
The eyes of the children of Prophet Muhammad rejoiced

قرت عيون بني النبي محمد

1. The eyes of the children of Prophet Muhammad rejoiced
At the capable Ahmad, resolute of will

١. قَرّت عيونُ بني النبيِّ محمّد
بالقادر الماضِي العزيمة أحمدِ

2. With Mufawwadh, whose fathers bore witness for him
That the caliphate will encompass him tomorrow

٢. بموفّقٍ شَهدتْ له آباؤهُ
أنْ سوف يشتمل الخلافة في غدِ

3. It came to him but did not burden his chest
With worries or leanings, and he did not extend his hand to it

٣. جاءَتْه لم يُتْعِبْ بها في صدرِه
همّاً وَلا أوْمَا إليها باليدِ

4. Its imaginings had reached him, and the most generous
Of fortunes was rising before the appointed time

٤. سَبَقتْ مُخِيلَتُها إليه وأكرَم ال
نعماءِ طالعةٌ أمامَ الموعِدِ

5. And I knew that it would not settle
Except like the subsiding of a faded flood

٥. ولقد علمتُ بأنّها لا تنتضِي
إلّا شَبا ماضِي الغِرارِ مهنَّدِ

6. When suspicions prowled in it and widened
Ambitions that wander with the enemy and transgress

٦. لمّا مشتْ فيه الظّنونُ وأوسعتْ
طَمَعاً يروح مع العدوِّ ويغتدِي

7. And they competed for roads to it, rugged
It came to him along the straightest path

٧. وَتَنازَعوا طُرُقاً إليها وعْرَةً
جاءته في سَنَنِ الطّريقِ الأقصدِ

8. It clung to the most capable arm in supporting it
And the brightest of its lamps was protected

٨. عَلِقتْ بأوفى ساعدٍ في نصرها
وأذبَّ عن مصباحها المتوقّدِ

9. A hero who adds the valor of the victorious
To the subjugation of the enemy, to the devotion of the guided

٩. قَرْمٍ يضيفُ صرامةَ المنصورِ في
قَمعِ العدوِّ إلى خشوعِ المهتدي

10. Like a fire, lofty of rays, though
Its flames may be obscured by cinderous ashes

١٠. كالنّارِ عاليةِ الشّعاعِ وربّما
أخفَتْ تضرّمَها بطونُ الرِّمْددِ

11. Awake, closing his eyelids and worries
From all corners of the country with observatories

١١. يقظٌ يغضُّ جفونَه وهمومهُ
من كلِّ أطراف البلادِ بمرصدِ

12. Pride of the Abbasids, your ancientness
Refuses days other than renewal

١٢. فخراً بنِي العبّاسِ إنّ قديمكمْ
يأبى على الأيّامِ غيرَ تجدّدِ

13. A nobility that withers and crumples
And loftiness that settled alongside detached stars

١٣. شرفٌ يميلُ بيَذْبُلٍ ويَلَمْلَمٍ
وعُلاً تعرّس في جوار الفرقدِ

14. It is the caliphate, a place never missed
By its pillars, and an undying spark

١٤. وهْيَ الخلافةُ موطنٌ لم يفتقِدْ
أطوادَه وشرارةٌ لم تخمُدِ

15. If you attain it, how many steps has your glory taken there
And how much, in attaining it, you have been helped

١٥. إنْ نلتَها ولَكَمْ لمجدك عندها
قدمٌ وكم في نيلها لك من يدِ

16. They weighed you, and you were the finest among them
In lineage, and farthest in purpose and resolve

١٦. قَد وازَنوك فكنتَ أضربَ فيهمُ
عِرْقاً وأبعدَ غايةً في مَحتِدِ

17. And they called you to the majestic affair, but you were not
The insignificant pottery, or the scarce dwarf palm

١٧. وَدَعوك للأمرِ الجَليلِ فَلم تَكنْ
نَزْر الفَخارِ ولا قليلَ السُّؤدُدِ

18. O son of those who, when prideful in glory
Swept away every darkened dominion

١٨. يا اِبنَ الّذين إذا اِحتَبَوْا في مفخرٍ
عصفوا بكلِّ سيادةٍ لمسوّدِ

19. Assailants of the throats of men, and to them
The Muslim is one who retreats, depraved

١٩. الطاعنُوا ثُغَرِ الرّجال وعندهمْ
أنّ المسلّمَ بالفِرارِ هو الرّدِي

20. And if invited to a confrontation, it is as if
The driving away of thunderous clouds were ruptured for it

