1. Those are the abodes of Bramayin Hamoud
It studied but did not study for it periods
١. تِلكَ الدّيارُ برامَتين همودُ
دَرَسَتْ ولم تدْرسُ لهنّ عُهودُ
2. Where that twisting twisted then straightened
And the clusters of the bushes gathered fresh
٢. حَيثُ اِلتَوى ذاكَ اللّوى ثمَّ اِستَوى
وَاِلتفَّ مِن شَملِ الأراكِ بَدِيدُ
3. Or did you not see our standing at Muhajjar
With tears from my eyelids flowing abundantly upon it
٣. أَوَ ما رأيتَ وُقوفَنا بمُحَجَّرٍ
والدّمعُ مِنْ جَفْنِي عليه يجودُ
4. Swaying from passion as if we were
Branches leaning with the breeze and swaying
٤. مُترنّحينَ منَ الغرامِ كأنّنا
قُضُبٌ تميلُ مع الصِّبا وتميدُ
5. And the caravan either loaded and crumbling
Or a rider whose saddle is frozen solid
٥. والرّكبُ إمّا سادِرٌ مُتَهالكٌ
أو راكبٌ ثَبجَ السُّلوِّ جَليدُ
6. And on the slopes of Mushaqqar horned mountain goats
Flashing their eyes and beautiful necks at the onlooker
٦. وعلى أهاضيب المُشقَّرِ غادةٌ
للرّيمِ منها طَرفُهُ والجيدُ
7. It turned away and did not want to turn back and maybe
Distress came but the suitor did not want it
٧. صَدّتْ ولم تُرِدِ الصُّدودَ وربّما
جاء العناءُ ولم يُرِدْه مريدُ
8. And you did knock but you didn't knock gently
My eyes while we were headed to departure
٨. ولقد طَرقتَ وما طَرقتَ صبابةً
عيني ونحن إلى الرّحالِ هُجودُ
9. In the shade of withered shrubs like dry spindles
Their loose fibers taken by them as tinder
٩. في ظلِّ خوصٍ كالقسيِّ طلائحٍ
أخَذَتْ عَوارِيَهُنَّ منها البيدُ
10. How did you find your way and how did you visit while between us
Without visiting a waterless desert and groves
١٠. أَنّى اِهتَديتَ وَكيفَ زُرتَ وَبَينَنا
دون الزّيارةِ مُرْبخٌ وزَرودُ
11. And ravines beyond them, ravines
And beasts above them, ibexes
١١. ومفاوزٌ مِنْ دونهنّ مفاوزٌ
وتهائِمٌ مِنْ فوقهنّ نُجودُ
12. And caves unknown to the graying of my temples
And my whiteness to them is blackness
١٢. وغرائرٍ أنكرنَ شيبَ ذوائبي
والبيضُ مِنَّي عندهنّ السُّودُ
13. They denied an ailment that has no stratagem
And blamed a downfall that has no deviator
١٣. أنكرنَ داءً ليس فيه حيلةٌ
وَذَممْنَ مفْضىً ليس عنه مَحيدُ
14. Youth is loved even if its era has elapsed
And this gray hair is twisted while still fresh
١٤. يُهْوى الشّبابُ وَإِنْ تَقادم عهدُه
ويُمَلُّ هذا الشّيبُ وهو جديدُ
15. Do not make the era of youth remote, and from a confidant
I call it near though it is far
١٥. لا تَبْعُدَنْ عهدَ الشَّبابِ ومِنْ جوىً
أَدعو لَهُ بِالقربِ وَهوَ بعيدُ
16. Days I was smitten by gazes and I would smite
In the traps of love and hunt
١٦. أَيّامَ أُرمَى بِاللّحاظِ وأرتمِي
وأصادُ في شَرَكِ الهوى وأصيدُ
17. I told the racing caravan to hurry
Humming my ode melodiously twittering
١٧. قد قلتُ للرّكب السِّراعِ يحثُّهمْ
مترنِّمٌ بحُدائه غِرَّيدُ
18. In an obscure, imperceptible valley
As if its existence present is absent
١٨. في سَبْسَبٍ خافي المعالمِ والصُّوى
فكأنّما موجودُهُ مفقودُ
19. Who is a messenger to the pride of kings with a message
That exhausts me when I try to say it
١٩. مَنْ مبلغٌ فخرَ الملوكِ رسالةً
أَعيَتْ عليَّ يقولُها المجهودُ
20. Do you think there will be nights like those that were good to me
In your constant shade that will recur
