
O my father, he who visited me in the dark of night

يا بأبي من زارني في الدجى

1. O my father, he who visited me in the dark of night
After having long been forbidden

١. يا بأبِي مَن زارَني في الدّجى
مِن بعد ما قد كان ممنوعا

2. He began to speak to me his thoughts
Joyfully, as if released from bondage

٢. باتَ يُعاطيني أَحاديثَه
وحبّذا ذلك مَكروعا

3. Until dawn arrived and its light shone
Cutting through the darkness entirely

٣. حتّى إِذا الصّبحُ بدا نورُهُ
وقطّع الظّلماءَ تقطيعا

4. He slipped away as though the night during his visit
Had dressed in a shirt, now doffed and gone

٤. ولَّى كأنّ اللّيلَ في وصلِهِ
كسا قميصاً عاد منزوعا

5. Neither does my eye miss him, nor am I
Distraught by anything about his leave

٥. لا فَقَدَتْه مُقلتِي لا ولا
بتُّ بشيءٍ منه مفجوعا