
Oh tears, flow from my eyes if you are about to flow,

ألا غاد دمع العين إن كنت غاديا

1. Oh tears, flow from my eyes if you are about to flow,
For today after you left I will not blame the day for weeping,

١. ألا غادِ دمعَ العينِ إنْ كنتَ غاديا
فلستُ ألومُ اليومَ بعدك باكيا

2. And if I did not fear abundant tears
That would sleep in me, I would have concealed you not at all,

٢. ولو كنتُ لا أخشى دموعاً غزيرةً
تنُمُّ على ما بي كتَمْتُك ما بِيا

3. And my tongue speaks my innermost thoughts
So it did not protect me that I held my tongue,

٣. وغيرُ لساني ناطقٌ بسريرتي
فلم يُنجِني أنّي ملكتُ لسانِيا

4. Help me in my lament with redoubled lament,
And bring not my heart near to being empty of sorrow,

٤. أَعِنِّي على شَجْوي بشجوٍ مضاعفٍ
ولا تدنِني قلباً من الحزنِ خاليا

5. And ask me not about whom I was harmed though you wish
To redouble my harm, you would not have asked,

٥. ولا تُسْلِنِي عمّنْ رُزِئْتُ وإنْ تُرِدْ
مساعفتي في الرُّزءِ لم تك ساليا

6. When my companion has become in the morning after we met
What is in me, we complained of our suffering,

٦. إذا صاحبي أضحى وبي مثلُ ما به
غداةَ تلاقينا أطَلْنا التَّشاكِيا

7. The unharmed blames though he is free of harm,
And what happened to him did not trouble me,

٧. يَلومُ المُعافى وهو خِلوٌ من الأذى
ولم يَعْنِهِ من أمره ما عنانِيا

8. And if what is in me were love for an unseen beloved
I would have obeyed the censurers,

٨. وَلو كان ما بي من هوىً لمُحَجَّبٍ
أقام على هجري أطَعْتُ اللّواحيا

9. And a concern stripped me of a brother whom
The turns of the nights blew away--would that it had not stripped me!

٩. وَهمٌّ عراني من أخٍ عَصَفَتْ به
صُروفُ اللّيالي ليتَه ما عَرانيا

10. So it brought near me all that was far away
And distanced me from all that was near,

١٠. فقرّبَ منّي كلَّ ما كان شاحطاً
وَبَعّد منّي كلَّ ما كان دانيا

11. And I said to the one who conveyed his death to me
Against my will, I will not cry for you,

١١. وَقُلتُ لِمَنْ أَلقى إِليَّ نعيَّهُ
على الكُرْهِ منّي لا أبا لك ناعيا

12. You cried out to my heart about the loss of Muhammad
So you made my days for me nights,

١٢. هَتَفْتَ إلى قلبي بفقد محمّدٍ
فغادَرْتَ أيّامي عليَّ ليالِيا

13. And when we wept for him and our greed for him was laid bare
I became weary of weeping,

١٣. ولمّا تباكينا عليه وعُرِّيَتْ
طَماعتُنا منه شَأَوْتُ البَواكيا

14. So say to people who enabled themselves by what they rode on him
There as the robes of honor,

١٤. فقلْ لأُناسٍ أمكنوا من أديمهمْ
بما ركبوا منه هناكَ العَواريا

15. Take it as transgression dictated to you
And drag it until death in the burial grounds,

١٥. خذوها كما شاء العقوقُ عَضيهةً
وجرّوا بها حتّى المماتِ المخازيا

16. And do not quibble before you about excuses,
For words will not conceal what was evident,

١٦. ولا تَرْحَضوها بالمعاذير عنكُمُ
فَلَن تُخفِيَ الأقوالُ ما كان باديا

17. I blame you openly to the eyes though you
Count a vein among the generous as hidden,

١٧. ألُؤْماً مبيناً للعوين وأنتُمُ
تعدّون عِرْقاً في الأكارم خافياً

18. For if you were from him as was said about you
You would have curbed the swords from him,

١٨. فلو كنتُمُ منهُ كما قيل فيكمُ
لَكَفْكَفْتُمُ عنه سيوفاً نَوابيا

19. You walked against him with the doves of your turbans
So how when you did not walk the high roads?

١٩. خطَوْتُمْ إليه بالحِمامِ ذِمامَكمْ
فأَنَّى ولم تخطوا إليه العواليا

20. Is it true that you transgressed upon him when he had not
Transgressed upon the likes of you what the people transgressed of old?

