
The parting on the day of farewell at dawn's first light

ضنت عليك ضنينة الخدر

1. The parting on the day of farewell at dawn's first light
Grieved for you, with a heartfelt sorrow.

١. ضَنّتْ عليك ضنينةُ الخِدْرِ
يومَ الوداع بطلعة البدرِ

2. The raven's cry conveyed to you her agonizing separation,
Yet you remained unknowing.

٢. ووشى إليك بوَشْكِ فُرقتِها
صوتُ الغراب وأنتَ لا تدري

3. I was stunned - had it not been for a glance that passed by,
And I would have been silent - had it not been for a falling tear.

٣. فذُهِلتُ لولا نظرةٌ عرضتْ
وَوَجَمْتُ لولا دمعةٌ تجري

4. It was as if, when I tread the burning embers of passion,
I walked on fiery coals.

٤. وكأنّنِي لمّا وطأتُ على
حرّ النّوى أمشي على جمرِ

5. My limbs bloodstained, from his union at dusk to dusk,
Until his beauty adorned me, after estrangement, like the ruby hue of wine.

٥. ومخضّب الأطراف ماطَلَنِي
بوصالهِ عَصْراً إلى عَصْرِ

6. Never did I think that I would be forever
Sweetened by the honey of love.

٦. حَتّى أَزارتنِي محاسنُهُ
بعد الهدوّ سُلافَةَ الخمرِ

7. It was as if the virtue of our blessed seclusion
Was that meeting openly exposed.

٧. ما كان عندي أنّنِي أبداً
مُتَخمِّلٌ مَنّاً مِن السُّكرِ

8. No doubts nor approach, nor kisses on the lips -
For to draw near one who fears the consequences

٨. وكأنّما لعفافِ خَلْوَتِنا
ذاك التّلاقي كان في الجهرِ

9. Is like coals: the kiss like separation, the union like estrangement.

٩. لا رِيبةٌ في كلّ ذاك ولا
قُرْبٌ ولا قُبَلٌ على ثَغْرِ

١٠. والقربُ من خاشٍ عواقبَهُ
مِثل النَّوى والوصل كالهجرِ