
He spurred his swift steed and set out afar

شد غروض المطي مغتربا

1. He spurred his swift steed and set out afar
Yet no seeker attained his goal though he tried hard

١. شُدَّ غُروضَ المطيّ مُغترِبا
فلم يَفُزْ طالبٌ وما دَأَبا

2. No pearl in people is like the pearl of the moderate
Who takes the sustenance that came near him

٢. لا درَّ في النّاس دَرُّ مقتصدٍ
يَأخذ مِن رزقهِ الّذي اِقتربا

3. And leaves singing girls when they are wronged
And defends the weak and the gold

٣. يَترك أَن يحمِيَ الذِّمارَ إِذا
ضِيمَ وَيَحمِي اللُّجَيْنَ والذَّهبا

4. Glory to the father who when destitute
His dignity in humility still sprouted

٤. للّهِ دَرُّ الإِباء أعوزه
في جانِبِ الذُّلِّ عزّه فنبا

5. The abode of the generous is not in a land
Where shyness and propriety are spent

٥. وَما مُقامُ الكَريمِ في بلدٍ
يُنفق فيه الحياءَ والأَدبا

6. Why do I see noble deeds neglected
And generosity shunned and prevented

٦. ما لِي أَرى المَكرُماتِ عاطلةً
وَالفَضلَ خِلْوَ الفناءِ مُجتَنَبا

7. We are in constant dispersion, and if
A calamity comes near, tribes gather for it

٧. تفرّقٌ دائمٌ فإنْ عرضتْ
دَنيّةٌ طير نَحوها عُصبا

8. Do I have in fate a trusted brother
Who scorns misfortunes and sins?

٨. هَل لِيَ في الدّهرِ مِن أَخي ثِقَةٍ
يَحتَقِرُ الحادثاتِ والنُّوبا

9. If you rouse him in anger you see
Rage blazing on the platter of his face

٩. مُمتَعِضِ الأَنفِ إِنْ أهَبْتَ بهِ
شَنَنْتَ في صَحنِ وَجهِهِ الغَضَبا

10. Many a despised stance I stood in it
Though none but the noble horse leaps over it

١٠. ربّ مقامٍ دَحْضٍ ثبتُّ بهِ
وَلَو خَطاه غَيرُ الجواد كَبا

11. And a moment that hides flaws
In which I shook off my doubts

١١. وَساعَةٍ لِلعيوبِ كاسيةٍ
نَفَضتُ فيها مِن بُرْدِيَ الرِّيبَا

12. And in your two-faced state I saw
Shooting stars flaming in it

١٢. وَحالِك الجانِبين مُلتبسٍ
أطلعتُ فيه كواكباً شُهُبا

13. And a plundering raid on meat
In which I stirred its insolent inhabitants

١٣. وَأَزْمَةٍ لِلّحومِ عارقةٍ
عَقرتُ في عُقرِ دارِها السَّغبَا

14. And a miser whom time smiled at
I raced ahead of people asking for him

١٤. وَمُقْتِرٍ بَرّحَ الزّمانُ بِهِ
سَبَقتُ فيهِ إِلى اللُّها الطّلبَا

15. And a friend who shows off to me optional acts
Yet does not do what is obligatory for me

١٥. وَصاحِبٍ يَمتَرِي النّوافلَ في
ودّي وَلَم يَقتضِني الّذي وجبا

16. He is content with my anger at time but if
One day I am pleased with its changes he gets angry

١٦. يَرضى بِسُخطِي على الزّمان فإنْ
رضيتُ يوماً عن صرفه غَضِبا

17. As if rancor is in his ribs
Igniting a fire when I speak ill

١٧. كَأنَّما الضِّغنُ بَينَ أَضلُعِهِ
يُضرّمُ ناراً إِذا أَقولُ خَبا

18. He does not stop til he sees beauty and I
Did not sculpt with my palms any wood for him

١٨. لايَنْتُهُ كَي يرى الجميلَ ولَمْ
أَنْحَتْ بكفّي من عودِه النَّجَبا

19. I was either educating an ignoramus
Or healing his wounds

١٩. وَكنتُ إمَّا مثقِّفاً خَطلاً
منهُ وَإمّا مُداوياً جَرَبا

20. How many rough roads gave me pure
Water that I thought was cloudy from being stirred

٢٠. وَكَم سَقاني الطَّرْقَ الأُجاج فجا
زيتُ زُلالاً تخاله ضَرَبا

21. Do not give me knowledge of time
Once it was tight for me and once spacious

