
If only we did not know these people, in whom

ليت أنا لا نعرف القوم فيهم

1. If only we did not know these people, in whom
There is estrangement from our affection and deception,

١. لَيت أنّا لا نعرف القومَ فيهمْ
حَيَدٌ عن ودادنا واِزوِرارُ

2. And how wretched is the friend who blows like a gentle breeze
With words, while in his heart there is a burning flame,

٢. وَلَبِئس الصّديقُ هبّ نسيماً
بمقالٍ وبالحُشاشةِ نارُ

3. And when I called him to rise with effort,
His promise to me was soon broken,

٣. وإذا سمتُهُ نهوضاً بثِقْلٍ
خاننِي منه عودُهُ الخَوّارُ

4. So the friendship of some people is dust
That is stirred up between them,

٤. فعفاءٌ على وداد أُناسٍ
هو ما بينهمْ غبارٌ مُثارُ

5. Indeed, there were people who were generous with us
But their homes became desolate to us,

٥. إنَّ قوماً كانوا الكرامَ لدينا
أوحشتْ منهمُ علينا الدّيارُ

6. No shame or fault dwelled among them
Or twisted into them like a twisted horn,

٦. لم يَبِتْ بينهمْ قبيحٌ ولا عر
رَجَ فيهم فيما يُعرّجُ عارُ

7. They are lions, and on a day of heated war
They spend generously, oceans of generosity,

٧. هم ليوثٌ إذا اِستحرَّت وَفي يو
مِ عطاءٍ هُمُ عطاءً بحارُ

8. They left us and settled in a place
Abandoned by caravans, so it is not visited,

٨. خلّفونا وعرّسوا في محلٍّ
هَجَرتْهُ الخُطا فليس يُزارُ

9. They have no companion but the knowledge of time
And what time has portioned to them like fixed shares,

٩. ما لهمْ مؤنِسٌ سوى عَرفجِ الدو
وِ سقاهمِ كما سقاه القُطارُ

10. You see them strewn in the wasteland like statues
They parted from us for a little while, then left

١٠. فتراهمْ في القاع صرعى كَرَكْبٍ
هجّروا عندنا قليلاً وساروا