
You turned away, while still we yearned for union;

منا الوصال ومنكم الهجر

1. You turned away, while still we yearned for union;
Yet we were thankful, though you gave but grief.

١. منّا الوصالُ ومنكُمُ الهجرُ
وعلى إساءَتكمْ بنا الشّكرُ

2. To every well-doer seeking your reward
Reward is due from us, and more but for belief.

٢. ولكلّ من أسدى الجميلَ سوى
مسدي الجَميل إليكُمُ أجرُ

3. O moon of loveliness tyrannized by shade,
None called you once the sun, for disbelief.

٣. يا طَلعَةً للحُسنِ يَظلِمها
مَنْ قال يوماً إنّها البدرُ

4. If we have sinned in what we fancied of you,
Sin becomes an ignored thing if excuse is brief.

٤. إن كان جرماً ما ظننتِ بنا
فالجرم يمحو وِزْرَه العذرُ

5. Towards you each lovely-one came hurrying down,
And, when you left, the rain wept on your grief.

٥. حنّت إليكمْ كلُّ غاديةٍ
وبكى عليكمْ بعدِيَ القَطْرُ

6. Still lightly sports your camp, and there do meet
The breeze, the rise, the bud, the bloom, the leaf.

٦. وثراكُمُ لا زال مُلتمعاً
في حافَتَيْهِ النَّوْرُ والزّهرُ

7. And when a serpent seeks a spot to bide,
A place, where you have stepped, is pleasure-proof.

٧. وَإِذا اِبتَغى وطناً يقيم بهِ
سحُّ الحَيا فرُباكُمُ الخُضْرُ

8. As though my heart, while you were here, became
Two halves, and one went travelling with you.

٨. وكأنّ قلبِي يوم بينِكُمُ
شطرٌ أقام وعندكمْ شطرُ

9. Before you left I stood to say farewell,
But from my breast all power of speech was gone.

٩. ولقد وقفتُ على وداعكُمُ
وجوانحِي من صبرها صِفْرُ

10. And on the flames of parting I was cast,
And wished the glowing thing had not been fire.

١٠. وبهنّ مِن تلذيع بينكُم
جمرٌ بودّي أنّه الجمرُ

11. I stretch a hand, to tear my raiment's flap,
But from me soars an eagle through desire.

١١. وإذا مددتُ يداً إلى جَلَدي
فمحلّقٌ عنِّي به نَسْرُ

12. My friends, no censure of you rest on me,
Though from a drunken reveller you fled.

١٢. يا صاحِبيَّ وَما عَذَرتُكما
أنْ تنجوا عمّن به الأسرُ

13. I woke to find an idolater gone by,
No Bacchus he, although he reeled as red.

١٣. وصحوتُها عن صاحبٍ ثمِلٍ
لم تنزُ فِي أوصاله الخمرُ

14. Yet you were heedless, when he tottered past,
For what he drank could bring no shame on you.

١٤. سكرانَ من عُجْبٍ يمرّ بهِ
ولربّ سكرٍ دونه السُّكرُ

15. Now has the time swooped down on us, and we
Surrendered by it, while our weapons flew.

١٥. وَصممتُما عنهُ وليسَ بهِ
ممّا يَخاف عليكما وِقْرُ

16. The year of error circled, heedlessness was ours,
Its months and days we treated as untrue.

١٦. ألا وقد فسح الزّمانُ لنا
أَعطانَه وَاِستُغزِرَ الدَّرُّ

17. When power was centered in these hands of ours,
Command and banning flourished as we knew.

١٧. وَكأنّما الحولُ المجرَّمُ مِنْ
غَفلاتِنا عن مرَّه شهرُ

18. God has a mother who anointed Him,
Till in the dawn we doubted if it shone.

١٨. وإذا الأزمّةُ في أناملنا
والنَّهْيُ للأقوامِ والأمرُ

19. Up she sprang, proof withdrawing from His side,
Proclaiming what her splendid son had done.

١٩. للّهِ أُمٌّ غَلّستْ بفتىً
حتّى شَككنا أنّه الفجرُ

20. Before his birth, the noblest of mankind
Were promised by his essence and pure zone.

٢٠. قامَتْ تمطّى عنه عالمةً
أنّ الذي جاءتْ به الفخرُ

21. He came, as comes the friend, free from defect,
Not patched, nor needing tools to fashion one.

٢١. وَتَشاهَدَتْ مِن قبلِ مَولدهِ
بذكائهِ الأعراق والنّجرُ

22. His attributes rose challengingly above him,
Pride subject to no other pride but His.

٢٢. فَأَتى كَما شاءَ الصديق لَه
لا مَرْقَعٌ فيه ولا جَبْرُ

23. You see Him on a day of battle, when
The pool's hot-bubbling, and the fear stark-drawn,

٢٣. وَتَخالُ كِبْراً في شَمائلهِ
مِن عزّةٍ ولغيره الكِبرُ

24. Plunging to tear the souls, as stoops the kite,
Swooping wherever chance may bring it on.

٢٤. وَتراهُ في يومِ الهياجِ إذا
وَضَحَ الحِمامُ وصرّح الذُّعرُ

25. In every field His hands make white blood red,
And brown cheeks blanch wherever He has gone.

٢٥. يَهوي إلى قنصِ النّفوس كما
يهوي إلى فُرصاته الصَّقْرُ

26. Why should I now take long in time's despite,
When good and evil both are equal there?

٢٦. وَبِكفّه في كلِّ معركةٍ
تَرد الدّماء البِيضُ والسُّمرُ

27. The base uninjured lead a life of ease,
While un427 is galled by grief and care.

٢٧. كَم ذا أُطيلُ القولَ في زمنٍ
سِيّانِ فيه الخيرُ والشّرُّ

28. A folk to whom but poverty is dearth,
Though stores and plenty flame before them clear.

٢٨. أَشراره في نجوةٍ أبداً
مِن شرّه والمُبتَلَى الحُرُّ

29. The rich they count a poor and luckless wight,
Who lacks the teeming gold and groaning gear.

٢٩. قَومٌ يرَون الفقر بينهُمُ
أن تُعدمَ الأموالُ والوَفْرُ

30. Honor among them is a word concealing
A gulf 'twixt generosity and fear.

٣٠. ويعدُّ غيرُهُم فقيرَهمُ
مَن لا جميلَ له ولا ذِكرُ

31. Can any win, when barriers like this rise
Twixt the longed goal and hands that grasp in dream?

٣١. وكأنّما المعروف بينهمُ
من حشمةٍ منه هو النُّكْرُ

32. All honor they have cast behind their backs,
And what they do for honor's sake, is bare.

٣٢. كَيفَ الفلاحُ وبيننا خَلَفٌ
لا نائِلٌ منهمْ ولا بِشْرُ

33. Seek out their nobles, you will find them those
Of no avail, a benefit, or care.

٣٣. نبذوا الجميلَ وراء أظهرهمْ
فرباعهمْ من فعله قَفْرُ

34. Daily of them a number passing by,
Could make a thousand of their like seem rare.

٣٤. وإذا عددتَ خيارهمْ فهمُ
مَن لا اِنتِفاعَ بِهمْ ولا ضَرُّ

35. Many, whose acts have plucked their sleeves to rags,
Come to you artificial, unaware.

٣٥. في كلِّ يومٍ منهمُ تِرَةٌ
لو كان في أمثالهمْ وِتْرُ

٣٦. وَلَربّ فعلٍ دقّ صاحبُهُ
حتّى أتاك وجُرمُه هَدْرُ