
How many eyes has the wine made languid,

كم للنواظر من دم مطلول

1. How many eyes has the wine made languid,
And how many revellers has it made loose-tongued!

١. كم للنّواظر من دمٍ مطلولِ
ومُدَفّعٍ عن وَجْدِه ممطولِ

2. And I, one morn when the pitcher was passed round,
Bore off the dregs of the wine-skins however heavy.

٢. ولقد حملتُ غداة زُمّتْ للنّوى
أُدْمُ الرّكائبِ فيه كلَّ ثقيلِ

3. I was content with a little from them, nor was I
Pleased, before parting, with a little from them.

٣. وقنعتُ منهمْ بالقليل ولم أكنْ
أرضى قُبَيلَ فراقهمْ بقليلِ

4. Had it not been for my tears the day they departed
The garden of sorrow would not have flowed.

٤. لولا دموعي يوم قامتْ ودّعتْ
ما كان روضُ الحَزْنِ بالمطلولِ

5. And she showed a face the sun of morning
Had never shone on save with a sparkling radiance.

٥. وأَرَتْك وجهاً لم تُنِرْ شمسُ الضّحى
إلاّ به ما كان بالمملولِ

6. She donned the black garments of its branches
And smiled through lips sweetened with wine;

٦. وتقلّدَتْ بأساودٍ من فرعها
وتبسّمتْ عن أشْنَبٍ معسولِ

7. She glanced at you with the corner of a fawn-like eye
And traced with down on the skirt of her shift.

٧. وَرَنتْ إليك بطرف جَوْذَرِ رملةٍ
وخطتْ بحِقْفٍ في الإزار مَهيلِ

8. If you deny what the hand of fate has done
My witnesses are my wasting frame and my tears.

٨. إنْ كنتَ تُنكر ما جَنَتْه يدُ النّوى
فالشّاهدان صبابتي ونحولِي

9. What matters the niggardliness of their hands to me
If they are not niggardly in upbraiding me?

٩. ما ضرّ من ضنّتْ يداه بمُنْيَتِي
أَن لا يَضِنّ عليَّ بالتّعليلِ

10. How long shall I complain against the cruelty of one deaf
And how long hope for bounty from a miser?

١٠. فإلى متى أشكو إلى ذي قسوةٍ
وإلى متى أرجو نوالَ بخيلِ

11. Tell the assailants, now that the Pleiades decline,
My inclining is toward the driver of the wine-skins.

١١. قل للحُداةِ خلال عيسٍ ضُمَّرٍ
بطُلىً إلى حادي الرّكائبِ مِيلِ

12. Make your way to the King of kings, your halting places,
For the halting of the caravan is best at his abode,

١٢. حُطّوا إلى ملكِ الملوكِ رحالَكْم
فَفِناؤه للرّكبِ خيرُ مَقيلِ

13. Where the soil has kissed foreheads and its expanse
Is spacious for a people given to kissing.

١٣. حيث الثّرى لاقى الجباه وأرضُه
للقومِ موسَعَةٌ من التّقبيلِ

14. Like the moon of the gloaming his face
And its brightness is that of a polished blade.

١٤. وكأنّما قمرُ الدّياجي وجهُه
ورُواء لونِ الصّارمِ المصقولِ

15. God reward you for standing at a station you have not ceased
To be a foal circling round the other foals.

١٥. للَّهِ دَرُّك في مقامٍ لم تزلْ
عَجِلاً تلفّ رعيلَه برعيلِ

16. While the horses charge down from the hilltops
And the camels leave behind them all the little hills,

١٦. والخيلُ جائلةٌ على قِممٍ هَوَتْ
ومناكبٍ فارقن كلّ قليلِ

17. As though they were swimming the eddies of Nu'm
Smooth rocks swimming in eddies of mist,

١٧. وكأنّهنّ يخُضن ماءَ ترائبٍ
لمجدّلين يخُضن ماءَ وُحولِ

18. They tried you when discord raised its head
And reason in men was struck as by epilepsy,

١٨. قد جرّبوك غداةَ جنّتْ فتنةٌ
رَمَتِ العقول من الورى بخبولِ

19. As though it were a spark in the blackness of night
Whose reaping comes not with host or company,

١٩. فكأنّ مُضرمَها مضرّمُ عَرْفَجٍ
في الدَّوِّ حان حصادُه بقبيلِ

20. As though it were a wild thing in the darkness of night
Blundering blindly and without guide.

٢٠. وكأنّها عشواءُ في غبشِ الدّجى
