
Among the travelers who went their way

وفي النفر الغادين وجه أحبه

1. Among the travelers who went their way
Was a face I loved, though not all who pass are dear.

١. وفي النّفرِ الغادين وجهٌ أُحبّه
وما كلّ وَجهٍ في الرِّفاق حبيبُ

2. It shone like the full moon in the blackest night,
And sang like the sun, whose setting we fear.

٢. يَنوبُ مَنابَ البدرِ ليلةَ تمّهِ
وَيُغني غناءَ الشّمسِ حين تغيبُ

3. Though love had never tapped upon my heart,
At its call I answered, with no thought to rue.

٣. وَلمّا دَعاني للغرامِ أَجبتُه
وَما كانَ قَلبي للغرامِ يجيبُ

4. My love was obedience, untried before,
No other in my heart could stake a claim.

٤. وَما كنتُ إِلّا فيهِ للحُبِّ طائِعاً
وَما لِسواهُ في الفؤادِ نَصيبُ