
My greetings to the quarter of travelers,

على الربع ربع الراحلين سلامي

1. My greetings to the quarter of travelers,
Even if my longing greeting reaches them in waves

١. على الرَّبعِ رَبْعِ الرّاحلين سلامي
وإنْ هاج تسليمي عليه أُوامي

2. I remembered, when I passed by the encampment,
The people of the encampment, and my love and prolonged yearning

٢. تذكّرتُ لمّا أنْ مررتُ على اللِّوى
بِأهلِ اللّوى وجدى وطول سَقامي

3. The slanderers were not able to blame me for him
Nor those who pulled down part of my veil

٣. وما مكّنَ الحادون بِي من تَلُّومٍ
عليه ولا مَن حَطّ بعضَ لثامي

4. They went while my heart looked back behind me
Even if the intention of the she-camels was ahead of me

٤. وساروا وقلبي من ورائي تلفُّتاً
وإنْ كان قصدُ النّاعجاتِ أمامي

5. I was not before those who traveled
Leading to the abode of love with the bridle

٥. وَما كنتُ من قبل الّذين ترحّلوا
أُقادُ إلى دار الهوى بزِمامِ

6. And when we left the family from our sides
And the cooing of some doves delighted me

٦. وَلمّا تَركنا الأثلَ من جَنَباتِنا
وأطربني منهنّ نَوْحُ حَمامٍ

7. The gazelle of the two valleys shot me with his arrow
And I was overwhelmed, while greyness protected me from his arrows

