
Do the hands of fate continue to afflict us with trials,

أتمضي كذا أيدي الردى بالمصاعب

1. Do the hands of fate continue to afflict us with trials,
And take away our homes and departing camels?

١. أَتمضي كَذا أيدي الرّدى بالمصاعبِ
وَتذهب عنّا بالذُرى والغواربِ

2. The lions are captured while fiercely roaring,
Taken from us forcibly without the guard's consent.

٢. وتُستَلبُ الآسادُ وهْيَ مُلِظَّةٌ
بأخياسهنّ من أعزّ المسالبِ

3. The soul of every defiant, bold warrior is hunted in us,
Even if he is not a warrior.

٣. وتُوخذ منّا من وراء سُجوفنا
بلا رأيِ بوّابٍ ولا إذْنِ حاجِبِ

4. O my friend, if you are in pursuit of those who passed away,
In conditions like mine, then you are my companion.

٤. وتُقنص فينا روحُ كلّ محاربٍ
أبيٍّ جرِيءٍ وهو غير محاربِ

5. Abandon all thoughts except those in the dovecote, and do not stand
With greed in the house of illusory doubts.

٥. أَيا صاحَبي إِنْ كنتَ في إثْرِ من مَضى
على مثل حالاتِي فإنّك صاحبي

6. And if you are one day rationalizing to my hearing,
Then tell me the story of misfortunes.

٦. دَعِ الفكرَ إلّا في الحِمامِ ولا تُقِمْ
مع الحرصِ في دار الظّنونِ الكواذبِ

7. I am preoccupied with those who stayed with the departed,
And with fantasies that fascinated us with wonders.

٧. وإنْ كنتَ يوماً بالحديثِ مُعلِّلاً
لسمعِي فحدّثني حديثَ النّوائِبِ

8. A companion to the sword of religion whose words blazed,
And did not come near nonsense or confusion.

٨. فلي شُغلٌ عمّنْ أقامَ بمنْ مَضى
وعن معجباتٍ رُقْنَنَا بالعجائبِ

9. He came with honesty, though I suspected him
Deceiving myself - indeed his words were of a liar.

٩. وناعٍ لسيف الدّين أضرم قولُه
ولم يدنُ ما بين الحشا والتّرائبِ

10. So he deprived me of the joys of life, and drew me
To the side of sorrows, from every side.

١٠. وجاء بصدقٍ غير أنّي إخالُهُ
خِداعاً لنفسي إنّه قولُ كاذبِ

11. Oh, what an affliction that saddened me,
And introduced me to troubles.

١١. فأثْكَلنِي طيبَ الحياةِ وضمّنِي
إلى جانبِ الأحزانِ من كلّ جانِبِ

12. Were it not for him, I would not have closed my eyelids to motes,
Nor would my cheek inclined to flowing tears.

١٢. فيا لكَ من رُزءٍ أزارَنِيَ الأسى
وَعرّف ما بيني وبين المصائبِ

13. I am led to grief from every direction,
As if I am submissive in the palms of aggressors.

١٣. وَلَولاه لَم أغضِ الجفونَ على قذىً
وَلا لانَ للوجدِ المبرّحِ جانِبي

14. So there is no appetizing food for one who tastes,
Nor a drink that delights the drinker among us.

١٤. أُساقُ إلى الأحزانِ من كلِّ وُجْهَةٍ
كَأنّي ذَلولٌ في أكفِّ الجواذِبِ

15. Tell the Indian swords after his loss:
You have reached your limit in striking the striker.

١٥. فلا مَطعمٌ فينا يطيبُ لطاعمٍ
ولا مشربٌ منّا يَلَذّ لشاربِ

16. And tell the tall in status to be firm, for he who
Guided you is gone, not returning disappointed.

١٦. فَقُل لِسيوفِ الهندِ من بعد فقدِهِ
تناهَيْنَ ما فيكنّ ضربٌ لضاربِ

17. And tell the steeds of battle, after he who held their reins left,
You are no longer worthy of carrying a rider.

١٧. وَقلْ لِطوالِ الخَطِّ يُركَزْن فالّذي
سَقَتْكُنَّ يمناهُ مضى غيرَ آئبِ

18. And tell those raiders who were accustomed
To the crowds of sublime deeds in the hearts of battalions:

١٨. وَقُل لِجيادِ القُودِ لَستنَّ بعد ما
تولّى جديراتٍ بركبةِ راكبِ

19. Leave what you have become accustomed to of clanging, for the leader of your plunging attacks is gone,
By the decree of fate among you all.

