
Do not threaten me with evil that frightens me,

لا توعدني الشر ترهبني

1. Do not threaten me with evil that frightens me,
Perhaps being wary of it will not save me,

١. لا تُوعدَنِّي الشرَّ تُرهبنِي
فلربّما لم ينجنِي حَذرُهْ

2. The occurrence of something detestable that I can endure,
Is better than dreading what I fear,

٢. فوقوعُ مكروهٍ أعالجُه
خيرٌ من المكروه أنتظرُهْ

3. And if one auspicious day I gain victory,
Then for whom does sorrow cloud tomorrow?

٣. وإذا صفا يومٌ ظفرتُ به
فلمن يعيش إلى غدٍ كدرُهْ

4. Perhaps someone is happy with his night,
Yet worries torment his heart at dawn,

٤. فلربّ مغتبطٍ بليلتِه
شنّ الهمومَ بقلبهِ سحرُهْ

5. And life is what you enjoy in the moment,
So how many miss out on their share of joy?

٥. والعيشُ ما تقضِي به وَطَراً
فكميّتٍ مَن فاتَه وَطَرُهْ

6. And if ambitions fall short for someone,
Depriving him of comfort, his life is not long,

٦. وإذا قصرن به مطالبُهُ
عن راحتيه فلم يطلْ عُمُرُهْ

7. Fate is either its sunshine at dawn,
That casts you down, or its moon in a night,

٧. والدّهرُ إمّا شمسُه بضحىً
تُرديك أو في ليلةٍ قمرُهْ

8. And if you sleep uneaten in the grave,
Its length resembles its narrowness.

٨. وإذا أنامكَ غير متَّئدٍ
في القبر أشبه طولَه قِصَرُهْ