
Alas, my people, beware the strokes of fate,

وللغصن يرمى كل يوم بشاذب

1. Alas, my people, beware the strokes of fate,
And the branch battered daily by the lopper.

١. أَلا يا لَقومِي لاِعتِنانِ النّوائبِ
وَللغُصنِ يُرمى كلَّ يومٍ بشاذِبٍ

2. People are either glorious till their day is done,
Or long enduring of disasters heaped upon them.

٢. وَللنّاسُ إمّا ظاعنٌ حانَ يومُهُ
وَإمّا مقيمٌ لاِجتراعِ المصائبِ

3. And death's deception - if we shun its edge
Comes round as though we hadn't shunned each side.

٣. وَزَوْرُ المَنايا إِنْ حَميناه جانباً
أَتانا كَأَنْ لَمْ يُحْمَ مِن كلِّ جانبِ

4. It loads on us blow after redoubled blow,
Steps toward us through each door and crevice.

٤. يُعطُّ عَلينا كلَّ سَرْدٍ مضاعفٍ
ويخطو إلينا كلَّ بابٍ وحاجِبِ

5. So many flee, hoping to evade its havoc,
Though fed by it - no refuge for the fleer!

٥. وكم هاربٍ مِنْ أنْ يلاقِيَهُ الرّدى
مُغذٍّ ولكنْ لا نجاءَ لهاربِ

6. We are but fodder for time's treadmill treading,
Our eyes filled up with freaks and prodigies.

٦. نُقِلُّ اِعتِباراً في الزّمانِ تغابياً
وَأَبصارُنا مَملوءَةٌ بالعجائبِ

7. We flock to life's parade and drink it in,
Though marvels of the strange repel us from it.

٧. وَنَصبو إِلى وِرْدِ الحياةِ وصرفُها
يذودُ بنا عنها ذِيادَ الغرائبِ

8. We've drained the cup of this world's changeful days,
Though sometimes loosed by hands of players.

٨. بُلينا منَ الدّنيا بِخلْفٍ مُجَدَّدٍ
وَإِن درَّ أَحياناً بِأَيدِي الحوالبِ

9. And rhythmically the death we're dealt still gives us
The asps' venom or the scorpions' stings to taste.

٩. وَنَظْما إلى ما لا يَزالُ يُذيقُنا
لُعابَ الأَفاعِي أَو شِيالَ العَقاربِ

10. My friend whose death took off its mourning for me -
Not like the writs of plaint or censure-bearing.

١٠. وَخِلٍّ تَولّى المَوتُ عنّي بِشَخصِهِ
توَلِّيَ مُمتدِّ النّوى غيرِ آيبِ

11. It shrouded him in death's most ample robe, and stilled
The songs of praise, repute's proud trumpeting.

١١. كَأنِّيَ لمّا صكَّ سَمعي نَعِيُّهُ
صُكِكْتُ بمسنونِ الغِرارين قَاضبِ

12. My friends, mourn one whose nearness gave me joy
A time, from hearing suffering's threnodies.

١٢. وَفارقني مِن غيرِ شَيءٍ أرابَه
وَصدُّ المقاصِي غيرُ صدِّ المعاتِبِ

13. For my desire of him - true, guileless -
Of pure complexion, free from blames degrading.

١٣. طَواهُ الرّدى طيَّ الرِّداءِ وعُطِّلتْ
مَغانِي الحِجى منهُ وغُرُّ المناقبِ

14. My cousin in true love, my nearest kin,
My closest chum, if e'er my chum proved faithless.

١٤. خَليليَّ قوما فَاِندُبا مَنْ بِقُربِه
لَهَوْتُ زَماناً عن سَماعِ النوادِبِ

15. He whom I never grudged sincere respect,
Nor faulted for perverse and crooked thinking.

١٥. وَيا لَهْفَتِي منهُ عَلى ذِي مَودّةٍ
بَريءِ الأَديمِ مِن قروفِ المَعايبِ

16. A flavor, as if immortality were sweet
To one who tastes it, as if wine flowed clear for drinker.

١٦. نَسيبِيَ بِالوُدِّ الصحيحِ وأَقْربي
