
I was deceived by what you outwardly displayed, while I had no knowledge of your hidden intentions within your chests.

غررت بما أظهرتموه وليس لي

1. I was deceived by what you outwardly displayed, while I had no knowledge of your hidden intentions within your chests.
I never feared that I had committed a sin, which would confine my breadth or my patience.

١. غُرِرْتُ بما أَظهرتموه وليس لي
بدائكمُ تحت الأضالعِ من عِلْمِ

2. Nor that I was lulled into false security, and addressed by one in whom I confided with my words.
How strange that arrows should strike me from a people above whom I raised my arrows!

٢. وما كنتُ أخشى أنّ ذنباً جنيتُمُ
يَضيقُ به ذَرْعي مَدا الدّهرِ أوْ حِلْمِي

3. Though each day and night I fulfil my pledge, I am brought closer to breaking it and cast my arrows in vain.
So feed not on oppressing me, for I am far from the hand of oppression when you attempt it.

٣. ولا أَنّنِي أُدْهى منَ الأمنِ غافلاً
ويَكلِمُنِي من كنتُ آسو به كَلْمِي

4. Seek not war against me, for those who seek war against a man while he holds peace are stupid.
And if after this I am still deceived by you, accept not my excuse nor forgive my crime,

٤. ومن عَجَبٍ أنّ السّهامَ تصيبني
من القوم ما فَوَّقْتُ نحْوهُمُ سهمي

5. For only the appointed time made the wolf bare its fangs at me, and made you my portion perforce.

٥. وَإنِّيَ أَقضي كلَّ يومٍ وليلةٍ
فَأقربُ إبْقاءً وأُرمى فلا أَرمِي

٦. فلا تطعموا أنْ تظلموني فإنْني
بعيدٌ متى حاولتُمُ عن يد الظلْمِ

٧. فلا تطلبوا حربي فإنّ غَبِينَةً
طِلابُ اِمرئٍ حربي وفي كفِّهِ سِلْمِي

٨. وَإنْ كنتُ مغروراً بكمْ بعد هذه
فلا تقبلوا عذري ولا تغفروا جُرمي

٩. وَما الذّئبُ إلّا لِلزّمان الّذي رمى
صَميمي بكمْ كُرْهاً وصيَّركُمْ قِسْمِي