1. What youth did I bury in the soil
And yet my sorrow for him is not fulfilled
١. أَيُّ فَتىً وورِي في التُّربِ
قضى ولم أقضِ به نَحْبي
2. After we parted, he left me with
As much grief as sorrows desired
٢. زوّدني بعد فراقي له
ما شاءتِ الأحزانُ من كربِ
3. I said to a group that told me
He tasted misery, you walked away from the group
٣. قلتُ لرَكْبٍ قال لِي إِنّه
ذاق الرّدى أُرجلتَ من رَكْبِ
4. Your horse did not graze in a dwelling
You stayed in, nor any grass
٤. ولا رَعَتْ عيسُك في منزلٍ
نزلتَه شيئاً من العُشبِ
5. Yet your remembrance remains, and has said to me
What it said, full of soil
٥. وَلا يَزلْ فوكَ وقد قال ليْ
ما قال مملوءاً من التربِ
6. Honesty has harmed me, so who is it
That will benefit me, O people, with lies?
٦. قد ضرّني الصّدقُ فمنْ ذا الّذي
يَنفعني يا قومُ بالكذبِ
7. You blamed one who did no wrong
He is nobler than my heart to my heart
٧. نعيتَ لا بوعدت من سيَّئٍ
أفضلَ من قلبي إلى قلبي
8. My spear that pierces the necks of enemies
And in my hands it is my fang
٨. رُمحي الّذي يَفري نُحورَ العِدى
وَفي جلادِي هوَ لِي عَضْبي
9. How many times did he, instead of me
Save me from fear in battle?
٩. فكمْ له دونِيَ من موقفٍ
آمنني فيه من الرُّعبِ
10. When he was in my grip, toward death
I had no bitterness toward him
١٠. ولم يكن لي وهْوَ في قبضتي
على المُنى شيءٌ من العَتْبِ
11. My ambition was satisfied only by him
And I said none but him was enough
١١. ما قنعتْ إلّا بِهِ همّتي
وَلَم أَقلْ إِلّا بهِ حَسبي
12. He relieved me of tight, narrow discomfort
By making space and room
١٢. وَعاضَني مِن حَرجٍ ضيّقٍ
عليَّ بالإفساحِ والرُّحْبِ
13. Fate takes from between us
When it desires, without crime
١٣. هوَ الرّدى يأخذُ مِن بَيننا
إِذْ هَمّ مَنْ شاء بلا ذنْبِ
14. And no defense can be made against it
With spear thrusts or blows
١٤. وَليسَ يُسطاع دِفاعٌ له
بِالطعنِ بالرُّمْح ولا الضّربِ
15. If it wants one hidden, nothing can hide him
Beyond it, it has no veils
١٥. إِنْ يَبغِ مَحجوباً فما إنْ له
مِن دونه شيءٌ من الحُجْبِ
16. Or if it wants to take one of lofty
And high station, it has no elevation
١٦. أو شاءَ أن يَأخُذَ ذا هَضْبةٍ
عاليةٍ فهو بلا هضْبِ
17. It stripped the Yemenis of their crowns
Beyond them are the headwraps of the tribe
١٧. بزّ اليمانيّين تيجانَهمْ
مِن دونها أَردية العَصْبِ
18. And it pulled from Chosroes and his palace
The red circlets, even the hearts
١٨. وَاِستَلَّ من كسرى بإيوانِهِ
أطواقَه الحُمرَ مع القُلبِ
19. And its visitors have not ceased
To enter from Mudar, tribe to tribe
١٩. ولم تزلْ تدخل رُوَّادُهُ
مِن مُضَرٍ شِعْباً إلى شِعْبِ
20. And an oppression among them with its might
Has scattered them, and it has no comrades
٢٠. وَشرّدتْ أصحابَه بطشةٌ
منه بِهمْ فهْو بلا صَحْبِ
21. It folded them in the hands of time
As the morning folds the soft branch
٢١. وَلفّهمُ لفّا بِأيدي القنا
لفَّ الصّبا للغُصُنِ الرَّطْبِ
22. As if their corpses were flowering
Tails that fell from the shooting stars
٢٢. كأنّهمْ تزهر أجداثهُمْ
ذوائبٌ خرّتْ منَ الشهبِ
23. And how often it extended among them
The lions of evil and hospitality's nourishers in barrenness
٢٣. وكم سطا فيهمْ بأُسْدِ الشّرى
ومُطعمِي الأضيافِ في الجَدْبِ
24. Say to one who hopes for eternity
That he is heedless, trusting the bier
٢٤. قُل لاِمرئٍ يَطمع في خُلدِهِ
فهْوَ غَفولٌ آمنُ السِّرْبِ
25. It is not as you supposed, rather
You were created from dust, from dust
٢٥. لَيس كَما قدّرتَه إنّما
خُلقتَ للتّربِ من التُّربِ
26. Do not expect to be saved by walking when
A wilful fate of vast leap desires you
٢٦. لا ترجُ أن تَنْجُوَ مشياً وقد
بغاك باغٍ واسعُ الوثْبِ
27. Its hands will reach you whether you are
Far away or near
٢٧. تنال كفّاه إذا مُدَّتا
من كان في بُعدٍ وفى قُرْبِ
28. O you far from me, yet my death
