
O cupbearer, pass around the wine to my companions,

أدر أيها الساقي الكؤوس على صحبي

1. O cupbearer, pass around the wine to my companions,
And leave me thirsty, for in other than it is our pride.

١. أَدِرْ أيّها السّاقي الكؤوسَ على صَحْبِي
وَدعنيَ ظمآناً ففي غيرها نَخْبِي

2. And if you wish to achieve ecstasy with wine,
I have what suffices over the ecstasy of beating.

٢. وإنْ كنتَ تبغي بالمدامةِ نشوةً
فعندِيَ ما يُوفِي على نشوةِ الضَّربِ

3. I refused passion for ages, but when I knew it,
I knew the obeyed command, the forgiven sin.

٣. أَبَيْتُ الهوى دهراً ولمَّا عرفتُهُ
عرفتُ مطاعَ الأمر مُغتَفَر الذّنبِ

4. And the confusion of my heart are companions,
Who have reached that which is forbidden of my love.

٤. وهيّمَ إطرابَ الفؤادِ أوانِسٌ
خَلَصْنَ إلى ذاك الممنَّعِ من حبّي

5. They transcended virtue one day with the most loyal of virtues,
And they bent over the most beautiful spine with a spine.

٥. عَلَوْن النَّقا يوماً بأوفى من النّقا
ولُثْنَ على أبهى من العَصْبِ بِالعصبِ

6. And we reproached delirium in the twist of passion,
So they illuminated for the walking the sparkling of the plain.

٦. ونادَمْننَا وهْناً بمنعرج اللّوى
فَضوَّأْنَ للسّارين داجِيةَ السَّهْبِ

7. And we embraced spears of the lance once,
With smooth hands more delicate than the spear.

٧. وعانقْنَ قُضباناً من الرّنْدِ مرّةً
بأيدٍ سِباطٍ هنّ أندى من القضْبِ

8. And the gentleness of her limbs, her love took the place,
Of the core of my heart from the seed of the heart.

٨. وناعمةِ الأطراف حلّ ودادُها
مَكانَ شغافِ القلبِ مِن حبّةِ القلبِ

9. I was called by acceptance which my youth left behind,
And not all whose perfections are complete are youthful.

٩. دَعاني قبولٌ خَلَّفَتْهُ إلى الصّبا
وما كلُّ من تمّتْ محاسنُهُ يُصبْي

10. I was created as the Friend desired, determining for me,
descending upon my love for my companions.

١٠. خُلِقتُ كما شاءَ الصّديق مُحكّماً
عليَّ خليلي نازلاً في هوى صَحْبي

11. And men blamed that I am not impressed,
So how strange! What does their impression benefit them?

١١. وذمّ رجالٌ أنّني غيرُ مُعْجَبٍ
فيا عَجَباً ماذا يفيدهُمُ عُجْبي

12. And if I take pride in something I was given,
I would pride myself on the pride of kings among non-Arabs and Arabs.

١٢. ولو أنّني أزهى بشيءٍ مُنِحْتُه
زهيتُ بفخرِ الملكِ في العُجْم والعُرْبِ

13. My life from it in the position in which
My people envy me and my nation congratulates me.

١٣. حياتِيَ منه بِالمحلّ الَّذي بهِ
يُحَسِّدُني قومي ويَغبطني شَعْبي

14. And it made me ride the impregnable summits of every glory,
Inaccessible in expanse, protected from the west.

١٤. وأرْكَبني أثباجَ كلّ فضيلةٍ
مُمَنَّعَة الأرجاءِ محميّةِ الغَرْبِ

15. So in its manners is that spacious pasture,
And from its words that which ennobles my prairie for me.

١٥. ففي خُلقِهِ ذاك المُفَسَّحِ مرتعِي
ومِنْ لفظهِ ذاك المشرّف لِي عُشبي

16. And how the enemies struggled in what harms me,
But they did not frighten my safety nor shake my flock.

١٦. وَكَم جهدَ الأعداءُ فيما يسوؤُني
فما خوّفوا أَمْني ولا ذَعْذَعوا سِرْبي

17. We were content with the world and you left us
Without resentment in this time and without blame.

١٧. رَضينا عَنِ الدُّنيا وَأَنتَ تركتَنا
بلا سَخَطٍ في ذا الزّمان ولا عَتْبِ

18. You came and were not asked for any high price,
While before you were people who do not know gallantry.

١٨. وجُدْتَ ولم تُسْأل بكلِّ نفيسةٍ
وَقَبلكَ قَومٌ لا يدرّون بالعَصْبِ

19. We drank bitterness from them and they shunned
The frequented spring and the fresh drinking place.

١٩. شَرِبنا أُجاجاً مِنْهُمُ وَتَنازحوا
عَنِ المَوردِ المَورودِ والمنهلِ العّذْبِ