١٩. وَقُل لِلمُغيرين الّذين تعوّدوا
زِحامَ العوالي في صدور الكتائبِ

20. And tell the secretive ones aspiring for wealth:
They will never be between one who walks and one who rides.

٢٠. دعوا ما ألِفْتُمْ من قِراعٍ فقد مضى
بحكمِ الرّدى منكم قريعُ المقانِبِ

21. No fire will be lit for the villages,
Nor an opened feast with gifts.

٢١. وَقُل للسّراة النازعين إلى الغِنى
فهمْ أبداً ما بين سارٍ وساربِ

22. A young man whose generosity and nobility have abandoned him,
And when his fortune ended, the bags of virtue emptied.

٢٢. أقيموا فلا نارٌ تَوَقَّدُ للقِرى
ولا راحةٌ مفجورةٌ بالمواهبِ

23. And how many days have its misfortunes stung you
With the thorns of sublime deeds, not the thorns of scorpions!

٢٣. فتىً أوحشتْ منه المكارم والعُلا
ولمّا قضى عُطّتْ جيوبُ المناقبِ

24. You roamed the night until you possessed it
Against creatures of difficulties, obstinate adversaries.

٢٤. وَكَم لكَ مِن يومٍ لدغت كُماتَه
بِشَوكِ العوالي لا بشوك العقاربِ

25. You see them biting the dignity as if
They wore the knitting of sarcasm and the red gowns.

٢٥. وحيٍّ خبطتَ اللّيلَ حتى ملكتَهُ
على آلفاتٍ للصّعاب شَوازبِ

26. And around you are scouts on every path
To glory, imagining the supervision of guards.

٢٦. تراهُنّ يقضمنَ الشّكيمَ كأنّما
لَبِسنَ بنسجِ الطَّعنِ حُمْرَ الجلابِبِ

27. When determined, they do not retract from resolve,
And if they advance, they do not look at consequences.

٢٧. وَحَولك طلّاعونَ كلَّ ثنيّةٍ
إِلى المَجدِ حلّالونَ شُمَّ المراقِبِ

28. The loss of a true friend is hard, so how can I endure,
When I have lost a friend among my closest relatives?

٢٨. إِذا عَزموا لم يَرجِعوا من عزيمةٍ
وإنْ أقدموا لم ينظروا في العواقِبِ

29. It pains me that I left you alone
On a path between youth and old age.

٢٩. وَفقدُ الصَّديقِ المَحض صَعْبٌ فَكيفَ بي
وفقدي صديقاً من أجلّ أقاربي

30. On it the command of fate is obeyed among a people
Who refused to obey a conqueror after a conqueror.

٣٠. وَيُؤلِمني أنّي تركتكَ مفرداً
بمَدْرَجةٍ بين الصَّبا والجنائبِ

31. And none among them reached a position
That rose and towered over all these positions.

٣١. يُطاع بها أمرُ البِلى في معاشرٍ
أبَوْا أن يطيعوا غالباً بعد غالبِ

32. If they are shrouded in a cave of their graves,
Then they shone a lifetime dispelling the darkness of the pitfalls.

٣٢. وَما منهُمُ إِلّا الّذي نال رتبةً
سَمتْ وعلتْ عن كلّ هذي المراتِبِ

33. And if their palms are detained from gifts,
Then they stretched lifetimes receiving wishes.

٣٣. فإنْ يُكسَفوا في غَيْهَبٍ من قبورهْم
فَقَد ضوّؤوا دهراً ظلام الغياهبِ

34. And if they crouched in the dust willingly,
Then how many glorious processions they dragged among us!

٣٤. وإنْ قُبضتْ منهمْ أكفٌّ عن النّدى
فقد بُسطتْ دهراً لهمْ بالرّغائبِ

35. Do not give me to drink the tears of my eyes after him,
And do not let me hear anything but the voice of mourning.

٣٥. وإنْ جَثَموا بالتُّربِ طوعَ حِمامِهمْ
فكم جرّروا فينا ذيولَ المواكِبِ

36. May God water what you have become of dust
With the pure rain from the pure clouds.

٣٦. ألا سقّياني دمعَ عينِيَ بعدَه
ولا تُسمعاني غيرَ صوتِ النّوادبِ

37. And may it continue flowing with pardon and mercy,
And the spirit of Heaven from all sides.

٣٧. سَقى اللَّهُ ما أصبحتَ فيه من الثَّرى
زُلالَ التَّحايا عن زلالَ السّحائبِ

38. For it the pages were folded forcibly
Over the towering necks and massive duties.

٣٨. وَلا زالَ مَنضوحاً بعفوٍ ورحمةٍ
ورَوْحِ الجنانِ من جميع الجوانبِ