٢١. لا تعطنِي بالزّمان معرفةً
قد ضاق بِي مرّةً وقد رَحُبا

22. Which worries did not give me advice
And which days did I not spend distracted

٢٢. أيُّ خطوبٍ لم تشفِنِي عِظَةً
وأَيُّ دهرٍ لم أفنِهِ عَجَبا

23. Hours of vanity pass by quickly
Leaving us toil and fatigue

٢٣. ساعاتُ لهوٍ تمرّ مسرعةً
عنّا وتُبقي العناءَ والتَّعبَا

24. The self should not hope to enjoy
What is to come nor regain what is gone

٢٤. لا تطمعُ النّفسُ أنْ تمتَّعَ بال
آتي ولا تستردَّ ما ذهبا

25. Each living one of us contends with the
Days of life as if pulled away

٢٥. وَكلّ حَيٍّ منّا يجاذب حَبْ
ل العمرِ أيّامَه لوِ اِنجَذبا

26. How can one who scarcely earns his keep
Hope for life and being kept?

٢٦. وَكَيفَ يَرجو الحياةَ مقتنصٌ
يُغرم منها ضِعفَ الذي كسبا

27. I am of a people when attributed to
They were righteous branches and noble roots

٢٧. إنِّيَ من معشرٍ إذا نُسِبوا
طابوا فروعاً وأَنجبوا حَسَبا

28. Blame cannot trespass their fence
Nor can faultfinders wander in it confused

٢٨. لا يجد الذّمّ في حريمهمُ
مسعىً ولا العائبون مُضطَرَبا

29. If pleased they give generously
Or if angry they give just as widely

٢٩. إذا رضوا أوسعوا الورى نعماً
أو سَخِطوا أوْسعوهُمُ نُوَبا

30. If they rode perils it was said
He honored us by giving his life

٣٠. أَو رَكِبوا الهولَ قالَ قائِلهم
أَكرمُنا مَن حياتَه وَهبا

31. Any impudent person if one day
The clamor of war roars at him

٣١. كُلّ جَريءِ الجَنان إنْ هتفتْ
يَوماً بهِ حَومةُ الوغى وثبا

32. And extends a muscular arm in it
Repelling the breasts of warriors in armor

٣٢. وَمَدّ فيها ذِراعَ قَسْوَرَةً
تَردّ صدرَ القناةِ مُختَضَبا

33. How long shall I carry worries without
Ever matching the expansiveness of time?

٣٣. إِلى مَتى أَحمِلُ الهُمومَ وَلا
أُلفى مَدَى الدّهر بالغاً أَرَبا

34. Rights evade me indifferent
When will I seek them out and escape?

٣٤. تَزْوَرُّ عنّي الحقوقُ مُعرِضةً
مَتى أرُمْهُنَّ فُتْنني هَرَبا

35. Rising up to them, either I climbed
A lofty riding beast or a humpbacked ship

٣٥. نَهضاً إِلَيها إِمّا علوتُ لها
دَفّىْ ركوبٍ أو مركبا حَدِبا

36. If I do not choose them like the wild cat who knows
Nothing but breeze and ashes

٣٦. إنْ لم أثِرْها مثل القطا الكُدْريّ لا
تَعرف إِلّا الرّسيمَ والخَببا

37. Yielding like an ostrich leaving
Its utmost desire while fleeing

٣٧. تَنصاعُ مثلَ النّعام جافلةً
تَترك أَقصى مُرادها كَثِبا

38. I called on Hussein to protect for me
The honor of glories on the day of pride

٣٨. فَلا دَعوت الحسينَ يُحرز لِي
حُرَّ المَعالي يَومَ الفخارِ أَبا

39. A troop when sorrows encircle them
They snatch the taker and give him presents

٣٩. قِرْمٌ إِذا حفّت الخطوبُ بهِ
نَزَعْن عن آخذٍ لها أُهبَا

40. United in purpose amongst themselves and how much
Did they diverge from others' opinions?

٤٠. مُجتَمع الرّأيِ بَينَهُنَّ وكَمْ
شعبنَ آراءَ غيره شُعَبا

41. He refuses and his protector refuses for him
Except to ride a difficult affair

٤١. يَأْبى وَتَأبى له حَفيظتُهُ
يَركَبُ أَمراً إِلّا إذا صَعُبا

42. Or to accomplish his need he wants
Only gazelle dung or ostrich plume as means

٤٢. أَو يَبتَغي في نَجاحِ حاجَتِهِ
إِلّا ظُبا البيضِ وَالقَنا سَببَا

43. How many wondrous traces he has
