
I swore by a people who knew horses

حلفت بمعشر عسفوا المطايا

1. I swore by a people who knew horses
They want the she-camel from her stumbling

١. حَلفتُ بمعشرٍ عَسَفوا المطايا
يريدون البنيّةَ من تِهامَهْ

2. And every sweaty one, like a claw wound
He has a shoe, but not the ostrich

٢. وكلِّ مُعَرَّقٍ كالنِّسْعِ ضُمْراً
له رَتَكٌ ولا رَتَكُ النّعامَهْ

3. They came together and all stood
At Arafat, O quencher of its place

٣. أتوا جَمْعاً وقد وقفوا جميعاً
على عَرَفات يا سُقِيَتْ مُقامَهْ

4. A marriageable girl, he who visits her a misfortune
Has avoided blame and regret

٤. عِراصٌ مَن يزرْ منهنّ شِعباً
فقد أمِنَ الملامةَ والنّدامَهْ

5. That which they pelted at Mina competes
In its flowing there with the water of the clouds

٥. وما هَرَقوه عند مِنىً يُبارِي
بجَرْيَتِهِ بها ماءَ الغمامَهْ

6. And stones cast for purity and righteousness
As pebbles were cast by her finger

٦. وأحجار قُذفن تُقىً وبِرّاً
كما قُذفتْ بإصبعها القُلامَهْ

7. And feet that trample on "ashes"
Prolonging while she attached to it her turban

٧. وأقدامٌ يُطفْن على أشمٍّ
يُطِلْن وقد علقن به اِستلامَهْ

8. The clan of Moses excelled tribes
As the quail excelled the bustard

٨. لقد فَضَل القبائلَ آلُ موسى
كما فضلتْ على العَطَبِ السَّلامَهْ

9. They supported the pillars of glory among us
And were it not for them, it would be without a pillar

٩. هُمُ دعموا قِبابَ المجد فينا
ولولاهمْ لكان بلا دِعامَهْ

10. And they persisted upon the paths of loftiness
And did not care for anything of weariness

١٠. وهمْ دأَبوا إلى طُرُقِ المعالي
وما حَفِلوا بشيءٍ من سَآمَهْ

11. Their oaths are only to the righteous
To reach the young man forever his purpose

١١. وما أيمانُهمْ إلّا لبيضٍ
يبلّغْنَ الفتى أبداً مَرامَهْ

12. And bay horses like high platforms
That lead to the perfect one her pigeons

١٢. وسُمرٍ مثل أرْشِيَةٍ طوالٍ
يَقُدْن إلى الكَمِيِّ بها حمامَهْ

13. And their money is only for generosity
Or for the carriers and love

١٣. وما أموالُهمْ إلّا لجودٍ
وإلّا للحَمالةٍ والغرامَهْ

14. And through them have been wed
The unsettled of courage and firmness

١٤. وفيهمْ عرّست وبهمْ أقامتْ
شريداتُ الشّجاعةِ والصّرامَهْ

15. And their honor smells throughout the land
As her wine smelled good to its drinker

١٥. وعَرْفُهُمُ يضوع على البرايا
كما طابتْ لناشِقها المُدامَهْ

16. And were it not for them being among us
The lands of glory would have no settlement

١٦. ولولا أنّهمْ فينا لكانتْ
رباعُ العزِّ ليس بها إقامَهْ