1. Alas, O people inclined to fate!
Forget my wounds, for time does abate.
١. ألا يا قومُ للقَدَرِ المُتاحِ
وللأيّامِ ترغبُ عن جِراحي
2. This world with its sorrows beguiles,
Like rich pastures lure roaming tribes.
٢. وللدّنيا تماطلُ بالرّزايا
مِطالَ الجُربِ للإبلِ الصِّحاحِ
3. It bids me peace, while in its confines,
Are pits where serpents and scorpions twine.
٣. تُسالمنِي ولِي فيها خَبِئ
أَغَضُّ عليه بالعَذْبِ القَراحِ
4. And ah, the sweet poison it brought!
Which made me heedless of ruin or loss.
٤. ويا لِمُلِمَّةٍ نَزَعتْ يميني
وَحَصَّتْ بالقوادِمِ مِنْ جَناحي
5. You fancied it, though its sight was uncomely,
As a thirsty man fancies even the salty.
٥. فُتِنْتَ بها ومنظرُها قبيحٌ
كما فُتِنَ المُتَيَّمُ بالملاحِ
6. Say to the best of Quraysh people around,
And dwellers of plains and valleys abound:
٦. أَلا قُلْ للأَخايرِ من قريشٍ
وسُكَّانِ الظّواهِرِ والبِطاحِ
7. The height of glory has left your horizons,
Generosity, nobility have fled your regions.
٧. هَوى مِن بَينِكمْ جبلُ المعالِي
وعِرْنينُ والمكارِمِ والسَّماحِ
8. God has eclipsed your brightening star,
As cattle avoid a deserted watering hole.
٨. وَجبَّ اللَّهُ غارِبَكمْ فَكونوا
كَظالعةٍ تحيد عن المَراحِ
9. Urged by zeal, though the guide-rope is slackened,
And the waterbag emptied of its burden is slackened.
٩. يُدَفِّعُها مُسوّقها المُعَنّى
وقَد شَحَطَ الكَلالُ عن البُرَاحِ
10. Now turn a blind eye to my misplaced passion,
For at dusk, you have no need of action.
١٠. وَغضّوا اللّحْظَ عن شَغَفٍ إليهِ
فما لكُمُ العَشيَّة مِنْ طَماحِ
11. We overpowered him, as Layl's son was bested,
And the morning outlasted the night's persistence.
١١. غُلِبْناهُ كَما غُلِبَ ابنُ ليلٍ
وقد سَئِمَ السُّهادَ على الصَّباحِ
12. Say to my peers who were green in my salad days,
Whose spears or swords I did not raise:
١٢. فَقُلْ لِمَعاشرٍ رهبوا شَباتِي
وما تجني رماحِي أو صفاحِي
13. Take back my bridle from wherever you please,
For today to my foes I sue for peace.
١٣. رِدُوا من حيثُما شِئتم جِمامِي
فإنّي اليومَ للأعداءِ ضاحِ
14. Circle and strike me, do not fear my resistance,
For I am bereft now of all defence.
١٤. ورُومونِي وَلا تخشَوْا قِراعِي
فقد أصبحتُ مُستَلَبَ السِّلاحِ
15. Lead me for I am no longer strong,
To uphold the valour to which you belong.
١٥. وقودونِي فما أَنَا في يديكمْ
عَلى ما تَعهَدون من الجِماحِ
16. Expect no joy from me anymore,
For Musa's son has taken away my cheer.
١٦. وَلا تَتنظَّروا منِّي اِرتِياحاً
فَقَد ذَهَب ابنُ موسى بِاِرتياحِي
17. For that which kindles my zeal,
Or comforts me when my spirits kneel,
١٧. فَللسّببِ الّذي يُشجِي اِلتِزامِي
وَلِلسّببِ الّذي يُسلِي اِطّراحي
18. My steed's mettle avails me naught,
As fate has my desires brought to naught.
١٨. لَوانِي ما لَوانِي عن مُرادِي
وحالَ الدّهرُ دونَ مَدَى اِقتراحِي
19. No sheltering roof or tent for me now,
Nor east winds or west winds allow.
١٩. فلا دَوٌّ تَخُبُّ به رِكابي
ولا جَوٌّ تَهُبُّ به رِياحي
20. So who will feed the steeds vying in their run?
To excel the fleetest racers under the sun.
٢٠. فَمَنْ للخيلِ يقدِمُها مُغِذّاً
يُنازعْنَ الأعنّةَ كالقِداحِ
21. And who will vigilantly guard the eggs at night,
From the enemies in days of strife and fight?
٢١. ومَنْ للبيضِ يُولِغُها نجيعاً
مِنَ الأعداءِ في يَومِ الكفاحِ
22. And who will ignite fiercest fires in battle's blazing throes,
When clashing spears deal deathly blows?
