
When you asked me, I gave you the answer

إذا ساءلتني فخذ الجوابا

1. When you asked me, I gave you the answer
Yet how many doors did speech open for me

١. إِذا ساءَلْتَنِي فَخُذِ الجَوابا
فَكَم فَتَحَ الكَلامُ عَليَّ بابا

2. You blamed me, and I had done no wrong against you
So I bear your reproach though I am not to blame

٢. عَتبتَ وَما اِجتَرمتُ إِلَيكَ جُرماً
فَأَحمِلُ فيهِ منكَ لِيَ العتابا

3. I never refused you, though fate at your side
Made me seem to you wayward and unstable

٣. وَما كُنتُ اِستَرَبْتُ وَإِنْ أَرَتني
صُروفَ الدّهرِ عِندَكَ ما أَرابا

4. I was hurt that you, who were my friend
Condemned me for my crime, or denied me what is right

٤. فُجِعت وَقَد تَخِذتكَ لي خليلاً
بِجرمي أَو حُرمت بِكَ الصّوابا

5. If I had cut myself off from you, I'd not have been rebuked
Or lashed myself to you though you spurned me

٥. وَلَو أَنّي قَطَعتكَ لَم أُعنَّفْ
وَلم أقرع لِقربي منكَ نابا

6. And when one day I thirsted for you
I returned, but found only a mirage

٦. وَلَمّا أَن ظَمِئت إِلَيك يوماً
وَردتُ ولَم أَرِدْ إِلّا سَرابا

7. If you are aloof, I desire no nearness
If you depart, I hope for no return

٧. فَإِنْ تَشحَط فَما أَهوى اِقتِراباً
وَإِن تَرحل فَما أَرجو إِيابا

8. You have from me no messenger to observe me
You have from me no letter to read

٨. وَلَستَ بِمُبصرٍ منّي رسولاً
وَلَستَ بِقارِئٍ عَنّي كِتابا

9. Oh shame on the faces of people
Who in their requests bow down their necks

٩. أَلا قَبحَ الإِلهُ وُجوهَ قومٍ
أَذلّوا في طِلابهمُ الرّقابا

10. They poured modesty from their faces
And took in exchange only dust

١٠. أَراقوا مِن وجوهِهم حياءً
وَما أَخذوا بهِ إِلّا تُرابا

11. Though they raise lofty buildings, they are
Deep in the pit of infamy

١١. وَهُمْ مِن لُؤمِهم في قَعرِ وهدٍ
وَإِن رفعوا بدورِهم القِبابا

12. He who lacks all good
Gains nothing from wearing clothes

١٢. وَمَن يَكُ عارِياً مِن كُلِّ خَيرٍ
فَما يُغنيهِ أَن لَبِسَ الثيابا