1. O abode, abode of righteous fasting
How your horizon is devoid of stars
١. يا دارُ دارَ الصُّوّمِ القُوّمِ
كيف خلا أُفقُكِ من أَنجُمِ
2. In my time, its dwellers would graze
In the shade of a blessed life of ease
٢. عَهدي بها يرتع سكّانُها
في ظلِّ عيشٍ بينها أَنعَمِ
3. They would not face blame that makes them frown
Except with my cup of blessed wine
٣. لم يُصبحوا فيها لوم يغبُقوا
إلّا بِكَأسَي خَمْرَةِ الأنْعَمِ
4. I would have wept it with tears that if it refused
I would have wept it fallen with blood
٤. بَكيتُها مِن أَدمُعٍ لو أَبَتْ
بكيتُها واقعةً من دمِ
5. And I would have grieved mourning its people
Except the joints and the broken bones
٥. وعُجتُ فيها راثياً أهلَها
سَواهِمَ الأوصالِ والمَلْطَمِ
6. The destiny made the traveling night into
Some remnants of scattered dark gloom
٦. نَحَلنَ حتّى حالهنّ السُّرى
بعضَ بقايا شَطَنٍ مُبْرَمِ
7. Misfortune did not leave its obliterated summits
Except fallen due to the wind's blow
٧. لم يدعِ الإسآدُ هاماتِها
إلّا سَقيطاتٍ على المَنْسِمِ
8. My friend, the day grievance
Removed the flesh from my cheeks
٨. يا صاحبي يومَ أَزالَ الجَوى
لحمي بِخدَّيَّ عن الأعظُمِ
9. You cured what you don't know about
And my complex predicament you don't know
٩. داويتَ ما أَنت به عالمٌ
ودائِيَ المعضلُ لم تعلمِ
10. I am not, with what I am smitten with
One who pairs the questioning with the infatuated
١٠. ولستُ فيما أَنَا صبٌّ به
مَنْ قَرَن السّالِيَ بالمُغرَمِ
11. My fervor is, without hostility, roaming
From a sneering blossom to a sneering blossom
١١. وَجْدِي بغير الظّعنِ سيّارةً
من مَخْرِمٍ ناءٍ إلى مَخْرِمِ
12. Not with the twisted or the weak-minded
Nor the one with beauty and wrist
١٢. ولا بلفّاءَ هضيمِ الحشا
ولا بذاتِ الجِيد والمِعْصَمِ
13. So listen to my moan when I mention the loved ones
With kindness between the wolf and the kitten
١٣. فَاِسمَعْ زفيري عند ذكر الأُلى
بالطَّفَّ بين الذّئبِ والقَشْعَمِ
14. Scattered lines, either with a withdrawn hypocrite
Or a gasping soul upon the rubble
١٤. طَرْحى فإمّا مُقعَصٌ بالقَنا
أَو سائلُ النّفسِ على مِخْذَمِ
15. A dispersal like the scattered darkness
For the inattentiveness of the composer, thus not composed
١٥. نَثْرٌ كدُرٍّ بَدَدٍ مُهْمَلٌ
لغفلةِ السِّلكِ فلم يُنْظَمِ
16. As though the dusty one thrown
By the green-colored one with the stars
١٦. كأنّما الغَبراءُ مَرْمِيَّةٌ
مِن قِبَلِ الخضراءِ بالأنجمِ
17. Leave them be, so they came like generous ones among them
How many times division made a people go astray
١٧. دُعُوا فجاؤوا كرَاماً منهمُ
كم غرّ قوماً قَسَمُ المُقسِمِ
18. Until they saw them, at the end of darkness
Rising from an obscure glow
١٨. حتّى رأوْها أخْرَياتِ الدُّجى
طوالعاً من رَهَجٍ أقْتَمِ
19. As though they are, with deafness, being driven
To the roar of the ground above the suspect
١٩. كأنّهمْ بالصُّمِّ مطرورةٌ
لمنجد الأرض على مُتهِمِ
20. And above it, every fuming enraged one
With an eye lined with the color of blood
٢٠. وفوقها كلُّ مَغيظِ الحَشا
مُكتَحِلِ الطَّرْف بلون الدَّمِ
21. As though it is an angry hungry one
Guided by greed to a feeding place
٢١. كأنّه من حَنَقٍ أجْدَلٌ
أرشده الحِرْصُ إلى مَطْعَمِ
22. So they faced the stabbing into some youths
Swimming in the sea of caution and awareness
٢٢. فَاِستَقبلوا الطّعنَ إلى فِتْيَةٍ
خُوّاضِ بحرِ الحَذَرِ المُفْعَمِ
23. Every attacker heavily armed
With shoulders carrying the glorified
٢٣. من كلّ نهّاضٍ بثِقْلِ الأذى
موكَّلِ الكاهلِ بالمُعظَمِ
24. Walking steadily into the fray, and if he was generous in it
The tumult wouldn't make him regret
٢٤. ماضٍ لِما أمَّ فلو جاد في ال
هيجاءِ بالحَوْباءِ لم يندَمِ
25. And seasoned in war, if he
Was not fed in peace he wouldn't be fed
٢٥. وكالفٍ بالحربِ لو أنّه
أُطعِمَ يومَ السِّلمِ لم يطعمِ
26. Like an expert swordsman, and less than him
A perfect blade that was not cracked
٢٦. مثلَّمِ السّيفِ ومن دونِهِ
عِرْضٌ صحيحُ الحدِّ لم يُثْلَمِ