٢٢. ومَنْ للحربِ يُوقِد في لَظاها
إِذا اِحتدَمَتْ أنابيبَ الرّماحِ
23. And who will valiantly defend Musbil's name,
When peril looms, with a courage aflame?
٢٣. ومَنْ لِمُسَرْبَلٍ في القِدِّ عانٍ
على وَجَلٍ يُذادُ عن السَّراحِ
24. And who will rebuff wealth with open-handedness rife,
As sweet tales recount of nobles free of strife?
٢٤. وَمَن للمالِ يَعْصِي فيه بَذْلاً
أساطيرَ العواذلِ واللّواحي
25. And who will mend a laggard's broken word,
Spurning jesters who find falsehoods preferred?
٢٥. وَمَن لِمُسَوَّفٍ بالوعدِ يُلوى
وَمَطروحٍ عَنِ الجَدوى مُزاحِ
26. Such is the world, at first beguiling and then,
With damaging candour, wounds again.
٢٦. هِيَ الدّنيا تُجَمْجِمُ ثُمَّ تَأْتي
مِنَ الأمرِ المبرّحِ بالصِّراحِ
27. Gifting today then rescinding tomorrow,
Mixing earnest and jest, blessing and sorrow.
٢٧. تُنيلُ عَطيّةً وتردُّ أخرى
وتَطوِي الجِدَّ في عينِ المزاحِ
28. So who dares assail the queen of sorrows,
When she comes cloaked in life's harshest arrows?
٢٨. فمنْ يُعدِي على أُمِّ الرّزايا
إذا جاءتْ بقاسيةِ الجِراحِ
29. May Allah's peace transport him through the nights,
And may morn guide him to blissful heights,
٢٩. سَلامُ اللّه تنقلُهُ اللّيالِي
ويُهديهِ الغُدوُّ إلى الرّواحِ
30. To a grave clung to with hands pure of sin,
A fount of goodness and faith within.
٣٠. على جَدَثٍ تشبّث من لُؤَيٍّ
بِيَنبوعِ العِبادَةِ والصَّلاحِ
31. A noble soul who sought only the lawful,
And lived on the clean, spurning the unlawful.
٣١. فَتىً لم يَرْوَ إلّا مِن حَلالٍ
وَلَم يكُ زادُهُ غير المُباحِ
32. No disgrace soiled his garb, no shame ever stuck,
His wings were unburdened by sins of bad luck.
٣٢. وَلا دَنِسَتْ لَهُ أُزُرٌ بعارٍ
ولا عَلِقَتْ له راحٌ براحِ
33. Light of load for misdeeds of the past,
His book of deeds from evil cleansed at last.
٣٣. خَفيفُ الظّهرِ مِن حَمْلِ الخَطايا
وَعُريانُ الصّحيفةِ من جُناحِ
34. Steered in all matters by conscience as guide,
Knocking at the doors where triumph resides.
٣٤. مَسوقٌ في الأمورِ إِلى هُداها
وَمَدْلولٌ على بابِ النّجاحِ
35. One of a folk with hearts filled by the Almighty's name,
Regions within, enlightened by the same.
٣٥. مِنَ القومِ الّذين لَهُمْ قلوبٌ
بِذِكرِ اللَّهِ عامرةُ النّواحي
36. With bodies pleased with a pious inclination,
And faith pure and safe from aberration.
٣٦. بِأَجسامٍ منَ التّقوى مِراضٍ
لِمبصرها وأديانٍ صِحاحِ
37. O kindred of fathers, lament him in words clear and plain,
However your eloquent tongues may deign.
٣٧. بَنِي الآباءِ قوموا فَاِنْدُبوهُ
بِأَلِسنَةٍ بِما تُثْنِي فِصاحِ
38. And if you wish to sever ties, then go ahead,
Part from those whose watering place you shared.
٣٨. وَإِنْ شِئتمْ لَه عَقْراً فشُلُّوا
نفوسَ ذوِي اللِّقاحِ عن اللِّقاحِ
39. Every downpour of events poured forth its fill,
And every laden moment had its share to spill.
٣٩. أَصابَكَ كلُّ مُنْهَمِرٍ دَلوحٍ
وحاملُ كلِّ مُثقَلَةٍ رَداحِ
40. The clouds slowly drifted showering you,
Like the gait of pregnant she-camels treading anew.
٤٠. وَروّاكَ الغمامُ الجَونُ يسرِي
بطيءَ الخَطْوِ كالإبلِ الرِّزاحِ
41. Dust that was blessed in life,
Where now the winds play soft without strife,
٤١. تُرابٌ طابَ ساكنُهُ فباتتْ
تأرّجُ فيه أنفاسُ الرّياحِ
42. Wealthy though neighbouring ants,
And glowing cinders in the cooking pots.
٤٢. غَنِيٌّ أنْ تجاورَهُ الخُزامى
وتُوقد حوله سُرجُ الأقاحِي