1. Let the tears flow as they may
For I have been hurt as you were hurt
١. أَجرِ المَدامعَ كيفَ شيتا
فَلقد دهيتُ بما دُهيتا
2. And if you are cast aside
It is not you alone when cast aside
٢. وإذا رُميتَ فإنّما
لم تُرْمَ وحدَك إذ رُمِيتا
3. The eyes' disgrace roams
In all gazes if disgraced
٣. وقذى العيونِ يجولُ في
كلِّ النّواظِر إنْ قُذِيتا
4. And when stripped of finery
At an awful event you were stripped
٤. ومتى عَريتَ من التجل
لُدِ عند حادثةٍ عَرِيتا
5. Who is there to help in severe
Affliction that assailed the abodes
٥. منْ ذا المعينُ على مُصا
بٍ فادحٍ هجم البيوتا
6. My cloak was not after it
Except shreds when torn apart
٦. ما كان شملي بعدَهُ
إِلّا الصّديعَ بهِ الشّتيتا
7. My ribs refuse straightening
And my eyelids refuse sleep
٧. تأبى أضالِعِيَ المقي
لَ وجَفْنُ عينيَّ المبيتا
8. O glory of Allah’s religion and
Holy shrine transcending all attributes
٨. يا مَجدَ دين اللَّه وال
قرْمَ الّذي فاتَ النّعوتا
9. Put aside your anguished cries
And be solaced with what you loved
٩. خلِّ التفجّعَ جانباً
وتسلَّ عنهُ بما حُبِيتا
10. Leave grief intentionally for what
The Imam ordained though hurt
١٠. ودعِ الشّجا عَمْداً لما
أولى الإمامُ وإنْ شُجيتا
11. If you are angry you never ceased
To enjoy his favors until content
١١. ولئنْ سخطتَ فلم تزلْ
نعماؤهُ حتّى رضيتا
12. He quenched you from his bounty
And beauty until sated
١٢. وسقاكَ من إفضالِهِ
وجماله حتّى رَوِيتا
13. And forbade you from despair so
Do not despair, leave it as forbidden
١٣. ونهاكَ عن جزعٍ فلا
تجزعْ فدعْهُ كما نُهيتا
14. And if you stumble do not suspect
For long you were protected
١٤. وإذا نُكبتَ فلا تشك
كّ فطالما دهراً وُقيتا
15. And when you complain you only
Give what he who loves discord desires
١٥. وَمَتى شكوتَ فإنّما
تعطي الّذي يهوى الشّموتا
16. And if you are presented grief, counter
It with joy however presented
١٦. وإذا قُريتَ أسىً فَقِدْ
ماً بالمسرّةِ ما قُريتا
17. And be patient though it's difficult
For if patient you will not be deprived
١٧. وَاِصبرْ فإنْ شقّتْ علي
كَ فَإِن صَبرتَ فما رُزيتا
18. And see who parts you and
Robs your attire when robbed
١٨. وَاِنظُر مَنِ المفريكَ وال
فارِي أَديمكَ إذْ فُريتا
19. And you came but say to us
From which direction did you come
١٩. وأُتيتَ لكنْ قلْ لنا
من أيّ ناحيةٍ أُتيتا
20. Despite being cut off from loved ones
And kin you were nourished
٢٠. وعلى فراقِ حبائبٍ
وأقاربٍ منّا غُذِيتا
21. Were it not for certainty that
The noble trials were masked
٢١. لَولا اليقينُ بأنّ ال
فَخمُ الدّسِيعةِ ما اِحْتُبِيتا
22. A missed one when his virtues
Are displayed fully eyed
٢٢. للّهِ مُفتقدٌ إذا
نُشِرتْ محاسنُهُ عُنيتا
23. He is first and succeeded by you
In the sublime as recited
٢٣. هو أوّلٌ وتلوْتَهُ
في الباذخاتِ كما تُليتا
24. And if elevated through him over
The summits of all people not elevated
٢٤. وإذا علوتَ به على
قمم الأنام فما عُليتا
25. And if men match in status, legacy
And impact you were summoned
٢٥. وَإِذا تَشابَهَتِ الرّجا
ل عُلاً ومأثُرَةً وَصِيتا
26. No preference to him was left
Among them until summoned
٢٦. لم يُدعَ تفضيلاً له
من بينهمْ حتّى دُعِيتا
27. A word while you its disfavor
When gone from us remained
٢٧. كَلمٌ وأنت إساؤُه
لمّا مضى عنّا بقيتا
28. As if it quenched him
What death when alive
٢٨. وكأنّه سَقياً لهُ
ما مات لمّا أن حَييتا
29. He did not promise me, but endowed me
With news among us stripped bare
٢٩. لم يعدُنِي بلْ خصّنِي
خَطْبٌ به فينا عُريتا
30. And if known through my affiliation
To you in speech or silence
٣٠. وإذا عُرفتُ بِشِركتِي
لكُمُ فنُطقاً أو سُكوتا
31. And if I know what you want
Explained, I have sufficed
٣١. وإذا علمتُ بما أرد
تَ له البيانَ فقد كُفيتا
32. It is time, annihilating
What feared to die
٣٢. وَهوَ الزّمانُ فَميِّتٌ
ما كانَ يَخشى أَن يَموتا
33. And provisioning longevity
And hopeful not to spend the night
٣٣. ومزوّدٌ طولَ البقا
ءِ وما يرجِّي أن يبيتا
34. So if raised through him you fell
And if despairing you still hoped
٣٤. فمتى رُفِعْتَ به هَبَطْ
تَ وإن يئِسْتَ فقد رجيتا
35. O traveler, if one could ransom
Another from misery, I'd be ransomed
٣٥. يا راحلاً لو كان يُف
دى من ردىً أحدٌ فُدِيتا
36. He left the abode to its people
And resided in the wilderness
٣٦. خَلَّى الدّيارَ لأهلِها
وثَوَى البَسابِسَ والمُروتا
37. Honor me by letting me see you
While being of silent tongue
٣٧. أعززْ عليّ بأنْ أرا
كَ وكنتَ ذا لَسْنٍ صموتا
38. Bringing joy to faces from what
You have experienced and I have not
٣٨. تزوي الوجوه عن الّذي
أَمسيتَ فيه وما قُليتا
39. And refusing the valley you roamed
To the saddled beasts without need
٣٩. وَتَردّ عن واديك أع
ناقُ المطيّ وما اِجتُوِيتا
40. You were not prevented except my
Joy and bliss when perished
٤٠. لَم تُنعَ إلّا بَهْجتي
وَمسَرَّتي لمّا نُعيتا
41. You used to heal if called
And called but not healed
٤١. قَد كُنتَ تُشفى إِن دُويتَ
وقد دُويت فما شُفيتا
42. And if your legacy remains
Through time it is not to vanish
٤٢. وإذا تبقّتْ مأثُرَا
تُك في الزّمان فما فَنِيتا
43. Neither changed from you in the soil
Nor worn from tribulation
٤٣. لا غُيّرت منك المحا
سِنُ في التَّرابِ ولا بُلِيتا
44. And if erased from the eyes
Still not from hearts erased
٤٤. ولئنْ مُحيتَ عن العيو
نِ فعنْ قلوبٍ ما مُحيتا
45. And if God quenched the graves
By his mercy you were quenched
٤٥. وَإِذا سَقى اللَّه القُبو
رَ فمنْ مَراحِمِهِ سُقيتا
46. And if abandoned I did not
Abandon you time's duration or balk
٤٦. وإذا هُجرنَ فلا هُجِرْ
تَ مدى الزّمان ولا جُفيتا