
We are but for perishing

ما نحن إلا للفناء

1. We are but for perishing
Though we aspire for eternality

١. ما نَحنُ إِلّا لِلفَناءِ
وَإِن طَمِعنا في البقاء

2. We are given and deprived by Him
Who granted us enjoyment of bestowal

٢. نُعطى وَيسلبُنا الّذي
أَعطى التمتّعَ بالعطاء

3. And death is a malady that has
No remedy with physicians

٣. وَالموتُ داءٌ ما لَهُ
عِندَ المُداوي مِن دواء

4. And people among us are all
Between despair or hope

٤. وَالناسُ فينا كلُّهم
ما بينَ يَأسٍ أو رجاء

5. Where are those who were given to drink
By days the cups of comfort

٥. أَينَ الّذين سَقَتْهُمُ ال
أَيّامُ كاساتِ الرّخاء

6. And possessed the meadows of the world
And towered over the peaks of loftiness

٦. وَتَملّكُوا رِبَقَ الورى
وعَلَوْا على قممَ العَلاء

7. And you see by the threshold of their homes
Prostrated the zeal and glory

٧. وَتَرى بعقْوةِ دارِهم
مَجثى الحميَّةِ والإباء

8. And those drawing upon the bowstrings
Of sovereignty the bows of elevation

٨. وَالساحِبونَ على قِنا
نِ المُلكِ هُدَّابَ المُلاء

9. And those satiated with blessings
As they wished and wealth

٩. وَالمُرتَوونَ مِنَ النَّعيمِ
كما تَمَنَّوْا والثّراء

10. And those marching with around them
The lion of evil under the banner

١٠. وَالسائرونُ وَحَولهم
أُسدُ الشّرى تحت اللواء

11. And those assaulting adversity
And the day passes by in blood

١١. وَالهاجِمونَ عَلى الرّدى
وَاليومُ يجرى بالدّماء

12. They were not content with being hauled
To it for the meeting

١٢. لَم يَقنَعوا في مَغْرَمٍ
سيقوا إِلَيهِ باللّقاء

13. Of every hand filled with capability
And forehead filled with bashfulness

١٣. مِن كُلِّ مَملوءِ الأسر
رَةِ والجبين من الحَياء

14. His hands flow with whatever
The hopeful wishes of generosity

١٤. تجري يداهُ بِكُلِّ ما
يَهوى المؤمّلُ من سخاء

15. And you see him like an eagle
Who glanced at prey from loftiness

١٥. وَتراهُ كَالصَّقرِ الَّذِي
لَمحَ القنيصةَ مِن علاء

16. He never went astray though they
Betrayed him, the ways of loyalty

١٦. ما ضَلَّ قطُّ وإنْ هُمُ
غَدَروا بِهِ طُرقَ الوفاء

17. And cast him into the darkness of misfortune
In the morn or eve

١٧. وَرُموا إِلى ظُلَمِ الصَّفا
ئحِ في صباحٍ أو مساء

18. They entered but into that
Which they do not accept of seclusion

١٨. دَخَلوا وَلَكِنْ في الّذي
لا يَرتَضونَ مِنَ الخلاء

19. And when you call them they are
Deaf of hearing from prayer

١٩. وَمَتى دَعَوتهُمُ فهمْ
صُمُّ المَسامعِ مِن دُعاء

20. And they sought deliverance when
The ways of deliverance were blocked before them

٢٠. وبَغَوْا نجاءً حين سُد
دَتْ دونهم طُرُقُ النَّجاء

21. And turned away as the zealot turns
From luxury and misery

٢١. وَنأَوْا كما اِقتَرحَ الحِما
مُ عن التنعّمِ والشّقاء

22. And you see them in the straits
Of regions from that expanse

٢٢. وَتَراهُمُ في ضَيّقِ ال
أَقطارِ من ذاك الفضاء

23. And they scattered by the hand of oblivion
Behind the waves like dust

٢٣. وَتَطايَروا بِيَد البِلى
خَلفَ الجَنادِل كالهباء

24. And hot winds are with them when
They were robbed of feelings like winter

٢٤. وَالقيظُ عِندهُمُ وَقَد
سُلبوا المِشاعرَ كالشّتاء

25. There is not in misery what is in it
Of contention and dispute

٢٥. ما في الرّدى ما في سوا
هُ مِنَ التّنازع والمِراء

26. And if you look to the zealot
Then there is no cover for your eye

٢٦. وَإِذا نَظرت إلى الحِما
مِ فَما لِعَينك مِن غطاء

27. Leave wondering over motes
And take wondering over clarity

٢٧. خَلِّ التعجُّبَ مِن قَذىً
وَخُذِ التعجُّبَ من صَفاء

28. O temporality! What is between luxury
That pleases you and bereavement

٢٨. يا قُربَ ما بَينَ الهنا
ءِ بِما يَسرّك وَالعزاء

29. Lower over yourself and stop following
What passed by the hand of destiny

٢٩. خَفِّض عَلَيكَ وَدَع تتب
بُعَ ما مضى بيد القضاء

30. And if you remain then say to us
Can a dead live by weeping

٣٠. وَإِذا بَقيتَ فَقُل لنا
أَيَعيشُ مَيْتٌ بالبكاء

31. And fear is doubtful superstition
It is only for women

٣١. وَالخَوفُ صِرْفٌ رِيبَ غي
رُكَ إنّما هو للنساء

32. And your brother was destroyed by Him
Who was the way to brotherhood

٣٢. وَأَخوكَ أَفناهُ الّذي
كانَ السبيلَ إلى الإخاء

33. Did you know who scorned you before
And who turned away from loving you

٣٣. أَعْراكَ مَنْ قِدْماً كَسا
وحباكَ مُرتجعُ الحِباء

34. Perishing in calamity is not
Loyalty with intimacy

٣٤. لَيسَ التهالكُ في المُصي
بَةِ بِالحميمِ من الوفاء

35. And other than perseverance in calamity
If it comes to you from tribulation

٣٥. وَسِوى التجلّدِ في الشدي
دَةِ إِنْ أَتَتك من العناء

36. And from trials emerged a progeny
You reap that your fathers sowed

٣٦. وَعَلى التجاربِ بانَ نب
عٌ تجتنيه مِنْ أَباء

37. And if you remain then do not blame
Who singled out others for perishing

٣٧. وَإِذا بَقيتَ فَلا تَلُمْ
مَن خَصّ غَيركَ بِالفناء

38. And quenched your brother from the earth
The pouring of irrigating

٣٨. وَسَقى الّذي وَارَى أَخا
كَ مِنَ الثّرى سَحُّ الرِّواء

39. The clamor of chanting is your state
Filled vessel of lament

٣٩. صَخْبُ الترنّمِ حالِكُ ال
قطرينِ مَملوءُ الوعاء

40. And a mercy poured forth
Is better for him than a torrent of water

٤٠. وَلَرَحْمَةٌ مصبوبةٌ
خيرٌ له من فيضِ ماء