
O you who lingers behind the thick curtains

يا ثاويا خلف الرتاج المطبق

1. O you who lingers behind the thick curtains
Give me solace that we do not meet

١. يا ثاوِياً خَلفَ الرّتاجِ المُطْبقِ
أَعزز عليَّ بِأنّنا لا نلتقي

2. Time has entered as we hated between us
And scattered a gathering between us with separation

٢. دخل الزّمانُ كما كرهنا بيننا
وَرمَى اِجتِماعاً بيننا بتفرّقِ

3. And I wished when I said I had parted from him
Beneath the tents that I had not believed

٣. وودِدْتُ لمّا قلتُ قد فارقتُهُ
تحتَ الجَنادل أنّنِي لم أصدقِ

4. And I threw him shrouded in the weaving of soil
In the depths of a dark narrow confinement

٤. وطرحتُه متسربلاً نَسْجَ الثّرى
في قعر مُسودّ الجوانبِ ضيّقِ

5. And I did to him though I am gentle with him
When I despaired the actions of other than the gentle

٥. وفعلتُ فيه وإنّنِي شَفِقٌ به
لمّا يئستُ فِعالَ غيرِ المشفقِ

6. And I turned away from him as if I had not met him
And as if I had not breathed his scent

٦. ورجعتُ عنه كأنّنِي لم ألقه
وكأنّنِي بنسيمه لم أعْبَقِ

7. I cry and no lament returns the departed
My anguish for him, nor my long burning

٧. أبكي وليس يردّ ميتاً ماضياً
جَزَعي عليه ولا طويلُ تحرُّقي

8. And I stole him from those who made him forbidden
So I lost him and wished I had not stolen

٨. وسَرقتُه مِنْ بين مَنْ حرّمته
ففقدتُه فوددتُ أنْ لم أسرِقِ

9. Where are those who built the lofty buildings
With lightning, and rumbling, and groaning

٩. أَينَ الّذينَ بَنوا رفيعاتِ البنا
مِن بارقٍ وسَدِيرِه وخَوَرْنَقِ

10. And who built the two pyramids then topped them
With plaster, and brocade, and silk

١٠. ومَنِ اِبتني الهَرَمين ثمَّ علاهما
بالعَصْب والدّيباج والإستبرقِ

11. Or where is he who raised his palace high
In pride like a star suspended in the sky?

١١. أم أين مَن أعلا بنا إيوانِهِ
عزّاً كَنجمٍ في السّماءِ محلّقِ

12. You would see the nights, morning and evening
The youth of its origin faded of elegance

١٢. وَتَرى اللّيالي بكرةً وعشيّةً
خَضِلَ الأصائلِ منه غضَّ الرَّونَقِ

13. Its doors would open to visitors
Then its fate shut it with a locked door

١٣. كانت تفتّحُ للثّرا أبوابُه
فثناه مصرعُه ببابٍ مُغلَقِ

14. And how they laid out carpets in the hills
While now we lay him in the barren sands

١٤. وَلَكَمْ تَوسّد في القِلالِ نمارقاً
فالآن نوسدُه صَعيدَ الأبرقِ

15. And one crowned with inlaid carnelian
His skull in the grave is bare of refinement

١٥. ومتوّجٍ بمرصّعٍ من عَسْجَدٍ
بوغاؤه في اللحْدِ تاجُ المَفْرَقِ

16. Above his pit branches of myrtle
Tremble in a hole after stately pillars

١٦. تَهتَزّ فوق شَواتِه في حفرةٍ
من بعد ألْوِيَةٍ غُصونُ العِشْرِقِ

17. Fate equalized between men so the valiant
Became like the coward and the noble like the villain

١٧. سوَّى الرّدى بين الرّجال فباسلٌ
كمجبّنٍ ومُمَوَّلٍ كالمُمْلِقِ

18. And when they passed away as bodies into decrepitude
They were discarded into the hands of a reckless fool

١٨. وَإِذا مَضوا حِزَقاً إلى حُكمِ البِلى
نُبذوا إلى كَفّي سفيهٍ أَخْرَقِ

19. So their skins in the claws of every tearer
And their bones chewing in every gnawer

١٩. فجلودُهمْ ببنانِ كلِّ ممزِّقٍ
وعظامهمْ في ماضِغَيْ متعرِّقِ

20. They had lodged in every towering castle
Yet now lodge in every desolate wasteland

٢٠. كانوا الحلولَ بكلِّ قصرٍ شاهقٍ
فهمُ الحلولُ بكلّ قفرٍ سَمْلَقِ

21. As if their horseman never rose high
And their orator in an assembly did not speak

٢١. وكأنّ فارسَهمْ لِطِرْفٍ ما علا
وخطيبَهمْ في مَحفلٍ لم ينطقِ

22. Say to him who hoarded treasure for others
In ignorance and gathered his money to disperse

٢٢. قُل للّذي كَنز الكنوزَ لغيره
جَهلاً وجمّع ماله لمفرّقِ

23. If you were miserly in what you spent
It became despite you in the hands of a spender

٢٣. إِنْ كنتَ ما أنفقتَه ضنّاً به
أضحى برغمك في أناملِ مُنفقِ

24. And when the miser protects himself from his provision in stinginess
It is as if he was not provisioned

٢٤. وإذا البخيل حمى لضنٍّ نفسه
من رزقه فكأنّه لم يُرزَقِ

25. And a messenger brought me the news
