1. If you wish to live
Honored in this world,
١. إنْ كنتَ ترغبُ في الثّوا
ءِ بهذه الدّنيا عزيزا
2. Beware the greed of desires,
Lest you pursue them or possess them.
٢. فَاِحذرْ مُنى الأطماعِ أنْ
تُعنى بها أو أنْ تحوزا
3. Do not heed their tumult and noise,
For they clang and buzz.
٣. لا تُرعِها سمعاً فإن
ن لها القعاقعِ والأَزيزا
4. How many secure men
Became tempted by them and lost their refuge!
٤. كم آمنٍ أضحى المطا
حَ بها وقد أمسى الحريزا
5. The gathering of riches
Did not avail him when days assaulted.
٥. لم يَفدِهِ من صَوْلَةِ ال
أيّام أنْ جمعَ الكنوزا
6. He had bounty, but fled,
So he returned to it unwilling.
٦. كانتْ له نِعَمٌ فَرَرْ
ن فعاد قاطنُها نَشوزا
7. How much do we acquire,
When we've seen an owner leave his possessions?
٧. كَم ذا نَحوزُ وَقَد رَأَي
نا حائزاً ترك المحوزا
8. He was powerful, then
After his power, helpless.
٨. وَغَدا قَديراً ثمّ أَم
سى بَعدَ قُدرتهِ عَجيزا
9. Where are those who
Inhabited the lofty, fortified abode?
٩. أين الذين على التِّلا
عِ تبوّأوا الوطنَ الحجيزا
10. They dragged armies behind them
And dragged along the reluctant.
١٠. سحبوا وراءهمُ الجيو
شَ وطالما سحبوا الخُزوزا
11. If you visit them, you visit ruins
Emerging at daybreak.
١١. إنْ زُرْتَهم زرت الأهل
لَةَ في مَطالِعِها بُروزا
12. They spoke what exhausted men,
And their words became mumbling.
١٢. نطقوا بما أعيا الرّجا
ل وعاد ناطقُهُمْ ضَموزا