
He gave me drink without my asking, out of his bounty's excess.

سقاني ولم أستسقه فضل خيره

1. He gave me drink without my asking, out of his bounty's excess.
Yet he gave me only tears violently pouring.

١. سقانِي ولَم أَستَسْقِهِ فضلَ خيرِهِ
فَلَم يَسقنِي إِلّا الذُّعافَ المصَرَّدا

2. He kept calling me to the abode of his union,
but when I drew near the abode he turned away pulling back.

٢. وَما زال يدعونِي إلى دارِ وصلِهِ
فلمّا دنوتُ الدّارَ ولّى وعَرَّدا

3. What can be done with one who betrayed me in his love
if affection was never from him affectionately shown?

٣. فماذا على مَن خاننِي في ودادِه
إذا لم يكنْ منه الوِدادُ تودّدا

4. Had he been one who erred, I'd make excuse for him,
but he wrongs me intentionally and with purpose.

٤. ولو كان يجني مخطئاً لعذرتُهُ
ولكنّه يجنِي عليَّ تعمّدا

5. I am one who, if an encampment turns him away,
and its dwellers deny him lodging, wanders on into the distances.

٥. وَإنِّيَ ممّنْ إِن نَبا عنه منزلٌ
وأنكرَ مثواه نآه فأبعدا