished over the distance of miles.

٣٩. لا تَحسَبوا أَنّني لَم أَلقَهُ أبداً
فَإِنّنا نَتَلاقى بالمودّاتِ

40. Nearness is the nearness of the heart's concealment, not
The nearness of dwellings, what the conscience contains.

٤٠. وَكَمْ تَلاقٍ لِقَومٍ مِنْ قلوبهمُ
كَما أَرادوا على بُعدِ المَسافاتِ

41. I'm a friend to whoever you're a friend to,
And hostile to whoever you're hostile to.

٤١. وَالقربُ قربُ خبيئاتِ الصّدور وما
تحوي الضمائرُ لا قربُ المحلّاتِ

42. You're from a group whose virtues are narrated,
They excelled as if sons of masters.

٤٢. إِنّي الصديقُ لمن كنتَ الصديقَ له
ومن تُعادِي له منّي معاداتي

43. Reaching the lofty peaks with their proposals,
And standing firm in harsh tribulations.

٤٣. وأنتَ من معشرٍ تُروى فضائلُهمْ
سادوا على أنّهمْ أبناءُ ساداتِ

44. And they attend tumults out of excess help,
And terror spreads in empty hearts.

٤٤. البالِغين مِنَ العَلْياءِ ما اِقتَرحوا
وَالقائِمينَ بصَعْباتِ المُلمّاتِ

45. As if their hands weren't created for people
Except for giving hands and gifts.

٤٥. وَيَشهَدونَ الوغى من فَرْطِ نَجْدَتهمْ
والرّعبُ فاشٍ بألْبابٍ خليّاتِ

46. Preferring over all the people a height,
Judging all cases.

٤٦. كأنّ أيدِيَهُمْ في النّاس ما خُلقتْ
إِلّا لِبَذل الأيادِي والعَطِيّاتِ

47. If you assess them you'll find them mansions and homes,
Tall as the stars that are above the heavens.

٤٧. مُقَدَّمين عَلى كلِّ الأنامِ عُلاً
مُحَكّمين على كلِّ القضيّاتِ

48. You've privileged them with glories particularized,
This though they surpassed humanity.

٤٨. فإِنْ تَقِسْهُمْ تَجِدْهُمْ منزلاً وبناً
طالوا النّجومَ التّي فوق السّماواتِ

49. You never ceased producing noble lineage
As you took it for yourself from the hands of the chaste ladies.

٤٩. قد فُقْتَهُمْ بمزيّاتٍ خُصِصْتَ بها
هذا على أنّهمْ فاقوا البريّاتِ

50. You were bounty and faith that gives light
You joined verses of glory with verses.

٥٠. ولم تزلْ مُنجباً فيمن نَسَلْتَ كما
أخَذتها لك من أيدِي النجيباتِ

51. Indeed the head who headed the people with what
He contained of his bounty before headship.

٥١. وكنتَ فضلاً وديناً يُستضاءُ بهِ
خلطتَ للمجدِ أبياتاً بأبياتِ

52. If a people adorned themselves with ministry,
The ministries adorned themselves with you.

٥٢. إنّ الرَّئيس الّذي راسَ الأنام بما
حواه من فضلهِ قبل الرّياساتِ

53. They came to you freely, you sent no reason for them,
You didn't extend to them the palm of your rest.

٥٣. فَإِن تَجمّل قومٌ في وزارتهمْ
فَاِجَّمَّلتْ فيك أدراعُ الوزاراتِ

54. There came to me, among what visited me, news
That reached the furthest limits of all my times.

٥٤. جاءتكَ عفواً ولم تبعثْ لها سبباً
ولا بسطتَ إليها قبضَ راحاتِ

55. It made me drink bitterness from my cup and robbed
My right eye of the delights of my slumber.

٥٥. وقد أتانِيَ فيما زارني خبرٌ
فَطالَ منهُ قُصارى كلِّ ساعاتي

56. If I lie down, it's on the thorns of the lote tree, my bed,
If I walk, seas engulfing fiery embers.

٥٦. سَقاني المُرَّ مِن كَأسيهِ وَاِستَلبتْ
يُمناهُ من بَصَرِي لذّاتِ هَجْعاتي

57. They said, he who people wish that they
Could sacrifice themselves for him complained.

٥٧. إِنِ اِضطَجعتُ فمِنْ شوكِ القنا فُرُشِي
وإنْ مشيتُ فواطٍ فوقَ جَمْرَاتِ

58. And I didn't cease to be anxious until I knew
What protections God gave to him from the safety of shadows.

٥٨. قالوا اِشتَكى مَنْ يوَدُّ النَّاسُ أنَّهُم
كانوا الفداءَ له دون الشّكاياتِ

59. And give glad tidings of wellness after my omens stretched,
Good tidings, but not like glad tidings.

٥٩. وَلَم أَزَلْ مُشفقاً حتّى علمتُ بما
أَنالَهُ اللَّهُ مِن ظِلِّ السّلاماتِ

60. Thanks to God, you got what you wanted, none
Is prosperous except one who attains his wishes.

٦٠. وَبشّروا بالعوافي بعد أن مُطِلَتْ
بُشري ولكنّها لا كالبشاراتِ

61. So live however you want in surrounding honor,
To God belongs a dense army of sufficiency.

٦١. وَالحمدُ للَّه قَد نلتَ المَرادَ وما ال
سَعيدُ إلّا الّذي نالَ الإراداتِ

62. May you not be worn out by any hated thing,
Nor your fingers fall short of attaining loves.

٦٢. فَعِشْ كما شئتَ من عزٍّ يطيف بهِ
للَّهِ جَيشٌ كثيفٌ من كفاياتِ

63. Never disdained by any humans in this world,
So how could you be worn out by worldly aid!

٦٣. وَلا بُليتَ بِمَكروهٍ ولا قَصُرَتْ
منك الأناملُ عن نيلِ المُحبّاتِ

64. I have nothing else to output except this translated poem.

٦٤. فلم تكنْ مُعْنِتاً من ذا الورى بشراً
فَكيفَ تُبلى منَ الدنيا بِإِعْناتِ