
She wished only estrangement, unjustly,

ما أرادت إلا الجفاء ظلوم

1. She wished only estrangement, unjustly,
When she turned away from us though we did no wrong.

١. ما أَرادتْ إلّا الجفاءَ ظَلومُ
يوم رامتْ عنّا ولسنا نَرِيمُ

2. She startled a heart which, when it is moistened
With mention of estrangement, almost goes mad.

٢. روّعتْ بالفراقِ قلباً إذا رِي
ع بِذكر الفراق كاد يهيمُ

3. She wanted to head for the cloudy place, even if
We were able to, the cloudy place would be prevented.

٣. وأرادتْ قصدَ الغَمِيمِ ولو أن
نا اِستَطَعنا كان المحلَّ الغميمُ

4. We concealed a passion for her for a while
But the tears of the eyes were pouring down.

٤. وكتمنا وَجْداً بها ساعةَ البَيْ
نِ ولكنْ دَمْعُ العيونِ نَمومُ

5. After we parted there was no long
Embrace or greeting between us, out of caution.

٥. لم يَطُلْ بيننا غداةَ اِفترقنا
من حِذارٍ ضمٌّ ولا تسليمُ

6. Because of the slanderers, what we kept secret,
Our hidden affair, was lost.

٦. ضاعَ مِنّا بينَ الوشاةِ ببينٍ
ما اِحتَسبناه سِرُّنا المكتومُ

7. What tears flowed while we were travelling
To and fro, and the abodes were then traces!

٧. أيُّ دمعٍ جرى ونحن بنَجْرا
نَ لنا والدّيارُ ثَمَّ رسومُ

8. If your eyes had looked back at them
Before parting, I would have said "the stars!"

٨. دِمَنٌ لو رَنَتْ إليهنّ عينا
كَ قُبَيْلَ الفراقِ قلت النُّجومُ

9. And lovely ladies, lean as if they were
Spirits, but without bodily forms.

٩. ومغانٍ من النّحولِ كأروا
حٍ ولكنْ ليستْ لهنّ جُسومُ

10. We passed by them and sorrows
Were driven towards us from their desolation.

١٠. ما مررنا إلّا بهنّ ومنهن
نَ قفاراً سِيقتْ إلينا الهُمومُ

11. No rest for him who sleeps a long night
Of separation from his beloved, even if he slumbers.

١١. ما على مَن ينامُ ليلَ مُحبِّي
ه طويلاً لو كان فيه يُنيمُ

12. Wondrous is he, full of wealth,
Yet writhing from his sides with leanness!

١٢. وَعَجيبٌ وهْوَ المَلِيء ثراءً
كيف يُلوي عن جانبيه الغَريمُ

13. She rose, so the crescent was visible through her,
And she turned towards us, and it was said, "an omen!"

١٣. طلعتْ فالهلالُ يُبصَرُ منها
ورَنَتْ نحونا فقيلَ الرِّيمُ

14. And we doubted whether her tear was a spring
Or scattered pearls threaded together.

١٤. وشككنا في دمعها وهو منهل
لٌ أَدَمْعٌ أم لؤلؤٌ منظومُ

15. The breakers of their word left the abode,
While you remained in it, faithful.

١٥. رحل النّاكثون بالعهد عن دا
ر حفاظٍ وأنتَ فيها مقيمُ

16. They shunned loyalty, and this is a chronic
Sickness among people from of old.

١٦. وتناهَوْا عن الوفاء وهذا الْ
غَدْرُ داءٌ بين الأنام قديمُ

17. I heard reproach which is not seen as
Unjust except by the dubious traitor.

١٧. وملامٌ سمعته لا يُرى في
ه لَجوجاً إلّا المُريبُ المُليمُ

18. I do not care if I remain chaste when
All mankind are not chaste.

١٨. لا أُبالي متى اِستَقمتُ إذا كا
ن جميعُ الأنامِ لا يستقيمُ

19. If I am blamed by the blamer
It does not harm me, for I am the blamed.

١٩. وإذا كنتُ لا يطورُ بِيَ الذّم
مُ فما ضرّني مَنِ المذمومُ

20. And if I describe her as the noble required
Then call the men - no, no, do not price her!

٢٠. وَإِذا سُمتُها كما اِشترط المج
دُ فنادِ الرّجالَ لا لا تسوموا

21. Say to the pride of kings about me, and say
Truthfully: Among mankind I am chaste and sick.

٢١. قلْ لفخر الملوك عَنِّيَ والقو
لُ صحيحٌ بني الورى وسقيمُ

22. We have seen kings through you, and if you have neglected
Some glorious deeds, they have not aspired to them.

٢٢. قد رأينا بك الملوك وإنْ رُمْ
تَ من المأثُراتِ ما لم يروموا

23. In relation to their superiority, when we measure it
Against your great glory, you are supreme.

٢٣. لك من فوقهمْ إذا نحن قسنا
همْ إلى مجدك المحلُّ العظيمُ

24. In the Abode of Peace there are cares
To which only complete submission is given.

٢٤. إنّ في بلدة السّلامِ هُماماً
لَيس يُهدى إلّا له التّسليمُ

25. Some people who endure with dignity to the horizon,
And are merry during foolishness.

٢٥. من أُناسٍ لهمْ إلى سَوْرَة الجه
لِ أَناةٌ وفي السَّفاهِ حُلومُ

26. We see them not refusing a burden