٢٠. أفي الحقِّ أَن تَعدوا عليه ولم يكنْ
على مثلكمْ ما غَدَرَ النّاسُ عاديا

21. So what benefitted you when you attained a portion from him
And what harmed him when he fell into the dust fallen?

٢١. فَما نَفعُكم إنْ نِلتُمُ منه غِيلَةً
وما ضرَّه أنْ زَلَّ في التُّرْبِ هاويا

22. For you conceal about him a betrayal--so restrain it
You flip the aged guileful ones of the past,

٢٢. فَتكتُم به غَدْراً فألّا وكفُّهُ
تُقَلِّبُ مَسنونَ الغِرارَيْنِ ماضيا

23. At one point like the lofty plateau and at another
You see it as the smooth plain,

٢٣. على قارحٍ مثلِ العَلاةِ وتارةً
تراه كسرْحانِ البسيطةِ عادِيا

24. You possessed from him a favor which if you rose
To gain it you would have attained wishes,

٢٤. ملكتمْ عليه مِنَّةً لو نهضتُمُ
إلى كَسْبِها نِلتُمْ بذاك الأمانِيا

25. But you wasted it wickedly
So you were like the pouring of harm,

٢٥. ولكنّكم ضيّعتموه شَقاوةً
فكنتُمْ كمُهرِيقِ الإداوةِ صادِيا

26. And comfort my anguish that killing gave him rest
And he did not endure the evil hands,

٢٦. وهوّن وَجْدي أَنّ قتلاً أراحَهُ
ولم يتحمّلْ للِّئامِ الأياديا

27. Oh would that I on that day witnessed him
And defended him from the enemies with my hands,

٢٧. فيا لَيتَ أنّي يوم ذاك شَهِدتُهُ
فدافعتُ عنه باليدين الأعاديا

28. And I quenched my rage and the coats of mail
From the traitors with my grinders and my fangs,

٢٨. وروّيتُ من ماء التّرائبِ والطُّلى
من الغادِرين صَعْدَتي وسِنانِيا

29. O sons of Muzaynah, do not kill your brother
From the people--the vile water-skin lickers,

٢٩. بَني مَزْيَدٍ لا تقتلوا بأخيكُمُ
من القومِ خَوّارَ الأنابيبِ خاويا

30. And if you seek vengeance, then vengeance is with the whole tribe
And that is no cure for the meanness,

٣٠. وَإِنْ تثأَروا فالثّأْرُ بالحيِّ كلِّهِ
وما ذاك من داءِ الرّزيّةِ شافيا

31. Nay, demolish those tents upon the meadow
And silence the neighboring settlements,

٣١. ألا قوّضوا تلك الخيامَ على الرُّبا
وكُبّوا جِفاناً للقِرى ومَقارِيا

32. And cut off the necks of horses around his tomb
For I am not pleased that you cut off the tails,

٣٢. وجُزّوا رقابَ الخيلِ حولَ قبابهِ
فلستُ براضٍ أنْ تجزّوا النّواصيا

33. And urge on the wailing of the mourning women and show them
From you help and chaste ones,

٣٣. وحُثّوا عويلَ النّادباتِ وأبرزوا
إليهنّ عُوناً منكمُ وعَذارِيا

34. And do not silence after him those songs
For those songs were made lonely by those songs

٣٤. ولا تسكنوا تلك المغانِيَ بعده
فقد أوحَشَتْ تلك المغاني مَغانِيا

35. And were it not for Him who made the family of ‘Ali to remain for us after him
By the abode of ‘Ali we would have lost the high objectives,

٣٥. وَلَولا الّذي أَبقى لنا اللَّهُ بعده
بمَثْوى عليٍّ لاِفتَقدنا المعاليا

36. A star set and the moon rose on the horizon
So it did not harm a visitor or mislead a traveller,

٣٦. هَوى كوكبٌ وَالبدرُ في الأفقِ طالعٌ
فما ضرّ مُرتاداً ولا ضلَّ ساريا

37. When they pierce, they split the kidneys in their throats
And when they strike, they extend the coats of mail and the plates,

٣٧. إذا طعنوا لَزّوا الكُلى في نحورها
وإنْ ضربوا قدّوا الطُلى والتَّراقِيا

38. With an estate to the shaded pasture in the wilderness
For the shepherd of the pasture aroused a fierce lion,

٣٨. بِداراً إلى السَّرحِ المُفيء بقفرةٍ
فَقد هاج راعي السَّرْحِ أُسْداً ضواريا

39. And do not seek out the crime of the group among them
For each man in the tribe has become in the morning a criminal,

٣٩. ولا تَتَعمَّد جانِيَ القومِ منهمُ
فكلُّ اِمرئٍ في الحيِّ أصبح جانيا

40. May God water a grave that lodged in the west of Wasit
And it does not cease from the downpour of the two clouds,

٤٠. سقَى اللَّهُ قبراً حلّ غربيَّ واسطٍ
ولا زال من نَوْءِ السَّماكَيْن حاليا

41. And the pride of the clouds does not stop perfuming it
Spreading vegetation around it and wild rue,

٤١. ولا بَرحت غُرُّ السّحائبِ تُرْبَهُ
تُنشِّرُ حَوْذاناً به وأقاحيا

42. Take comfort, son of Hamad, for disasters are complete:
They strike an enemy or strike sympathizers.

٤٢. تَعزَّ اِبنَ حَمْدٍ فالمصائبُ جَمّةٌ
يُصِبْنَ عدوّاً أوْ يُصِبْنَ مصافيا

43. Do we live for anything but fortunes
To pay debts or return nakedness?

٤٣. وَهَلْ نَحن في الأيّامِ إلّا معاشرٌ
نُقضّي ديوناً أوْ نردّ عواريا

44. So lift your eyes in the land, for you are seeing
Graves overturned or abandoned houses,

٤٤. أجِلْ في الورى طَرْفاً فإنّك مبصرٌ
قبوراً مُثولاً أوْ دياراً خواليا

45. And the disease of devastation in people its cure eludes,
So do not doubt a disease or prescribe cures,

٤٥. وداءُ الرّدى في النّاسِ أعيا دواءُهُ
فلا تشكُ داءً أوْ تصيبَ مُداويا

46. If you wish to attain the full purpose of life
Then be content with what God ordains,

٤٦. إِذا شئتَ أنْ تَلْقى مُنى العيش كلِّه
فَكُنْ بالّذي يَقضي به اللّهُ راضِيا

47. But how can I console you when in truth
My calamity in it, O son of Hamad, is my calamity,

٤٧. وكيف أُعاطيك العَزاءَ وإنّما
مُصابُك فيه يا اِبنَ حَمْدٍ مصابيا

48. And I do not care who of my friends has passed away
If you were spared to me, so I survived your loss,

٤٨. وَلَست أُبالِي مَن مَضى من أصادِقِي
إذا كنتَ لِي وُقِّيتُ فَقْدَك باقيا