1. When will the sand dunes reveal to us their gazelle
And bring closer to our reach its bounty
١. متى يُبدِي الكثيبُ لنا غزالَه
ويُدني من أنامِلنا منالَهْ
2. How can we attain one we do not encounter
Though the dew promised nothing but its meeting
٢. وكيف يُنيلنا مَن ليس نَلقى
وقد وعد النّدى إلّا مِطالَهْ
3. He intended to visit me mistakenly, so when
I extended my palm to attain it, it appeared to him
٣. أراد زيارتي غلطاً فلمّا
مددتُ لنيلها كفِّي بدا لَهْ
4. And when his eyes spurned me by day
I was content to see his shadow by night
٤. ولمّا أنْ جفا عيني نهاراً
رضيت بأنْ أرى ليلاً خيالَهْ
5. I resisted his prohibitions, so my eye attained
His blessings, while my heart found him pure in the darkness
٥. وعِفتُ حرامَه فأنال عيني
وقلبي في الدُّجى منه حلالَهْ
6. My teary eyes made me think I saw him
Yet in tears I saw nothing but his likeness
٦. يُرِي عيني الكرى أنِّي أراه
ولم أرَ في الكرى إلّا مِثالَهْ
7. I missed his honesty, so perforce I was satisfied
To meet his phantom on a hopeless quest
٧. عدمتُ صحيحَه فرضيتُ قَسْراً
بأنْ ألقى على سِنَةٍ مُحالَهْ
8. And a saying visited me, so I wished
I had protected my mind from its speaker
٨. وقولٍ زارني فوددتُ أنّي
وقيتُ بمهجتي مَن كان قالَهْ
9. It reminded me of gatherings, songstresses,
Days of youth and joblessness
٩. ذكرتُ به التّصابي والغواني
وأيّامَ الشّبيبةِ والبطالَهْ
10. How can I blame one whose love made me lose
A lifetime, and revealed to me its crescent
١٠. وكيف ألومُ إمّا لمتُ دهراً
ضللتُ به فأطلعَ لِي هِلالَهْ
11. When I thirsted, its sweetness quenched me
And its fresh water slaked me
١١. ولمّا أنْ ظمئتُ به سقاني
عذوبتَه وأوْرَدَني زُلالَهْ
12. My heart was averse to him out of caution
So he had me bound in his fetters
١٢. وكان من العِدا قلبي نفوراً
على حَذَرٍ فكان له الحِبالَهْ
13. I forgave him the sins of time when
He came to my hand and clung to its union
١٣. غفرتُ له ذنوبَ الدّهرِ لمّا
أَتى كفّي فأعلقها وصالَهْ
14. I am no chosen one, just a friend
Who was content with his trials and defects
١٤. وَما أَنا مصطفٍ إلّا خَليلاً
رضيتُ على تجاربه خلالَهْ
15. I left some belongings near the valley
And did not turn to them, enjoying their loss
١٥. تركتُ بجانبِ الوادي ثُماماً
فلم أعرض له وجنيتُ ضالَهْ
16. You are of people we have not seen
Anything but leadership and glory from them
١٦. وإنّك من أُناسٍ ما رأينا
لهمْ إلّا الرّياسةَ والجلالَهْ
17. They climbed the peaks of weighty speech among us
And settled them however they wished
١٧. علَوْا قُلَلَ الكلام الجَزْلِ فينا
وحلّوا كيفما شاؤوا جبالَهْ
18. How one longed to catch up with them
On the routes of great deeds, but did not attain it
١٨. وكم رام اِمرؤٌ بهمُ لُحوقاً
بطرقِ المأثُراتِ فما اِستوى لَهْ
19. They did not cease to be one day a torrent of bounty
For pride, and one day swords for combat
١٩. وما زالوا بيوم ندىً سيولاً
لمفخرةٍ ويوم وغىً نِصالَهْ
20. How many eloquent ones you turned back
Ignorant, unable to express themselves
٢٠. وكم ماضي البيان رددتَ منه
غبيَّاً لا تبين له مقالَهْ
21. And how many debaters you returned muted
Reversing their arguments
٢١. وذى لَسَنٍ رجعتَ به صَموتاً
وذى جَدَلٍ عكستَ له جِدالَهْ
22. So take it today, a poetry of distraction
With which to roam the lands, lost without losing your way
٢٢. فخذها اليومَ قافيةً شروداً
تجوب بها البلادَ ولا ضلالَهْ
23. For if it falls short, its subtle hints
Have spared you prolongation
٢٣. فإنْ قَصُرَتْ فقد أغنتْك منها
إِشاراتٌ لَطُفْن عن الإطالَهْ
24. My heart will never tire of you in time
Far be it from tiring of you!
٢٤. فلا مَلَلٌ لقلبي منك دهراً
وحاشا اللَّهَ قلبي من مَلالَهْ