That amaze whoever is not accustomed to wonders

٤٣. وَكَم لَهُ مِن غَريب مَأثُرَةٍ
تُعجب من ليسَ يألفُ العَجبا

44. The speech of one who ponders them is not
"It is not glories or attaining them is playing"

٤٤. يَكونُ قَولُ الّذي تأمَّلها
لَيسَ المَعالي ونيلُها لَعِبا

45. Virtues that always prevail
Over the abode of pride after overpowering

٤٥. مَكارِمٌ لا تَزالُ غالِبةً
عَلى مَحلّ الفَخارِ من غَلَبا

46. The eloquent describer is not afraid even if
He exaggerates in it, of blame or lies

٤٦. لا يَرهبُ الواصفُ البَليغ وإنْ
أَفرَط فيها عَيباً ولا كَذِبا

47. And you in each day's battle
Rain from clouds whose knots loosen

٤٧. وَأَنتَ في كلّ يومِ معركةٍ
تُمطِر من سُحب نقعها العَطَبا

48. Either a forehead dusty with soil
Or cheeks overflowing with tears

٤٨. إِمّا جبيناً بالتُّرب منعفراً
أو وَدَجاً بالنَّجيع مُنسكبا

49. Or a group whose locks
Poured over the sides of their cheeks

٤٩. أَو لِمَّةً نشَّرَتْ غدائرُها
على نواحِي قناتها عَذَبا

50. Were it not for you they would be barren spots
Whose tracks are wiped out, no milk flows from them

٥٠. لَولاك كانت جدّاءَ حائلةً
تُمسحُ أخلافُها ولا حَلَبا

51. And of the wonders of time is that an insolent one claims
Your merits though he did not prepare to lie

٥١. وَمِن عَجيبِ الزّمان أَن يدّعي
شَأْوَك فَسْلٌ لم يعدُ أن كَذِبا

52. He did not know, and ignorance is his nature
That you have gained the first place before him

٥٢. لَم يَدرِ وَالجهلُ من سجيّتِهِ
أَنَّكَ أَحرزتَ قبله القَصَبا

53. And that one cannot lead a people
In which he was a tail among them

٥٣. وَأَنَّهُ لا يَكون رَأساً على ال
أَقوامِ مَن كانَ فيهمُ ذَنَبا

54. A blemish upon men is that they tread
Upon the heel of a man who was their heel

٥٤. وَوصمةٌ في الرّجال أن يطأوا
عَقْبَ اِمرِئٍ كان بينهم عَقِبا

55. Or that they follow for an instant one who
For whoever you wish was a follower for ages

٥٥. أَو يَتبعوا ساعةً مِنَ الدّهرِ مَن
كانَ لِمَن شئتَ تابعاً حَقِبا

56. And if they flowed you were their tumult
Preceding them and the belt was yours

٥٦. وَإِنْ جرَوْا كنتَ أَنت غُرّتَهم
سَبْقاً وَكان الحِزام واللّبَبَا

57. Everyone with insight has seen
That you blocked the non-Arabs and Arabs

٥٧. وَقَد دَرى كلُّ مَن لَهُ بصَرٌ
أَنّك سُدتَ العجيم والعَرَبا

58. And led them young and old
And sprouted among them as a young man and grew up

٥٨. وَقُدتهمْ ناشئاً ومنتهياً
ونُبْتَ عنهم تكهّلاً وصِبا

59. If they were kindled you were among them a spark
Or if they died out you were among them a flame

٥٩. وإنْ دَجَوْا كنت فيهمُ قبساً
أَو خَمدوا كنتَ فيهمُ لَهَبا

60. And if their discord increased
You slipped in gentle words for them

٦٠. وَإِن عَلا بَينهم تَشاجُرهمْ
سَللتَ لِلقولِ مِقْوَلاً ذَرِبا

61. Bringing a separation in speech for them
Cutting off that wrangling and pulling

٦١. يَأتي بِفَصلٍ مِنَ الخِطابِ لَهمْ
يَقطعُ ذاكَ اللّجاجَ والللّجَبا

62. Like the piercing of a spear in its thrust
The blind arrow and the sword if they struck

٦٢. كَلَهْذَمِ الرّمحِ عِندَ طَعنَتِهِ
وَالسّهم أصْمى والسّيف إن ضربا

63. You were among them one who tries
An impregnable fortress and an unassailable refuge

٦٣. وَكُنت فيهم ممّن يحاوِلهمْ
حِصناً حصيناً ومَعْقِلاً أَشِبا