
You burden me, though you

أنتم علي وإن لم

1. You burden me, though you
Do not know I'm frailer, more bent

١. أنتمْ عليَّ وإنْ لم
تدروا أرقُّ وأحْنى

2. I wished you’d carry today
Upon your back some of my weight

٢. أردتُ أنْ تحملوا اليو
مَ فوق ظَهْرِيَ مَنّا

3. But you refused, and preferred
Greedily, cowardly, to abstain

٣. فعفتُمُ وأَبيتم
شُحّاً عليَّ وَجُبْنا

4. So by unanimous accord
You now are better for me, than I

٤. فَكنتمُ باِتّفاقٍ
خيراً لنا الآن منّا

5. And I've not been cheated, but you
Have by this shown clearer cheating

٥. وما غُبِنّا بل اِنتمْ
بذاك أظهرُ غُبْنا

6. I've not done wrong, but rather
I've thought well, though suspecting ill

٦. وما أسَاتُ ولكنْ
أحسنتُ بالسّوءِ ظَنّا

7. I thought you for one brought low
A helper, and in fear, safety

٧. ظَننتُكُم لِمُلمٍّ
عَوْناً وفي الخوفِ أمْنا

8. Till I found you were like words
Without in them any meaning

٨. حَتّى خبرتُ فكنتمْ
كاللّفظ ما فيه مَعْنى