So I wished his tongue was not created

٢٥. وَنعى إليَّ الشُّمسيَّ مُخْبِّرٌ
فوددتُ أنّ لسانَه لم يُخلَقِ

26. And I struggled with all effort though it was certain
His saying if it was uncertain

٢٦. وجَهَدتُ كلَّ الجهْدِ وهو مُحقّقٌ
لمقاله أنْ كان غيرَ محقَّقِ

27. So I spent the night from his companionless companion
On a pillow, sleepless and distressed

٢٧. فبليتُ من نجواه لا ناجى بها
بمسهِّدٍ طولَ الدُّجى ومؤرّقِ

28. And I was deprived of every admirable trait
And lost from him everything graceful

٢٨. وسُلبتُ منه كلَّ خُلْقٍ مُعجِبٍ
وفَقدتُ منه كلَّ شيءٍ مونِقِ

29. And I sought him among men but he was not
And by God how many sought are not attained

٢٩. وطلبتُه بين الرّجالِ فلم يكنْ
ولربّ مطلوبٍ بنا لم يلحقِ

30. It is as if after him I had a barrenness
Its friendly desolation like the elegant twilight

٣٠. وكأنّنِي من بعده ذو قفرةٍ
صَفِرَتْ إداوتُهُ كليلُ الأنيُقِ

31. And indeed time has erased his manners and knowledge
From us, despite the wiping out destruction

٣١. ولقد محا آدابَه وعلومَه
منّا الرّدى بالرّغْمِ مَحْوَ المُهْرَقِ

32. So it is as if we never listened to his words
And as if we never breathed his scent

٣٢. فَكَأنّنا لِكلامِهِ لم نستمعْ
وكأنّنا لعبيره لم ننشَقِ

33. And if it were not fate that the youth defends
I would have defended him with every gentle, eloquent

٣٣. ولوِ الرّدى ممّا يدافعه الفتى
لدفعتُ عنه بكلّ غالٍ أرْوَقِ

34. Sword, delicate of blade, sharpened
And I would have broken in my defense the necks

٣٤. وبكلّ خوّارِ المهزّةِ باترٍ
عَضْبٍ رقيقِ الشَّفْرَتين مُذَلَّقِ

35. Of the sly horses, the outstripping racers
Until one wounded met a wounded

٣٥. وحطمتُ في دفعي رداك أسنَّةً
فوق الجياد الضُّمَّراتِ السُّبَّقِ

36. And a stabber pierced by a stabber
In a melee hastening to fate

٣٦. حتّى ألفَّ مثلّماً بمثلَّمٍ
ومن الوشيج مدقّقاً بمدقَّقِ

37. Crowding the narrow ground
All with bright brow like a moon

٣٧. في غُلْمَةٍ متسرّعين إلى الرّدى
متهجّمين على المقامِ الضيّقِ

38. And a long, elegant neck
Crowding, so a pony in a pony

٣٨. من كلّ وضّاح الجبين كأنّه
قمرٌ وممتدِّ القناةِ عَشَنَّقِ

39. Or a stallion with his strike in a stallion
They had not drunk but the cups of their firmness

٣٩. مُتزاحمين فَمنْسِرٌ في مَنْسِرٍ
أو فَيْلَقٍ بضرابه في فيلقِ

40. Nor eaten but the flesh of the slain
Their spears between the ribs in battle

٤٠. لم يشربوا إلّا كؤوسَ قِسِيّهِمْ
أَو يَطعموا إلّا لحومَ المأْزقِ

41. Not the spears of burnt sires
And when they are stabbed the pierced blade

٤١. لِقناهُمُ بين الأضالعِ في الوغى
زَجَلٌ ولا زجلُ الأَباءِ المُحْرَقِ

42. Became entangled in its wounds
And you accompanied me while I was a man armored

٤٢. وإِذا هُمُ طعنوا تريبَ مُجَرَّدٍ
أضحى بنسجِ نقيعه في فَيلقِ

43. In the armor of youth and a cloak not worn
My audacity and vitality were not erased from me

٤٣. وَصحبتنِي وأنا اِمرؤٌ متدرِّعٌ
درعَ الشّبابِ وبُرْدَةً لم تَخلُقِ

44. Never, nor the freshness of my elegance waned
Clouds pouring poured on you

٤٤. لم تُمحَ مِنّي جِدَّتي ونضارتي
كلّا ولا نَضُبَتْ غضارةُ رونقي

45. From every bursting kidney, torn
The thunder rolls had thunders that shamed

٤٥. جادتْ عليك سحائبٌ مُنهلَّةٌ
من كلِّ منفتِقِ الكُلى متخرِّقِ

46. The roaring of the hissing enraged lion in the night
And it was as if accumulated deafness collapsed

٤٦. صَخْبِ الرُّعودِ له زماجرُ أخجلتْ
باللّيلِ زَمْجَرَةَ الهِزَبْرِ المُحنَقِ

47. From a towering mountain or grandeur from a dome
And your Lord did not water you with what He waters with

٤٧. وَكأنّه متراكماً صُمٌّ هَوَتْ
من شاهقٍ أو جِلّةٌ من دَرْدَقِ

48. Neither with a water-skin, nor a flask
And I have lost in you a brother whose merits never ceased

٤٨. وسقاك ربُّك ليس ما يسقي به
بمُصَرَّدٍ كلّا ولا بمرنَّقِ

49. To be like the sun or the shining planet
My hand was too weak to bid you farewell dead

٤٩. ورثيتُ منك أخا فضائلَ لم تزلْ
كالشّمسِ أو كالكوكبِ المتألّقِ

50. So take all the farewell from my speaking

٥٠. عجزتْ يدي عن أنْ تَبَرَّكَ ميّتاً
فخذ المبرَّةَ كلّها من منطقي