1. O gentle breeze that blows from the land of Babylon
Carry my greetings to the people of the tents
١. أَلا يا نَسيمَ الرّيحِ مِن أَرض بابلٍ
تحمّل إِلى أَهل الخيامِ سلامي
2. And say to the beloved, in whom is some of your breeze
Isn't it time your words returned to me?
٢. وَقُل لِحَبيبٍ فيك بعضُ نَسيمِهِ
أَما آنَ أَن تَسطيع رَجعَ كلامي
3. I was content, had I not known the passion in you
I would not have been pleased with just messages from you
٣. رَضيتُ وَلولا ما عَلِمتُم مِنَ الجَوى
لَما كنتُ أَرضى مِنكُمُ بلِمامِ
4. How can I have patience with one whose love
Has flowed through my bones, which are not bones
٤. وَكيفَ أُطيقُ الصبرَ عمّن غَرامهُ
جَرى في عظامي وهيَ غيرُ عِظامِ
5. Indeed, I wish I were in your land
Even though it has brought me only sickness
٥. وَإنّي لأَهوى أَن أَكونَ بِأَرضِكُم
عَلى أنّني مِنها اِستَفدت سَقامي
6. You want me to be content, yet I was not
For you are not in the house of my dwelling
٦. تُريدونَ أَن أَرضى وَما كنتُ راضِياً
بِأنّكمُ في غَيرِ دارِ مقامِ
7. I was like a well-strung necklace among you
Yet here I am, a thread without order
٧. وَقد كُنتُ كالعقدِ المنظّم فيكُمُ
فَها أَنا ذا سِلكٌ بِغيرِ نظامِ
8. So there is no lightning except the one that splits you from me
Nor clouds except the whiteness of my sorrows
٨. فَلا برقَ إلّا خلّبٌ بَعد بَينِكم
وَلا عارِضٌ إلّا بياضُ جهامِ