
O possessor of grace without price

يا مالكا رقي بلا ثمن

1. O possessor of grace without price
Other than sailing and beauty from it

١. يا مالكاً رِقِّي بلا ثَمَنٍ
غير الملاحةِ منه والحسنِ

2. Indeed, what the slanderers spread
They did not believe it, nor did it happen

٢. إنَّ الّذي نمَّ الوشاةُ به
لم يصدقوا فيه ولم يكُنِ

3. And you deserted me, so I dismissed relying
On my eyelids the pleasure of intimacy

٣. وهَجَرتني فطردت معتمداً
عن مُقْلَتَيَّ لَذاذَةَ الوَسَنِ

4. So ugly is your injustice in it, it blames me
And good is injustice from you that excuses me

٤. فقبيح ظلمِك فيه يعذُلني
ومليحُ ظُلمٍ منك يعذرني

5. And who do I blame, when my vision
This is its crime against my body

٥. ولِمنْ ألومُ وإنّما بصري
هذي جنايتُهُ على بَدَني

6. It is an ordeal, if not for vanity in it
It would have brought harm to all ordeals

٦. هي محنةٌ لولا الغرورُ بها
حازتْ ضِراراً سائرَ المِحَنِ

7. And if I had a heart that obeys me
I would despair of one who does not have mercy on me

٧. وَلو اِنّ لِي قلباً يطاوعني
ليئِسْتُ ممّنُ ليس يرحمني

8. So I cut off hope of his fairness
And I shook off my necklaces from his aid

٨. فقطعتُ من إنصافِهِ أَمَلِي
ونفضتُ من إسعافِهِ دَرَنِي