٢٠. أتَرى ليالِيَّ اللواتي طِبنَ لي
في ظلّكَ الوافي عليَّ تعودُ
21. And when will I visit the springtime of your land on a visit
While the coolness of spring is upon me
٢١. وَمَتى أَزور ربيعَ أرضِك زَوْرَةً
وعليَّ من نَسْجِ الرّبيعِ بُرودُ
22. And I am after your absence a fugitive
From all that desire in it is outcast
٢٢. وأنا الّذي من بعد نَأْيِكَ نازحٌ
عن كلِّ ما فيه الهوى مطرودُ
23. I sacrifice seeing what else pleases me
And reluctantly want what else I want
٢٣. أُضحِي أَرى ما غيرُهُ عندي الرِّضا
وأُريدُ كُرهاً ما سواه أُريدُ
24. For God's sake your patience and the porch is seen through it
Caravans of visitors and delegations
٢٤. للَّهِ حِلْمُك والرِّواقُ يُرى بهِ
للسائلين من الوفود وفودُ
25. And the brave is granted speech and derives benefit
From it while the coward is deprived of speaking
٢٥. والقول يُرزَقُهُ الشّجاعُ ويمتري
منه ويُحرَمُ نُطقَه الرِّعديدُ
26. In a situation that makes the gallant youth tremble
From fear while acknowledging and denying it
٢٦. في مَوقفٍ ينتاب تامورَ الفتى
للرّعبِ إقرارٌ بهِ وجُحودُ
27. And above the litters a gleam from your brilliance
Or a star distinct among the stars
٢٧. وعلى الأسرّةِ من ضيائك بارقٌ
أو كوكبٌ جَهَر النّجومَ فَريدُ
28. As if your face was molded from the sun of dawn
Or from excellent moonlight drawn
٢٨. وكأنَّ وجهَك قُدَّ من شَمسِ الضُّحى
أم مِنْ سَنا قمر الدّجى مقدودُ
29. Take refuge with one whom the fruit of glory flourishes
From him and the mother of glorious deeds brings forth
٢٩. لاذوا بمن ثَمَرُ المروءَة يانعٌ
منه وأُمُّ المَكْرُماتِ وَلودُ
30. And the river of generosity, gifts, and wherever
Succor is given and limited bounty allowed
٣٠. والمنهلُ العِدُّ النميرُ وحيثما
يُدنى المَذود ويُمنحُ المحدودُ
31. Oh pride of Bouyah's kingdom, and who has
A shade over this world outstretched
٣١. يا فخرَ مُلكِ بني بويه ومَنْ له
ظِلٌّ على هذا الورى مَمْدودُ
32. And who ascends the summits of loftiness with ambition
That arose while men's ambitions sat
٣٢. وَالمُعتلي قِمم العَلاء بهمّةٍ
قامَتْ وهمّاتُ الرّجالِ قُعودُ
33. And who creates remarkable strangeness in dew
Until you teach how generosity is
٣٣. وَالمُنشئ الغُرِّ الغرائبِ في النّدى
حتّى تُعلّم منه كيف الجودُ
34. It is a state you still mend its people
And dissolve hardships from it and repel
٣٤. هيَ دولةٌ مازلتَ تَرْأبُ شعبَها
وتذُبُّ عنها كالئاً وتذودُ
35. It grows if traced back to you, and it has none
But you as forebears and ancestors
٣٥. تُنمى إِذا اِنتَسَبتْ إِليك وما لها
إِلّاكَ آباءٌ لها وجُدودُ
36. And you returned it yesterday a mere rabble
That wandered so the Master confined it for us
٣٦. وَرَدَدْتها بالأَمسِ ثلَّةَ قَفْرةٍ
شَطَّتْ فأحْرزَها علينا السّيدُ
37. You ignited it after extinction, so it has no
Endurance and dormancy everlasting
٣٧. أَوْقَدتها بعدَ الخبوِّ فما لها
أَبَدَ الزّمانِ تطامنٌ وخمودُ
38. Who is he that aspires to it seeking
While at your door it has apparatus and materiel
٣٨. مَنْ ذا الّذي يَرنو إِلَيها طالباً
ولها ببابك عُدّةٌ وعديدُ
39. Were it not for your defense that crown adorned with jewels
Would not have settled on my temples
٣٩. لَولا دِفاعُك ما اِستَقَرّ بمَفْرَقي
ذاك المتوَّجِ تاجُهُ المعقودُ
40. And this kingdom after his death would have declined
