1. A visitor visited me in weakness, deceiving me
Had I worn the garments of morning, he would not have visited
١. وَزائِرٍ زارَني وَهْناً يُغالِطُني
وَلَو لَبست ثيابَ الصّبحِ لم يزُرِ
2. The veils of night had fallen for him
Between me and my faith and worries is my intoxication
٢. تَمّت لَهُ وَستورُ الليلِ مُسْبَلَةٌ
بيني وبين يقيني والكَرَى سكري
3. Had he who is not wise wished to deceive me
He could have attained what he wanted by trickery
٣. وَلَو أَراد خِداعي غير ذي وَسَنٍ
لَكانَ مِن نيل ما يبغي على غَرَرِ