٧. رماني غزالُ الواديينِ بسهمِهِ
وطاشتْ وعندي الشَّيبُ عنه سهامي

8. Nothing stopped him except my greying separation
And that my morning is in the place of my darkness

٨. وَما رابَهُ إلّا اِبيِضاضُ مفارقي
وأنّ صباحي في مكان ظلامي

9. I shook off youth from the mother of my head and it diminished
My mischief and nakedness from the singing girls

٩. نَفضتُ الصِّبا عن أمّ رأسي وقَلَّصَتْ
عن الغانياتِ شِرَّتي وعُرامي

10. So why would I frequent the owners of necklaces
Nor lead the owners of maids

١٠. فما لِيَ تعريجٌ بذاتِ قلائدٍ
ولا لِيَ إلمامٌ بذاتِ خِدامِ

11. So how much did I disturb them with my conversing
And how I startled them when I herded them

١١. فَكَم بين أنّي رُقْتُهنّ بفاحمي
وبينِيَ لمّا راعهنّ ثَغامي

12. I say, and I left belongings for my she-camel
And I bid her farewell loaded with goods

١٢. أقول وقد خلّفتُ سَلْعاً لناقتي
وزفرتُها موصولةٌ ببُغامِ

13. She yearned as fathers who are burning yearn
Tossed by successive misfortunes - what misfortune!

١٣. وَحنّتْ كما حنّ الأباءُ محرَّقاً
تلاطمُهُ النّكْباءُ أيَّ لِطامِ

14. My heart longs while my tears are frozen
While you are without longing and your tears are asleep

١٤. فؤادِيَ مشتاقٌ ودمعِيَ جامدٌ
وأنتَ بلا شوقٍ ودمعُك هامِ

15. There is no singer in the darkness of my heart
For your heart from the whiteness of tender feelings

١٥. وليس بمغنٍ في سوادِ جوانحٍ
لقلبك من وَجْدٍ بياضُ لُغامِ

16. Stop by me at the hillock in the best stopping place
And guide both of us from it with the best guide

١٦. قِفِي بي على الزَّوراءِ في خير موقفٍ
وَعوجي بِنا منها بخير إمامِ

17. So why, if the claws deliver me to it
Will they not return to cut with knives?

١٧. فما لَكِ إنْ بلَّغْتِنِيه مشافِرٌ
يعُدنَ إلى قطع المدَا بخطامِ

18. I do not care how you become afterwards
Lofty or a heap with brances

١٨. ولستُ أُبالي كيف أصبحتِ بعدها
أَجبَّاءَ أم كَوْماءَ ذاتَ سَنامِ

19. For my palms have clung to the springhead out of love
So I do not wish for any fruit after it

١٩. وَقد عَلِقَتْ كفَّيَّ بالنّبعِ من مُنىً
فما أنا أُمْنى بعدها بثُمامِ

20. So say to the king of mankind about me words
Which if I say I do not fear any blame

٢٠. فقولوا لِمَلْكِ النّاس عنِّيَ قولةً
إذا قلتُها لم أخشَ فيه مَلامي

21. Are you not the one who if not for him
We would have no pillar to lean on or column for support?

٢١. أَلستَ الّذي لولاه لم يكُ ركنُنُا
بركنٍ ولا مدعومُهُ بدعامِ

22. And if not for the one you have appointed as a fighter
He would be destroyed, dissolved without order

٢٢. وَلَولا الّذي نظّمتَهُ منه جاهداً
لغُودِر محلولاً بغير نظامِ

23. And we would have been nothing but people roaming the desert
Seeking shade from the hot wind with rags

٢٣. ولا كان منّا غيرُ حائمِ قفرةٍ
يلوذ على حرّ الصَّدى بحيامِ

24. So where are the kings of earth compared to you
And where is the darkness of night from the radiance of dawn?

٢٤. فأين ملوكُ الأرضِ منك وأين مِنْ
تَبَلُّجِ إصباحٍ سوادُ ظلامِ

25. And which king before you today is able
If he passes he does not circle with a speck of sins

٢٥. وأيُّ مليكٍ قبلك اليومَ قادرٌ
مضى لم يطُفْ فيه بَربْعِ أثامِ

26. And which lawful thing before you acted
Did we not see him mix it with some sin?

٢٦. وأيُّ حلالٍ قبلما أنت فاعلٌ
رأيناهُ لم يمزِجْهُ بعضُ حرامِ

27. You are the one who granted us blessings that
Made people's honour unlike any honour

٢٧. وَأَنتَ الّذي أَوْلَيتنا النّعمَ الّتي
تركْن كِرامَ النّاسِ غيرَ كِرامِ

28. And they have tested you for safeguarding wherever
You were called to it while the eyes were sleeping

٢٨. وقد جرّبوا منك الحفيظةَ حيثما
دُعيتَ إليها والعيونُ سوامِ

29. In an hour when no controller has power
Other than one wearing out, whose sword is blunt

٢٩. لدَى ساعةٍ ما إنْ بها متحكِّمٌ
سوى ذابلٍ لَدْنٍ وحدِّ حُسامِ

30. You are on the sides of a steed, swift to battle
As if you were above it, atop a wild ostrich

٣٠. وأنت على جَنْبَيْ سريعٍ إلى المدَا
كأنّك منه فوق ظهرِ شَمامِ

31. The horses either have some fleet footed ones with banners
Or stumblers in the plain with buzzing insects

٣١. وللخيلِ إمّا من نَجيعٍ براقعٌ
وإلّا عثارٌ في الصّعيد بِهامِ

32. Scattering lightly in the fray, as if
You made a herd of ostriches slip

٣٢. يثرنَ خفافاً في الوغى فكأنّما
شَلَلْتَ على دَوٍّ قطيعَ نَعامِ

33. Around you are scouts of every path
To death, aiming at every dove

٣٣. وَحولكَ طلّاعون كلَّ ثَنِيَّةٍ
إلى الموتِ ورّادون كلَّ حِمامِ

34. When they are thrown into the fray, it is as if
Its expanse crumbles from them with fragments

٣٤. إذا قُذِفوا في حَوْمَةٍ فكأنّما
تَضَرَّمُ منه قَفْرُها بضرامِ

35. You see them as generous with their souls in battle
But in war they are most wicked

٣٥. تراهمْ كراماً بالنّفوسِ لدى الوغى
ولكنّهمْ في الحربِ جِدُّ لِئامِ

36. I made you my fortress on the day I feared harm
And a shield against the enemies when I was plotted against

٣٦. جعلتُك حِصْني يوم خوفي من الأذى
وتُرساً من الأعداء يوم أُرامي

37. So you are my spear on the day I was stabbed in the gut
And you are my sword when I unsheathed my sword

٣٧. فأنتَ سِناني يوم طعنِيَ في الكُلى
وأنت حُسامي إن سلَلْتُ حسامي

38. I do not care, after you decide, about the one
Who treats my wounds with him and my talk

٣٨. ولستُ أُبالي بعد أن إِبْتَ بالّذي
تريع جروحي عنده وكِلامي

39. And my toil for your sake is comfort
And my loss in your satisfaction is my perfection

٣٩. وإنّ عَنائي في هواك لَراحةٌ
وَإِنّ اِنتِقاصي في رضاك تمامي

40. I avoid everything my prey run from
And everything you accept is my sanctuary

٤٠. وَعَن كُلَّ شيءٍ تَجتَويهِ طرائدي
وفي كلِّ شيءٍ ترتضيهِ حِيامي

41. It did not hurt me when I drank you that I
Drew a cup but did not drink cups of wine

٤١. وما ضرّني لمّا شَرِبتُك أنّني
غَرَفتُ فلم أشربْ كؤوس مُدامِ

42. Nor that my palm, I did not make it
Safe from people's ways while you are my staff

٤٢. وَلا أنّ كفّي لم أَنُطْها بِعصْمَةٍ
من النّاس أطواراً وأنت عصامي

43. I felt estranged that I would accept other than you
As my beloved, and a giver with his hands of my love

٤٣. وحوشيتُ أَنْ ألقى سواك مُمَلَّكاً
هوايَ ومعطي باليدين غرامي

44. For the causes near you are weak
While the causes of my nearness to you are not flimsy

٤٤. فإنْ تكُ أسبابٌ لديك ضعيفةٌ
فأسبابُ قربي منك غيرُ رِمامِ

45. The day never came from you in which was my separation
Nor the time in which was my harshness from you

٤٥. فلا حان يومٌ منك فيه قطيعتي
ولا آن وقتٌ فيه منك صِرامي

46. My saddlebags are only discarded in your abode
And my dwelling was only in your orbit

٤٦. ولا اِطُّرِحَتْ إلّا برَبْعِك أرحُلي
وَلا كانَ إلّا في ذُراك مقامي

47. And what speech was there not of virtues
I surpassed in, so it is not my speech

٤٧. وأيُّ كلامٍ لم يكنْ بمفَاخرٍ
سبقت بها سِلْكاً فليس كلامي

48. You were celebrated on the day of festivity, for it
Suffices for what you love in every goal

٤٨. وهُنِّيتَ يومَ المِهْرَجانِ فإنّه
كفيلٌ بما تهوى بكلِّ مَرامِ

49. It gives us good news of stability in what we see
And blessings you have clothed with permanence

٤٩. يبشّرنا فيما نرى بإقامةٍ
وفي نعمٍ أُلْبِستَها بدوامِ

50. Nothing came to us but with the luckiest star
And nothing visited us but the best year

٥٠. وَما جاءنا إلّا بِأَسعدِ طالعٍ
وَلا زارَنا إِلّا بأفضلِ عامِ

51. And however long it lasts, the eye in it is delighted
And every branch is sleepy for the people

٥١. ومهما تَدُمْ فالعينُ فيه قريرةٌ
وكلُّ غصونٍ للأنامِ نوامِ