
She whom I hated returned to me, trying to win my affection,

عادت إلي بغيضة فتوددت

1. She whom I hated returned to me, trying to win my affection,
Alas! Who could make an enemy into a lover?

١. عادَت إِليَّ بَغيضةٌ فَتَودَّدت
هَيهاتَ مَن جَعلَ البَغيضَ حَبيبا

2. She returned to find me gray-haired,
While she was still youthful, time had changed her to grayness.

٢. عادَت إِليَّ فَخلت أَنّ شيبتِي
خُلِستْ وَأَبدلها الزَّمان مشيبا

3. It was as if I saw in her suddenly,
On the day of union, a spy from the lover.

٣. فَكَأنَّني أَبصَرتُ منها بغتةً
يَومَ الوِصالِ مِنَ الحبيبِ رَقيبا

4. I wished her rise clouded,
Frowning at people, had been a sunset.

٤. وَوَددت أَنّ طلوعَها مقليّةً
مشنيّةً في الناسِ كانَ غروبا

5. You were a disease to me, but I could not find,
Among the remedies of men, a cure for your sickness.

٥. قَد كنتِ لي داءً وَلَكِن لَم أَجِدْ
مِن داءِ سُقْمِك في الرّجال طبيبا

6. I wish the past time, when I had
No intimacy with you, and I was set free from you.

٦. وَلَحبّذا زَمنٌ مَضى ما كانَ لي
قًربٌ إِليكِ وكنتُ منكِ سليبا

7. O would that he who ordained the meeting between us
Had made parting from the meeting near.

٧. يا لَيتَ من قَدَرَ التّلاقي بيننا
جَعَلَ الفراقَ مِنَ اللّقاءِ قَريبا

8. A time when, if she visited me smiling,
She was morose, and if she joined me she was sullen.

٨. زَمَنٌ إِذا قاطَعتِنا مُتَبَسِّمٌ
ضافٍ وإِن واصلتِ كان قَطوبا

9. It was as if my heart, though unshaken,
Was filled to overflowing by your nearness.

٩. وَكأَنّ قَلبي وَهوَ غَيرُ مُقَلْقَلٍ
مُلئتْ بقُربك حافَتاهُ وَجيبا

10. Had you not been unique in time
My eyes would not have seen in it anything unique.

١٠. لَو لَم تَكوني في الزّمانِ عجيبةً
ما أَبصَرتْ عَينايَ فيهِ عَجيبا

11. And I spent all my life free from sin,
And made you for it sinful against me.

١١. وَخَلوتُ عُمري كلَّه مِن ذَنبهِ
فَجَعلتُ مِنكِ لَهُ إِلَيَّ ذنوبا

12. And you left scars and wounds on my skin
While time left none but the unharmed.

١٢. وخَلَفْتِ في جلدي وَلَم يكُ دهرَه
إِلّا السّليمَ جَرائحاً ونُدوبا

13. And I met in you strange tribulations,
And suffered the most painful kinds of affliction.

١٣. وَلَقيتُ فيكِ مِنَ العناءِ غَرائباً
وَأَخذتُ مِن أَدهى البلاءِ ضروبا

14. And you left my heart inconsolable with anguish,
And my eyelids unable to cease weeping.

١٤. وَتَركتِ قَلبي لا يُفيقُ كآبةً
وَجُفونَ عَيني لا تملّ نحيبا

15. It was as if, when I unwillingly took you,
My fortune was denied, and I got no share.

١٥. وَكأنَّني لمّا أخذتُكِ كارهاً
قَسمي حُرمتُ وما أخذت نصيبا

16. Had you been but a single fault I would have endured you,
But you were, altogether, faults.

١٦. لَو كُنتِ عيباً واحداً صَبرتْ له
نَفسي وَلكِن كنتِ أنتِ عيوبا