
For you are the best of all people,

لأنتم آل خير الناس كلهم

1. For you are the best of all people,
The fresh spring and the pouring rain,

١. لأَنتُمُ آلُ خير النَّاسِ كلِّهِمُ
المنهلُ العَذْبُ والمستوردُ الغَدَقُ

2. And Allah has no religion but your love,
And no path to Him but you alone.

٢. وليس للّهِ دينٌ غير حبّكُمُ
ولا إليه سواكمْ وحدَكمْ طُرُقُ

3. Even if there were a messenger of Allah other than you,
Beyond existence you are His focus.

٣. وَإِنْ يَكُن من رسول اللَّه غيركُمُ
سوى الوجود فأنتمْ عنده الحدَقُ

4. You were granted the highest honor, while your people,
However much they were given, were angry with you.

٤. رُزِقتُمُ الشّرفَ الأعلى وقومُكُمُ
فيهمْ غضابٌ عليكمْ كيف ما رُزقوا

5. You are in the terrible times a protecting dam,
And in the darkness of night, you are the first light of dawn.

٥. وأنتمُ في شديداتِ الورى عُصُرٌ
وفي سواد الدّياجي أنتمُ الفَلَقُ

The Messenger has no children but you,

٦. ما للرّسول سوى أولادكمْ وَلَدٌ
ولا لنَشْرٍ له إلّا بكمْ عَبَقُ

7. And his legacy spreads only through you.
In the hearts of all people, you

٧. فَأَنتمُ في قُلوب النَّاس كلّهمُ
السَّمْتُ نقصده والحبلُ نَعْتَلِقُ

8. Are the path we seek and the rope we cling to.
Can one whose eyes see clearly consider equal,

٨. هل يَستوي عند ذي عينٍ رُبىً ورُبىً
أو الصّباح على الأوتادِ والغَسَقُ

9. The radiant dawn and the falling night?
My love for you is everlasting, it knows no rest,

٩. وُدّي عليه مقيمٌ لا بَراحَ له
من الزَّمان ورَهْني عندكم عَلِقُ

10. And I am forever your captive.
I trust that you will intercede for me

١٠. وثقتُ منكمُ بأن تستوهبوا زَلَلِي
عند الحساب وحسبي مَنْ به أثقُ