And its pillar you erected collapsed
٤٠. ولَزال هذا الملكُ بعد مماتِهِ
وَلمالَ عنهُ دعِامُه المعمودُ
41. How much did you pray protecting its prosperity
A day its ice melts and thaws
٤١. كَم ذا صَليتَ وِقايةً لِنَعيمِهِ
يَوماً يَذوبُ بحَرِّهِ الجلمودُ
42. On the back of one seized by numbness as if he
Is a hyaena in the tracts of desolation wandering
٤٢. في ظهرِ مُستَلبِ الفُتورِ كأنّه
هَيْقٌ بأجواز الفلاةِ شَرُودُ
43. And as if he flows through the channels
On an inauspicious day, a mangy fox driven away
٤٣. وكأنّه ينسابُ في خَلَلِ القنا
يومَ الكريهةِ أرْقمٌ مَزؤودُ
44. In an intense darkness they walked your path in battle
And the whites of them bowing and prostrating
٤٤. في غِلمةٍ سلكوا طريقَك في الوغى
والبيضُ منهمْ رُكّعٌ وسجودُ
45. Hastening to the battle as if upon them
Were coats of mail of solid iron
٤٥. مُتَسرّعينَ إِلى القِراعِ كأنّهمْ
وعليهمُ زُبَرُ الحديد حَديدُ
46. They drive back whom they want without hesitation
For even if they overcome the black they are blacker
٤٦. يُرْدُون مَنْ شاؤوا بِغَيرِ منيّةٍ
فَهُمُ وَإِنْ غَلَبوا الأسودَ أُسودُ
47. They do not take money except by the spearhead
That makes garments and veins red
٤٧. لا يَأخُذونَ المالَ إِلّا بِالقَنا
تَحمرّ مِنه ترائبٌ ووريدُ
48. Or from prey that knew no disastrous day
Except the eyeballs of archers blinking
٤٨. أَو مِنْ ظُبا لم تَعْرَ يومَ كريهةٍ
إِلّا وَهاماتُ الكُماةِ غُمودُ
49. Do not underestimate a small thing from an enemy
And foil the scheme of one you see scheming
٤٩. لا تَحقرنَّ منَ العدوِّ صغيرةً
وَاِرْدُد مكيدَةَ مَنْ تراه يكيدُ
50. And if you detect treachery in one experienced betray
Do not sleep for disease is contagious and little increases
٥٠. وَإِذا اِسْتَرَبْتَ بِمنْ خَبَرْتَ فلا تَنَمْ
فَالدّاءُ يُعدِي والقليلُ يزيدُ
51. Indeed the envious one is the enemy though
They concealed their disgraces so he was called envious
٥١. إِنَّ الحَسودَ هوَ العدوُّ وإنّما
سَتَروا قَبائِحَهُ فَقيل حسودُ
52. And hatred is buried by patience so it becomes
Rancor toward him, resentments and grudges
٥٢. وَالضِّغنُ تَطْمُرُهُ الأناةُ فتعترِي
حِزَقاً إليه ضغائنٌ وحقودُ
53. And wood, if the passage of time casts it aside
And oil does not massage it, will not be wood
٥٣. وَالعودُ إِنْ طَرَحَ التقادُم قادحاً
فيهِ وَلم تدلكه ظلَّ العودُ
54. Were it not for propriety that a criminal be punished
There would be neither a hopeful promise nor a threat
٥٤. لَولا الصّلاحُ بِأنْ يُعاقَبَ مجرمٌ
ما كان وَعدٌ مُطمِعٌ وَوَعيدُ
55. Fate guaranteed you every affection
And the Merciful allowed you wherever you wish
٥٥. ضَمِنَتْ لك الأقدارُ كلّ محبّةٍ
وَأحَلَّكَ الرّحمَن حيثُ تريدُ
56. And you attained in Neyrouz the favor of an implorer
Who became the intent of his cherished right hand
٥٦. وَنَعِمْتَ بِالنّيروزِ نعمةَ ناشدٍ
أضحى وَحشوُ يمينِهِ المنشودُ
57. And it clothed you in it with majesty and influence
And good omens and prosperity came to you from it
٥٧. وَعَرَتْكَ فيه جلالةٌ وإدالةٌ
وأتَتْكَ منه مَيامنٌ وسُعودُ
58. Until the over-ambitious says to you ultimate sublimity
Above this, is there increase in the most lofty
٥٨. حَتّى يَقولَ المستزيدُ لكَ العُلا
ما فَوقَ هَذا في العَلاءِ مَزيدُ