27. So they did not stop tearing apart the prey
Between the attack of the learned horseman
٢٧. فلم يزالوا يُكرعون الظُّبا
بين تراقي الفارسِ المُعْلَمِ
28. With some fatally stabbed carrying marks
That tell the witness the story of the banner
٢٨. فمُثخَنٌ يحملُ شَهّاقةً
تَحكي لِراءٍ فُغْرَةَ الأعْلَمِ
29. As though the flowers on it are dripping
Or sprouted from the rod of oleander
٢٩. كأنّما الوَرْسُ بها سائلٌ
أو أُنبتَتْ من قُضُبِ العَنْدَمِ
30. And some made to slip by the spear
From the pain of being roasted or from a twisted dark one
٣٠. ومُستَزلٌّ بالقنا عن قَرا
عَبْلِ الشّوى أو عن مَطا أدْهَمِ
31. Had they not conspired against them
They would have retreated in shame and defeat
٣١. لو لم يكيدوهمْ بها كيدَةً
لاِنقَلبوا بالخِزْي والمَرْغَمِ
32. So their souls were seized in the egg white
In the shade of that swarthy eclipse
٣٢. فَاِقتُضِبَتْ بالبِيضِ أرْواحُهمْ
في ظلّ ذاك العارضِ الأسْحَمِ
33. An affliction that was brought unto Ahmad
And his companions among the great multitude
٣٣. مصيبةٌ سِيقتْ إلى أحمدٍ
ورَهْطِهِ في الملأ الأعظمِ
34. Mockery, and not like mockery before it
And painful, needless to say, from the painful
٣٤. رُزْءٌ ولا كالرُّزْءِ من قبلِهِ
ومؤلمٌ ناهيك من مؤلِمِ
35. And a throw that deafened, but it
Was silencing from a severed elbow
٣٥. ورميةٌ أصْمتْ ولكنّها
مُصمِيةٌ من ساعدٍ أجْذَمِ
36. Tell the clan of Harb and those who gathered
From every unjust or blind one
٣٦. قلْ لبني حربٍ ومَنْ جمّعوا
من جائرٍ عن رُشدِهِ أوْ عمِ
37. And every helper in the shackles of passion
Deemed awake from sleep
٣٧. وكلِّ عانٍ في إسارِ الهوى
يُحسب يَقظانَ من النُوَّمِ
38. Do not think it sweetness, it is
More bitter in the throat than aloes
٣٨. لا تحسبوها حُلْوةً إنّها
أَمَرُّ في الحلقِ من العَلْقَمِ
39. It strangled them, because they presented
Many ransoms with the ransomed
٣٩. صرَّعَهمْ أنّهمُ أقدموا
كم فُدِيَ المُحْجِمُ بالمُقدِمِ
40. Is there among you but a brother of evil
Wounded skin from blames
٤٠. هَل فيكمُ إلّا أَخو سَوْءَةٍ
مُجَرَّحُ الجِلْدِ من اللُّوَّمِ
41. If he feared poverty, he wouldn't find comfort in dew
Or dreaded death's approach, he wouldn't move forward
٤١. إنْ خاف فقراً لم يجُدْ بالنّدى
أو هاب وَشْكَ الموتِ لم يُقْدِمِ
42. O clan of Yasin, and those who love them
The approach of that most upright path
٤٢. يا آلَ ياسينَ ومَنْ حُبُّهمْ
مَنْهَجُ ذاك السَّنَنِ الأقومِ
43. Where the angels descend, their abode
And settlement of the perfected home
٤٣. مهابطُ الأملاكِ أبياتُهم
ومُستَقَرُّ المُنْزَلِ المُحكَمِ
44. You are the argument of the Lord of all people
Against the eloquent speaker or the mute one
٤٤. فأنتُمُ حُجّةُ ربّ الورى
على فصيحِ النّطقِ أو أَعجمِ
45. And where is proximity
To God, the Creator, the Benefactor
٤٥. وأين إلّا فيكُمُ قُرْبَةٌ
إلى الإلهِ الخالقِ المُنعمِ
46. By God, I do not leave your mention
From my prose, poetry, and purposes, from my mouth
٤٦. واللَّه لا أخليتُ من ذكركمْ
نَظْمِي ونثري ومَرامِي فمي
47. Never, and I do not neglect your enemies
From my words at any time or my arrows
٤٧. كلّا وَلا أغْبَبْتُ أعداءَكُمْ
من كَلِمي طَوْراً ومن أسهُمي
48. And no day of affliction upon you was seen
Revealed in a smiling gathering of mine
٤٨. ولا رُئِي يومَ مصابٍ لكمْ
مُنكشِفاً في مشهدٍ مَبْسَمِي
49. So if I neglect supporting you for a while
With what is not neglected by the mouth
٤٩. فإنْ أَغِبْ عن نصركمْ برهةً
بِمُرهفاتٍ لم أَغبْ بالفمِ
50. Your Lord has sent blessings upon you and your
Graves gushed from a torrential downpour
٥٠. صلَّى عليكمْ ربُّكمْ واِرتَوَتْ
قبوركمْ من مُسبِلٍ مُثْجِمِ
51. Deafening, its sounds humiliating
The sounds of the growling forest beast
٥١. مُقَعْقَعٍ تُخجِلُ أَصواتُهُ
أصواتَ ليثِ الغابةِ المُرْزِمِ
52. And how can I ask for mercy upon you
While you are the mercy for the sinner
٥٢. وَكيفَ أَستَسقِي لَكمْ رحمةً
وأَنتمُ الرّحمةُ للمجرمِ