
A sin whose guilt exceeds the bounds of pardon,

رب ذنب يضيق عن مسرح العذ

1. A sin whose guilt exceeds the bounds of pardon,
And a companion whose crimes merit no forgiveness;

١. ربّ ذنبٍ يضيق عن مَسرَحِ العُذ
ر وجانٍ لا صفحَ عن إجرامِهْ

2. Long has reproach struck me dumb, so I understand not its blame;
And confused suspicions make me wary of all,

٢. وحقيقٍ باللّومِ أخرَسَنِي الدَّه
رَ زماناً فلم أفُهْ بملامِهْ

3. Both behind and before;
I know not his affection in his turning from me,

٣. وشتيتِ الظُّنونِ يحذر كلَّ ال
حِذْرِ من خلفِهِ ومن قُدّامِهْ

4. Nor his innocence from his sickness;
Whenever he displeases me with an ugly deed,

٤. لم يَبِنْ لِي إقبالُهُ من تولّي
هِ ولم أدْرِ بُرْأَه من سَقامِهْ

5. He comes to me, making me happy with his words.

٥. كلّما ساءني بفعلٍ قبيحٍ
جاءني منه سرّني بكلامِهْ