
Tell the one passionate about reproaching me

قل لمشغوف بعذلي

1. Tell the one passionate about reproaching me
In the evening and morning

١. قلْ لمشغوفٍ بَعذْلِي
في مساءٍ وصباحِ

2. Do not blame me for longing for the dwellings
For I am not one who awakens

٢. لا تلمنِي في هَوَى البي
ضِ فإنّي غيرُ صاحِ

3. What heart is it that is devoid
Of secrets of the love of the salty lands

٣. أيُّ قلبٍ هو خِلْوُ ال
سِرِّ من عِشْقِ المِلاحِ

4. Be as you wish and leave me
In my corruption and going

٤. كُنْ كَما شِئتَ ودَعْنِي
في فسادِي ورواحِي

5. It is not upon others from me
In my corruption and betterment

٥. ما على غيريَ منّي
في فسادِي وصلاحِي

6. And if you succeed then leave
For the people other than cultivation

٦. وَإِذا أَفلحتَ فَاِترُكْ
للورى غيرَ الفلاحِ