٢٠. وإذا دُعوا لِمُلِمّةٍ فكأنّما
فُجرتْ لها دُفَعُ الغمام المُزْبدِ

21. He whose gaze is veiled by your brilliance redeems you
From every crashing thunder of the verdant gardens

٢١. يفديك مِنْ يغشى بهاؤك طرفَه
من كلِّ رعْديدِ الجَنانِ معرِّدِ

22. Haughty, so if he looks to your fortune
The corners of his mouth cling to the ice

٢٢. متطاولٍ فإذا عرضتَ لِلَحْظِهِ
لصقتْ أسرّةُ وجههِ بالجلمدِ

23. God bless you, and al-`Ujaj soars
And the horses stumble at the targeted streams

٢٣. للَّهِ دَرُّك وَالعجاجُ محلّقٌ
والخيلُ تعثرُ بالقنا المتقصّدِ

24. And today the sun deceptively rises upon the horizons
So it rises upon the world with a blackened face

٢٤. واليوم تَغدُرُ بالمطالِع شمسُه
فيطالعُ الدّنيا بوجهٍ أسْودِ

25. You see only a wounded man bending over
Bloodied shirt upon a targeted victim

٢٥. ما إِنْ تَرى إلّا جَريحاً ينثنِي
ضَرِجَ القميصِ على طريحٍ مُقصَدِ

26. And the whites know that they were stripped
By your hands only from an aggressive bandit

٢٦. والبِيضُ تعلمُ أنّها ما جُرّدَتْ
بِيديك إلّا من حُشاشَةِ معتدِ

27. And I whose loyalty grows for you
Everlastingly like my birthplace grows for you

٢٧. وأنا الّذي ينُمى إليك ولاؤهُ
أبداً كما يُنمى إليكمْ مولدي

28. I want nothing but your wellbeing
Raising my status and nearing my field

٢٨. ما حاجَتي إلّا بَقاؤكَ سالِماً
تُعلِي مقاماتِي وتُدنِي مشهدِي

29. And when I come close to the porch, in submission
You receive me among the jealous gazes

٢٩. وَإِذا دَنوتُ إلى الرِّواقِ مسلِّماً
أقذيتَ بِي فيه نواظرَ حُسّدِي

30. And clothe my position there in superior merit
Remaining after me like the lasting legacy

٣٠. وكسوتَ مرتبتي هناك فضيلةً
تَبقى على عَقِبِي بقاءَ المُسْنَدِ

31. In a time filled with every greeting
Flowing from the mouths of bowing people

٣١. في ساعةٍ مَلأى بكلِّ تحيّةٍ
تنجابُ عن أفواهِ قومٍ سُجّدِ

32. And standings where majesty fills their horizons
So beauty in them has scattered presence

٣٢. ومواقفٍ عمَرَ الجلالُ فِناءَها
فالحسنُ فيها بالمهابةِ مُرتَدِ

33. The eye cannot take their glances
Except by glancing indirectly, like the squint of the blind

٣٣. لا يستطيع الطّرفُ يأخذُ لحظَها
إلّا مخالسةً كلحظِ الأرمدِ

34. And most deserving to wear honesty without fault
Is one whose affection was never marred by fawning

٣٤. وَأَحقُّ مَن لبسَ الكرامةَ مخلصٌ
ما شابَ صفوَ ودادِه بتودّدِ

35. I praise you while between us disdains
One difficult to please among resolute men

٣٥. أُثني عَليك وبيننا متمنّعٌ
صعبُ المرامِ على الرّجالِ القُصّدِ

36. And if the light of your face hides from me a while
Take them turning between expressions the reciters'

٣٦. وَلئِنْ تحجّبَ نورُ وجهك بُرهةً
عنِّي فهاتيك المناقبُ شُهّدِي

37. Speech never inclined to, and meanings beyond match
Brilliant, capturing acceptance as if they

٣٧. خذها تَقَلَّبُ بين لفظٍ لم يَطُفْ
نُطقُ الرّواةِ به ومعنىً أوحدِ

38. Came heralding a watering place for the thirsty traveler
And surrender, Commander of the Faithful, supplied

٣٨. غرّاء تستلب القَبولَ كأنّما
جاءَتْ تبشّرُ صادياً بالمورِدِ

39. With abundant graces of immortalized life
Centuries pass while the pillar of your rule remains firm

٣٩. وَاِسلَمْ أميرَ المؤمنين مزَوَّداً
نعماءَ موفور الحياةِ مخَلّدِ

40. In the best position and most noble seat

٤٠. تفنى القرونُ وطودُ ملكك راسخٌ
في خير منزلةٍ وأشرفِ مقعدِ