
Pass by the abandoned house,

عرج على الدارسة القفر

1. Pass by the abandoned house,
And let the tears from your eyes flow.

١. عرّجْ على الدّارسة القَفْرِ
ومُرْ دموعَ العين أن تجري

2. Even if I forbade the tears from streaming down,
The house is desolate, it would not obey my command.

٢. فلو نهيتُ الدّمعَ عن سَحِّهِ
والدّار وحشٌ لم تُطِعْ أمري

3. A dwelling surrendered to dilapidation,
Weathered by winds and rain.

٣. منزلةٌ أسلمها للبِلى
عَبْرُ هبوبِ الرّيح والقَطْرِ

4. There I was forcibly separated at nightfall
From the sunrise or full moon.

٤. فُجِعْتُ في ظلمائها عنوةً
بطلعةِ الشّمسِ أو البَدرِ

5. Yearning - not from the heat of burning embers -
Intoxicated - not from the rapture of wine.

٥. لهفانُ لا من حرّ جمرِ الجَوى
سكرانُ لا من نَشْوَةِ الخَمرِ

6. It was as if I were in a deep sea of sorrow,
And from my eyes tears poured into an ocean.

٦. كأنّنِي في جاحمٍ من شجىً
ومن دموع العين في بحرِ

7. I have become accustomed to spending therein
What little patience I had in store.

٧. عُجتُ بها أُنفِقُ في آيِها
ما كان مذخوراً من الصّبرِ

8. In noble youths who set out on their mounts
With the wings of fate trailing behind them.

٨. في فِتْيَةٍ طارتْ بأوطارهمْ
في ذيلهمْ أجنحةُ الدَّهرِ

9. They were wronged and made to drink from the cup of woe
Whatever their enemies willed of bitterness.

٩. ضِيموا وسُقّوا في عِراص الأذى
ما شاءت الأعداء من مُرِّ

10. Each lean bellied, prominent ribbed,
Skin filled with wounds and sores.

١٠. كلِّ خميصِ البطن بادي الطَّوى
ممتلئِ الجلد من الضُّرِّ

11. They walk upright though hunched in posture
Like staffs - they who cannot be made upright.

١١. يَبْرِي لِحا صَعْدَتِهِ عامداً
بَرْيَ العَصا من كان لا يبري

12. It is as if from the length of their sorrows
They are led from safety into caution.

١٢. كأنّه من طول أحزانِهِ
يُساق من أمنٍ إلى حِذْرِ

13. Or a lone man estranged from his folk
By the pity of the protective.

١٣. أو مفردٌ أبعده أهلُهُ
عن حَيّهِ من شَفَقِ العُرِّ

14. O my companion at the bottom of the valley -
If only he would be pleased with the very bottom!

١٤. يا صاحبي في قعر مطويّةٍ
لو كان يرضى لِيَ بالقَعْرِ

15. Yet here I am before enemies
Filled with rancor and bitterness.

١٥. أما ترانِي بين أيدي العِدا
ملآنَ من غيظٍ ومن وِتْرِ

16. Trembling comes over my skin because of them -
And evil in its darkness creeps.

١٦. تسري إلى جلدِيَ رُقْشٌ لهمْ
والشَّرُّ في ظلمائها يسري

17. I am tossed from one distress into another,
Moved from fang to claw.

١٧. مردّدٌ في كلّ مكروهةٍ
أُنقلُ من نابٍ إلى ظُفرِ

18. It is as if I am a sword without hilt,
Or a bird with no nest.

١٨. كأنّني نَصْلٌ بلا مِقْبَضٍ
أو طائرٌ ظلّ بلا وَكْرِ

19. The house was unjustly emptied of its dwellers
Though it had been inhabited by those known to dwell.

١٩. بالدّار ظلماً غيرُ سكّانها
وقد قرى من لم يكن يَقْرِي

20. And the cattle graze
On the green of its pastures.

٢٠. والسَّرحُ يرعى في حميم الحِمى
ما شاء من أوراقه الخُضْرِ

21. For me, the embers in its hearth have died out -
Sparks that warn of burning coals.

٢١. وقد خبا لِي الجمرَ في طيّهِ
لوامعٌ يُنذرنَ بالجَمْرِ

22. Do not cry if you have wept for guidance
Except for her who broke the back.

٢٢. لا تَبكِ إنْ أنتَ بكيتَ الهدى
إلّا على قاصمةِ الظَّهرِ

23. Rather, weep for Hussein and his family
Laid out before him in rows.

٢٣. وَاِبكِ حُسَيناً والأُلى صُرِّعوا
أمامَه سطراً إلى سطرِ

24. They tasted abjection after having tasted
The like of him in munificence and generosity.

٢٤. ذاقوا الرّدى مِن بعد ما ذوّقوا
أمثالَهُ بالبيضِ والسُّمْرِ

25. By the life of the one among you slain
Or taken captive, slain or made captive!

٢٥. قتلٌ وأسْرٌ بأبي منكُمُ
من نيل بالقتل وبالأسرِ

26. So say to a people whose homes
You came to upon promised victory:

٢٦. فقلْ لقومٍ جئتَهم دارَهمْ
على مواعيدٍ من النَّصرِ

27. "You lied when you entered them
While being vessels of betrayal.

