
O heart, tell me where did love find you

يا قلب قل لي أين صادفك الهوى

1. O heart, tell me where did love find you
Or how did the gentle gazelle entice you

١. يا قَلبُ قُل لي أينَ صادَفك الهَوى
أَم كَيفَ عَنّ لكَ الغزالُ السّانِحُ

2. How did the wine of youth inebriate you to love
While you were a sprout and it was the planter

٢. كيفَ اِطّباكَ إِلى الهوى غَمْرٌ بِهِ
سُكرُ الصِّبا جَذَعاً وأنتَ القارحُ

3. Indeed, those whom you were attached to
Departed, and how much did the resident wind scatter

٣. إِنَّ الّذين عَلى مِنىً عُلِّقْتَهُمْ
راحوا وَكَم أَردَى المقيم الرّائحُ

4. It did not harm them to shed the sarongs, but rather
Their affections for us were tender and pliant

٤. ما ضرّهمْ طَرَحوا الحدوجَ وإنّما
أحداجُهمْ مُهَجٌ لنا وجوانِحُ

5. And they took care to slaughter the sacrifice, but rather
Their glances for us there were the slaughterers

٥. وتكلّفوا ذَبْحَ الهَدِيِّ وإنّما
ألْحاظُهُنّ لنا هناكَ ذوابحُ