Has brought me near to you through nearness
٢٨. يا نائياً عنّي ومن مُنيتي
أنْ بِعْتُ بُعدي منه بالقُربِ
29. How many kind acts of yours have passed
White, even if you are from the dusty ghost
٢٩. كم لك عندي من أيادٍ مضتْ
بيضاً وإن كنتَ من الشُّحْبِ
30. The night is like the dawn for the good of creation
And the brown like the white in war
٣٠. واللّيل كالصّبحِ لنفع الورى
والسُّمرُ كالبيضِ لدَى الحربِ
31. And nothing has happened to people
Except what the blackness of eye and heart has undergone
٣١. وما جرى في النّاس شيءٌ لهمْ
مَجرى سَوادِ العينِ والقلبِ
32. And quince in yellowness is created
Better for its owner than sweet apple
٣٢. وَالقزُّ في الصُّفرةِ مخلوقةً
خيرٌ لباغيهِ من العُطبِ
33. So boast to the wretched people who have been blackened
In the east, if you will, or in the west
٣٣. فَاِفخرْ على القومِ الأُلى سُوِّدوا
في الشّرق إِنْ شئتَ وفي الغربِ
34. Among them all there is not one
Who ruled the non-Arabs and Arabs entirely
٣٤. فليس فيهمْ كلِّهمْ واحدٌ
سادَ جميعَ العُجْمِ والعُرْبِ
35. You were not accustomed to evil nor stayed in
The region of slander or theft
٣٥. لم تألفِ السُّوءَ ولا بتَّ في
ناحيةِ القذفِ ولا الثَّلْبِ
36. And you were not impressed by vanity in solitude
Nor mixed jest with seriousness
٣٦. ولم تعُجْ باللّهوِ في خلوَةٍ
ولا مزجتَ الجِدَّ باللّعبِ
37. And whenever you attained a position through it
You protected the vulnerable in it
٣٧. وكلّما نِلْتَ بها رُتبةً
حَمَيْتَ فيها جانِبَ الجُنبِ
38. How many times were you a cave for the kings
And how you protected them through kingship from adversity
٣٨. كم كنتَ للأملاكِ كهفاً وكمْ
حَمَيتهُمْ بالمُلك من خَطْبِ
39. And how many crooked ways you corrected
With pure deliberation, tribe by tribe
٣٩. وكم تلافيتَ بتفكيرةٍ
صافيةٍ شَعْباً من الشَّعْبِ
40. They were, and from your view their opinions
Were like a millstone rotating on a pole
٤٠. كانوا ومن رأيك آراؤهُمْ
مثلَ رَحى دارتْ على قُطْبِ
41. The world turned for them one time
And what revolution is without turmoil?
٤١. قد دَرّت الدّنيا لهمْ مرّةً
وأيُّ درٍّ ليس بالحَلْبِ
42. How much deviation did you restrain for them
On the backs of obstinate camels
٤٢. كَم ذا تَداركتَ اِعوِجاجاً لهمْ
على ظهورِ الضُّمَّرِ القُبِّ
43. Bearing, carrying fate for the enemies
A plain from earth to plain
٤٣. يَطوينَ يَحملنَ الرّدى للعِدى
سَهْباً من الأرضِ إلى سَهْبِ
44. And whenever they struggled in a darkness
The thorn bushes, the brown on the hillside
٤٤. وَكُلّما زاحَمْنَ في غَمرةٍ
شوكَ القنا السّمر على إِرْبِ
45. They were clothed in the weaving of time
From the red fleece, the tribe
٤٥. كُسِينَ أَجلالاً بِنسجِ القَنا
مِنَ النجيعِ الأَحمرِ العَصْبِ
46. He who you became pledged to
Watered from the land the valleys of clouds
٤٦. سَقى الّذي أَصبَحتَ رَهناً بهِ
مِنَ الثَّرى أنديةُ السُّحْبِ
47. And we heard no gurgling in it
Of a voice, nor the disturbance of sinking
٤٧. وَلا سَمِعنا لِخريقٍ بهِ
صوتاً ولا زَعزَعَةَ النُّكْبِ
48. And its edges continue dripping
With the pure, cool water
٤٨. ولا يزلْ تُنضحُ حافاتُهُ
من الحَيا بالباردِ العَذْبِ
49. Until there appears among their corpses
Exuberant, filled with fertility
٤٩. حتّى يُرى من بين أجداثِهمْ
ريّانَ مَلآْنَ من الخِصْبِ
50. He is not cast in the soil dead
Pillowing his palm on his side
٥٠. فليس مُلْقىً في الثَّرى ميّتاً
موسّدَ الكفِّ على الجنْبِ
51. One whose mention flew into the horizons
And traveled in books and writings
٥١. مَنْ طار في الآفاق ذكرٌ لهُ
وسار بالأقلامِ في الكتبِ
52. So join one who named himself for us
As the Forgiver of sins
٥٢. فَاِلحَقْ بِمَن سمّى لنا نفسَه
بأنّه يعفو عن الذّنبِ
53. For no evil has reached your hands
Too narrow for the Benevolence of the Lord
٥٣. فما أتت كفّاكَ من سيّئٍ
يضيقُ عنهُ كرمُ الربِّ