
O Ammawi, if the youth whose nights passed from me

أماوي إن كان الشباب الذي انقضت

1. O Ammawi, if the youth whose nights passed from me
Made one of you youthful in purity,

١. أَماويُّ إِنْ كانَ الشبابُ الَّذي اِنقَضَت
لَياليهِ عَنّي شابَ مِنكَ صَفاءا

2. Then it is no sin of mine in a cheek whose color
Turned white when darkness turned to radiance.

٢. فَما الذّنبُ لي في فاحمٍ حالَ لَونهُ
بَياضاً وَقَد حالَ الظلامُ ضِياءا

3. And if what we knew would pass did pass,
Though permanent it erased compassion.

٣. وَما إِنْ عَهِدنا زائلاً حانَ فقدُهُ
وَإِنْ كانَ مَوقوفاً أَزال إِخاءا

4. And if the changes of fate had a trick,
I refused this gray hair with refusal.

٤. وَلَو كانَ فيما يُحدثُ الدَّهرُ حيلةٌ
أَبَيْتُ عَلى هَذا المَشيبِ إِباءا

5. So do not deny me a color I exchanged
Like one exchanging a cloak for another cloak.

٥. فَلا تُنكري لَوناً تَبَدّلتُ غَيرَه
كَمُستَبدِلٍ بَعدَ الرّداءِ رِداءا

6. For I keep the pact to which you pledged me
Protecting what you entrusted me in faithfulness.

٦. فَإِنّي على العهدِ الّذي تَعهَدينهُ
حفاظاً لما اِستَحفَظتِنِي وَوفاءا

7. Gray hair like the darkness of night in gloom
Came to you with certainty or erased dispute.

٧. مَشيبٌ كَفَتقِ اللّيلِ في مُدلهمّةٍ
أَتاك يَقيناً أو أَزال مِراءا

8. As if the nights when they shot me with arrows
Cast an echo or uncovered a covering.

٨. كَأنَّ اللَيالي عنهُ لمّا رَمَينني
جَلَوْنَ صَداءً أو كشَفن غِطاءا

9. So do not make what hurt me from you
A punishment for what I did not give as reward.

٩. فَلا تَجعلي ما كانَ منكِ مِنَ الأَذى
عِقاباً لِما لَمْ آتِهِ وَجَزاءا

10. And count the whiteness of hair after its blackness
As a morning that came though I did not bring it, or evening.

١٠. وَعُدّي بَياضَ الرّأسِ بعدَ سوادهِ
صَباحاً أَتى لَمْ أَجْنِهِ وَمَساءا

11. And do not seek what seeking it
Its seekers went astray from it in pain.

١١. وَلا تَطلُبي شَيئاً يَكونُ طِلابهُ
وَقَد ضَلَّ عنهُ رائِدوهُ عناءا

12. For if you call, longing ardently,
For lost youth, you wasted a call.

١٢. فَإِنّكِ إِنْ نادَيتِ غِبَّ تلهّفٍ
شَباباً وَقَد وَلّى أَضَعْتِ نِداءا