وَصاحِبيَ الأدْنى إِذا اِزوَرَّ صاحِبي

17. And when I tried true friends and their affection,
I singled him out from life's tangled trials;

١٧. وَمَنْ كُنتُ لا أُفضِي لَه بِخليقةٍ
وَلا أَشتكِي منهُ اِعوِجاجَ المذاهبِ

18. So fastened I my heart to him, filled with longing,
Shut in my hands on him, grasped in my fingers.

١٨. مَذاقٌ كَما يَحلو الشّهادُ لِذائقٍ
وَصَفوٌ كَما يَصفو الشّرابُ لشاربِ

19. For him we split the sod, as though we'd pierced
A lore of tenderness from it, with yearning.

١٩. وَلَمّا بَلَوْتُ الأَصدقاءَ ووُدَّهُم
خلصْتُ إِليهِ مِن خِلال التّجارِبِ

20. And from the sides of his grave gently sifted
A soil on which the sweet rain poured its freshness.

٢٠. فَأَعْلَقتُ قلبي منهُ مِلْء جَوانِحي
وَأَغلقتُ كفِّي منه مِلْءَ رواجِبي

21. Alas! Left to sadness without him,
Indeed for loss of you I'm ever sad.

٢١. شَقَقنا لهُ في التُّربِ بيتاً كَأنّما
شَقَقناهُ مِنْ وَجْدٍ بِه في التَرائبِ

22. You died, but in destruction, not in loss
You died; yet lost to me - my hopes, desires!

٢٢. وَهِلْنا عليهِ مِن جَوانبِ قبرِهِ
ثَرىً طابَ لمّا مسَّ طِيبَ الضّرائِبِ

23. So I'm a lone and single man, but for
A visitor who brings me pensive thoughts.

٢٣. أَيا ذاهِباً بُقّيتُ لِلحزنِ بعدَهُ
أَلا إِنَّني حزناً عَليك كَذاهبِ

24. And had it not been Time that you subdued,
We would have struck at it with swords and lances.

٢٤. تُوُفّيتَ دونِي غَيرَ أَنَّكَ هالكاً
توفّيتَ آمالِي وعُلْتَ مطالبِي

25. And men, true men of Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib
Would have repelled your wrong, till wrong retreated.

٢٥. فَأَصبحتُ فَرْدَ الشّخص لولا تلهّفٌ
يَزور بِسارٍ مِن همومٍ وسارِبِ

26. When called, they take to ghoul-infested battle
On steeds trained late and early for the noblest war,

٢٦. وَلَوْ أنّ غير الدّهر رابكَ بالرّدى
عَجِلنا إِليهِ بالقنا والقواضبِ

27. Daring, rapacious horsemen, preying on
The necks of death or backs of boasters.

٢٧. وَدافَعَ عنكَ الضّيمَ حتّى يزيغه
رِجالٌ رجالٌ مِن لويّ بن غالبِ

28. And how oft for each formidable task
Their bared arms rally, or their ranks engage!

٢٨. إِذا ما دُعوا طاروا إِلى حَومَةِ الوغى
عَلى كلِّ مَعروقِ الجناجِنِ شازِبِ

29. May God water - for you it covers - the grave
That you have filled, now sated with pouring rain,

٢٩. جَريئونَ رَكّابون إِمّا تنمّروا
رقابَ المنايا أو ظهورَ المعاطِبِ

30. Its thunder shakes the atmosphere with crashes,
Its lightning kindles flame and gleam above it.

٣٠. وَكَم لهُمُ في باب كلّ عظيمةٍ
قراعُ أَكفٍّ أَو زِحامُ مناكبِ

31. Though from it the north wind tears away its coolness
On hasty wings constructed by the south wind;

٣١. سقَى اللَّه قَبراً كنتَ حشوَ ضريحهِ
غزيرَ الحوايا مستهلّ الهيادِبِ

32. Why should I pray the clouds to rain upon it
When I have wept for it in flood, torrents?

٣٢. تَقَعقَعُ في جوّ السّماءِ رعودُه
ويوقِد فيه البرقُ نارَ الحُباحبِ