As the wretched melancholy person refuses.

٢٦. ونراهم لا يعزفون عن العِبْءِ
كَما يعزف الملولُ السَّؤومُ

27. And if they are called to the ferocity of war,
The birds of prey circle above there.

٢٧. وإذا ما دُعوا لحومةِ حربٍ
وطيورُ الرّدى هناك تحومُ

28. They pardon the coward and disobey
Him who blames the negligent dove.

٢٨. وهبوا العذرَ للجبانِ وعاصوا
مَن على مكرعِ الحِمامِ يلومُ

29. They came on charging steeds, as warriors charge
On a plain of soft sand.

٢٩. وأتَوْا في ظهور هُوجٍ كما هِي
جَ على صَحْصَانِ أرضٍ ظَليمُ

30. They wore blood so their coats were dyed -
They did not become clear, and the naked remained naked.

٣٠. قد لبسن الدّماءَ فالبُلْقُ كُمْتٌ
ما توضّحْنَ والأغرُّ بَهيمُ

31. May ruin strike the riffraff with clubs,
And the summits with spears, among the enemies!

٣١. والرّدى بالظُّبا الرّقاقِ وبالسُّمْ
رِ العوالي بين العدا مقسومُ

32. He visited the fertile land when it bristled,
As clouds visit the shifting sands.

٣٢. زار أرضَ الزَّوْراءِ لمّا اِقشعرّتْ
مثلما زارتِ المُحولَ الغيومُ

33. He came when no traveller passes by it,
Scattering, nor does the sprinkler sprinkle.

٣٣. جاءَها حين لا يمرّ بها السّا
ري دُثوراً ولا يُسيم المُسيمُ

34. None passes it by while its judgements
Continue over it except the unjust oppressors.

٣٤. ليس يُغضي عنها وتَمضي قضايا
ه عليها إلّا الغَشومُ الظَّلومُ

35. It is now like the smooth plain that widens out,
In it there is no crookedness for those who alight there.

٣٥. فهي الآن كالصَّفاةِ اِستَدارتْ
ليس فيها لمجتليها ثُلومُ

36. A fresh, green garden - as for its streams,
They ripple, and its breeze is gentle.

٣٦. روضةٌ غَضّةٌ فأمّا نداها
فرذاذٌ وريحُها فنسيمُ

37. To its gate, where the fine steeds arrive,
And the delegation of hope remains,

٣٧. فَإِلى بابهِ مُناخُ المطايا
وعليه وَفْدُ الرّجاء مقيمُ

38. Convey to him hope, and how often
They come to him while the mother of hope in them is barren!

٣٨. حرمٌ آمنٌ به يُنصَفُ المظ
لومُ عفواً ويُمنحُ المحرومُ

39. Your overflowing munificence by which you have surpassed
People - a gift, wealth, and noble nature!

٣٩. بلغوا عنده الرّجاء وكم با
توا وأُمُّ الرّجاءِ فيهمْ عقيمُ

40. And qualities that have gained mastery over every heart -
In them, in the innermost self, is the core.

٤٠. دَرّ دَرٌّ الّذي فَضَلْتَ به النّا
سَ عطاءٌ دَثْرٌ وخُلْقٌ كريمُ

41. O you who enrich the poor man by your generosity,
And provide for the destitute!

٤١. وسجايا مَلَكْنَ كلَّ فؤادٍ
هنّ فيه عند الصَّميمِ صَميمُ

42. For you, from every person who has inscribed praise
In old times, both particular and general,

٤٢. أيّها المنعمُ الّذي أعوزَ الفق
رُ على جوده وأعيَا العديمُ

43. Is thanks - you who attends to him even if he does not praise you,
While the one praised is the one blamed.

٤٣. لك مِن شكرِ كلِّ مَنْ سَطَرَ الشكْ
رَ قديماً خُصوصُهُ والعُمومُ

44. And if a person's praises are not truthful
In describing him, they are disputants.

٤٤. أنت تُعنى به وإنْ لم يَقُلْ في
ك ومَن قيل فيه فَهوَ المَلومُ

45. And if an impossible description is attributed,
It is slander of his honor and stoning.

٤٥. وإذا ما مدائحُ المرءِ لم يَصْ
دُقن في نعته فهنّ خصومُ

46. This change of fortune came to us after
It cautioned us that time endures.

٤٦. وإذا ما أُعيرَ وصفاً محالاً
فهو قذفٌ لعِرضِه ورُجومُ

47. It guides you to what you wish
And what we aspire to in your wish.

٤٧. إنّ هذا التّحويلَ جاء وقد عا
هَدَنا أنّه الدُّهورَ يدومُ

48. Take the good fortune from it, for the revolving
Heaven - its prosperity and stars are from it.

٤٨. وهوَ يُهدِي إليك ما أنتَ تهوا
ه وما نحن في هواك نرومُ

49. Neither did the fortune that exalted you ever bore you
Nor did luxury estrange you.

٤٩. فخذِ السّعدَ منه فالفَلَكُ الدَّو
وارُ منه سُعودُه والنُّجومُ

50. And keep with you the servant of fate, for the best life
Is one in which fate is subservient.

٥٠. لا قَلاك الّذي علاك من السَّعْ
دِ ملالاً ولا جفاك النَّعيمُ

٥١. وَاِبقَ مستخدِمَ الزّمان فخير ال
عيشِ عيشٌ به الزّمان خَدومُ