تطوي الفَلا خَبْطاً بغير دليلِ

21. But you made it swing straight with your wisdom
Until it turned its back on us without scent or track,

٢١. فعدلتها بالرّأي حتّى نكّبَتْ
عنّا بغير قنىً وغيرِ نُصولِ

22. And you mounted it when the dawn flushed red
At an hour when mounts the base-born wretch.

٢٢. وَركبتَ منها وهي شامسةُ القَرا
عمّا قليلٍ ظهرَ أيِّ ذَلولِ

23. Had it been truly rebellious against you
You had tamed it with the halter firmly bound.

٢٣. ولو اِنّها عاصَتْك حكّمتَ القَنا
فيها وحدَّ الباترِ المسلولِ

24. And filled the breadth of the wide earth with swordblades and spears
And horses and warriors;

٢٤. وملأتَ قطرَ الأرضِ وهي عريضةٌ
بصوارمٍ وذوابلٍ وخيولِ

25. As though the battalion in desire for booty
Craved only for blood-wit of the wounded;

٢٥. وبكلّ مُستَلَبِ المَلامِ كأنّما
شهد الكتيبة طالباً بذُحولِ

26. Bare of all but the raiment of valour,
Athirst save with the blood of the slain to drink.

٢٦. عُريانَ إِلّا من لباسِ بسالةٍ
ظمآنَ إلّا من دمٍ لقتيلِ

27. And I who love your love and ever seek
Always your pleasure, and that is my hope,

٢٧. وَأَنا الّذي أهوى هواك وأبتغي
أبداً رضاك وإنّه مأمولي

28. Whenever a people change from side to side,
Then you are secure from my changing.

٢٨. ومتى تبدّل جانباً عن جانبٍ
قومٌ فإنّك آمنٌ تبديلي

29. And if you come to regard me justly
My heart swears it cares not for blamer or dispraise

٢٩. وإذا صححتَ فإنّ قلبي مُقسِمٌ
أنْ لا يبالي في الورى بعليلِ

30. Leave me to criticize those who criticize;
The noontide sun sheds no light for the dim of sight.

٣٠. وذرِ اِنتقادي بالشُّناةِ فلم تُنِرْ
شمسُ الظّهيرة للعيون الحُولِ

31. Let me make up for the good fortune others enjoy
If I do not take in it the rank of the abject.

٣١. وليسلني عَن فوت ما نال الورى
إنْ لم أقمْ فيه مقامَ ذليلِ

32. Her cheek dimpled like the dawn smiling on an actor
Weary with long quest of every spectator.

٣٢. خدُّها كما اِبتسم النّهار لمُدجنٍ
أعيا عليه قصدُ كلّ سبيلِ

33. As though for those who see her she were a flame
And for those who kiss she were all-embracing.

٣٣. وكأنّها للمبصريها جَذوَةٌ
ولناشقيها فَغْمةٌ لشَمولِ

34. As though she were a mighty thing unpursued,
A trembling doe, but lioness when she has whelped.

٣٤. وكأنّما هي عزّةً لا تُبْتَغى
عرِّيسةٌ للأُسْدِ ذاتُ شبولٍ

35. As though she were the garden of Eden sacked
By left hands of sorceresses acceptable.

٣٥. وكأنّها روضُ الفلا عبثتْ به
أيدي شمالٍ سُحْرةً وقَبولِ

36. Her figure repudiates the known meaning of figure;
Her speech was not as the speech of yore.

٣٦. صِينتْ عن المعنى المعاد وقولُها
ما كان في زمنٍ مضى بمقولِ

37. And when the bloom in the branches turns color
Her bloom is changeless and knows no fading.

٣٧. وإذا النّضارةُ في الغصون تغيّرتْ
كانت نضارتُها بغير ذبولِ

38. Rejoice in this feast and linger on
In mansion of delight thronged with blessings.

٣٨. فاِسعَدْ بهذا العيد واِبقَ لمثله
في منزلٍ من نعمةٍ مأهولِ

39. You kept the fast from yourself but were not perturbed
By anything of error or slip.

٣٩. ولقد نَضَوْتَ الصّومَ عنك ولم تَعُجْ
فيه بجانبِ هفوةٍ وزليلِ

40. You held aloof from all forbidden things;
They only fasted from food and drink.

٤٠. وكففتَ عن كلّ الحرامِ وإنّما
صاموا عن المشروب والمأكولِ

41. And if you live we care not if there comes to us
Misfortune, the tears of misery are our consolation.

٤١. وإذا بقيتَ فما نبالِي مِن جرتْ
منّا عليه ردىً دموعُ ثَكولِ