20. And you did not attain it except by a right you came to,
While many attain greatness by usurpation.

٢٠. وَما نِلتَه إِلّا بِحَقٍّ أتيتَهُ
وكم نيلَتْ العظمى من الأمر بالغصبِ

21. I swear by the One for whom those who slaughtered on the day of their slaughter made a sacrifice,
And they did not hamstring the she-camels or their young,

٢١. حَلفت بِمن ضحّت مِنى يوم نحرِهمْ
وما عقروا من أُمِّ سَقْبٍ ومن سَقْبِ

22. And by the second twenty whose mount ties
Were at Arafat, seeking the pleasure of the Lord.

٢٢. وبالنّفرِ الثّانين عُقْلَ رِكابِهمْ
على عَرَفاتٍ يبتغون رضا الربِّ

23. Indeed the pride of kingship attained what it desired of might,
Our garments reached the highest position from the clouds.

٢٣. لقد نال فخرُ الملك ما شاءَ من عُلاً
حَلَلْنَ على أعلى محلٍّ من السُّحْبِ

24. A young man who never ceased charging with impregnable honor
And wealth debased by nothing of plunder.

٢٤. فتىً لم يزلْ يغدو بِعرْضٍ مُمَنَّعٍ
ومالٍ مُذالٍ لا يفيق من النّهْبِ

25. And easy affairs did not suit him to be dampened by its touch,
And it did not meet him except on a difficult mount.

٢٥. ولم يرضَ سهلَ الأمرِ يرطب مسُّه
وَلَم تلْقَهُ إلّا على مركبٍ صَعْبِ

26. The wealthy coveted his extent, but they
Only covet what the hyena covets from prey.

٢٦. وَرامَ مداهُ المُترفون وإنّما
يَرومونَ ما رامَ الوِهادُ من الهَضْبِ

27. So by Allah are bygone days he traversed
Without boredom from them on top of rubble.

٢٧. فللّهِ أيّامٌ مضين قطعتَها
بلا سَأمٍ منها على ضُمَّرٍ قُبِّ

28. And no shade but what the spears shade you
And no provision but the wounding and striking.

٢٨. وَلا ظِلَّ إلّا ما تُفيءُ لك القَنا
وَلا زادَ إلّا نُجعةُ الطّعنِ والضّربِ

29. You attack with a cane in your hand and behind it
Is the understanding that accomplished and judged more than the cane.

٢٩. تَصولُ بِعَضْبٍ في يديك وَخلفَه
مِنَ الرأْي ما أَمضى وأقضى من العَضْبِ

30. So your blade is not worn down by anything of grit,
And your fertility is not prevented by anything of barrenness.

٣٠. فَصفْوُكَ لا يُبلى بِشيءٍ منَ القذى
وخِصْبكَ لا يُمنى بشيءٍ من الجَدْبِ

31. And you sought long lifespans and attained them,
And nurtured until you attained what no nurturer attained.

٣١. وَطاولتَ أعماراً طِوالاً فطُلتَها
وأربيتَ حتى نِلتَ ما لم ينْل مُربِ

32. And this feast continues to be followed by its like,
The alternation of different types of clouds over the soil.

٣٢. وَلا زالَ هَذا العيدُ يَتلوهُ مثلُهُ
تعاقُبَ أنواءِ السّحاب على التُّربِ

33. Verily, who will help me of a friend I count
Upon thanking the blessings that came to me without earning?

٣٣. أَلا مَنْ معينِي مِن خليلٍ أَعدُّه
عَلى شُكر نعماءِ أتتني بلا كسبِ

34. The best of people undertook goodness by visiting me,
So he came with what in my view is an honor for my status.

٣٤. تَجشّم خير الناس طُرّاً عيادَتي
فَجاءَ بِما حسبي به شرفاً حسبي

35. And they did not know thankfulness for it and for its Lord,
So they did not teach us how to give thanks in books.

٣٥. وَلَم يَعرِفوا شُكراً لها ولربّها
فلم يعْلمونا كيف نشكر في الكُتْبِ

36. So if I fall short of thanking it with any work,
Then that is from the sin of eloquence, not my sin.

٣٦. فإنْ أَعْيَ عن شكرٍ لها من صنيعةٍ
فَذلك مِن ذنبِ البلاغةِ لا ذَنبي