٢٧. قَرَوْكُمُ لمّا حللتُمْ بها
ولا قِرى أوعيةَ الغَدْرِ

28. You abandoned the path
Without heeding the clear Book.

٢٨. وَاِطّرحوا النَّهْجَ ولم يَحفِلوا
بما لكمْ في محكم الذّكرِ

29. You seized your inheritance from its people
Wrongfully by force.

٢٩. وَاِستَلبوا إِرْثَكُمْ منكُمُ
من غير حقٍّ بيدِ القَسْرِ

30. You broke the faith without knowing
That breaking faith cannot be mended."

٣٠. كسرتُمُ الدّين ولم تعلموا
وكسرةُ الدّين بلا جَبْرِ

31. Oh what an injustice inflicted
Upon the Messenger of God in his grave!

٣١. فيا لها مَظْلَمَةً أُولِجَتْ
عَلى رَسولِ اللَّه في القبرِ

32. It is as if he never released your necks
From the shackles of unbelief with his hands.

٣٢. كَأنّهُ ما فكّ أعناقكمْ
بكفّهِ من رِبَقِ الكُفرِ

33. And never covered you after you had been
Without garments, the ink of honor.

٣٣. وَلا كَساكمْ بَعد أَن كنتُمُ
بلا رِياشٍ حِبَرَ الفَخرِ

34. He is the one who built up your pillars
After you had been without mention.

٣٤. فَهو الّذي شادَ بِأَركانِكمْ
من بعد أن كنتم بلا ذِكْرِ

35. And he is the one who brought forth light into your darkness
After despair - the prime of dawn.

٣٥. وَهوَ الّذي أَطلَعَ في لَيلكمْ
من بعد يَأْسٍ غُرّةَ الفجرِ

36. O partisans of God! Love for them
Has pitched its tent within my heart for as long as I live.

٣٦. يا عُصُبَ اللَّه وَمَن حبُّهمْ
مخيّمٌ ما عشتُ في صدرِي

37. And I see the love of them alone
As my provision when I am lowered into my grave.

٣٧. وَمَن أَرى وُدَّهُمُ وحدَهُ
زادي إذا وُسّدتُ في قبري

38. He is the one I have prepared to be my heavenly paradise
And my protection at the Hour of Resurrection.

٣٨. وَهوَ الّذي أعددتُهُ جُنَّتِي
وعصمتي في ساعةِ الحَشرِ

39. Until, when I am unable to defend,
And none can bring me victory but you,

٣٩. حَتّى إذا لم أكُ في نصرَةٍ
من أحدٍ كان بكمْ نصري

40. At a stand where no trader barters
Or spends out of righteousness,

٤٠. بموقفٍ ليس به سلعةٌ
لتاجرٍ أنفقُ من بِرِّ

41. Each day for you is a master
To be gifted along with the Prophet in sacrifice.

٤١. في كلّ يومٍ لكُمُ سيّدٌ
يُهدى مع النِّيبِ إلى النَّحْرِ

42. How many like Shimr after him have you seen
Whose blood in the earth is from Shimr!

٤٢. كم لكُمُ من بعد شِمْرٍ مرى
دماءَكمْ في التربِ من شِمْرِ

43. Woe unto the son of Sa'd, Omar!
For he sold the Messenger of God for a pittance.

٤٣. وَيْحَ ابنِ سَعْدٍ عُمَرٍ إِنَّهُ
باع رسولَ اللّهِ بالنَّزْرِ

44. He rebelled against him regarding the daughter of his daughter,
And drew against them the unsheathed blade of deception.

٤٤. بَغى عليهِ في بنِي بنتِهِ
وَاِستلّ فيهم أنصُلَ المَكْرِ

45. And even if he gains it quickly in this world,
He is but firewood for Hell and he knows not!

٤٥. فهْوَ وإنْ فازَ بِها عاجلاً
مِن حَطَبِ النّار ولا يدري

46. When will I see your rights returned to you
Secretly and openly?

٤٦. متى أرى حقَّكُمُ عائداً
إليكُمُ في السّرِّ والجَهْرِ

47. How long must I endure the delays in your promises
As I move from one year into the next month?

٤٧. حَتّى مَتى أُلْوى بموعودكمْ
أُمطَلُ من عامٍ إلى شهرِ

48. If it were not for inhibitions that restrain me
I would proclaim the hidden from my secret.

٤٨. لولا هَناتٌ هنّ يلويننِي
لبُحتُ بالمكتومِ من سرّي

49. And I would not be content in supporting you
With composed verses of poetry.

٤٩. وَلَم أَكُن أَقنع في نَصركمْ
بنَظْمِ أبياتٍ من الشّعرِ

50. For if murky clouds draw together
Leaving me in difficulty upon difficulty,

٥٠. فَإِنْ تَجلَّتْ غُمَمٌ رُكَّدٌ
تَركنني وَعْراً على وَعْرِ

51. You will see me with spears unsheathed,
Sacrificing myself for you.

٥١. رَأَيتُمونِي وَالقنا شُرَّعٌ
أبذُلُ فيهنَّ لكمْ نَحْرِي

52. Upon a lean steed swift of trot,
As if it were cast of steel.

٥٢. على مَطا طِرْفٍ خفيفِ الشَّوى
كأنّه القِدْحُ من الضُّمْرِ

53. You would think it molded from rock
Or carved from granite stone.

٥٣. تَخالُهُ قَد قدَّ مِن صَخرةٍ
أو جِيبَ إذْ جِيبَ من الحَضْرِ

54. I give you my soul and am not pleased
In supporting you with only ample means.

٥٤. أعطيكُمُ نفسي ولا أرتضِي
في نصركمْ بالبذل للوفْرِ

55. But if what we suffer persists,
Then God is more worthy of excuse.

٥٥. وَإِنْ يَدُمْ ما نَحنُ في أَسرِهِ
فاللّهُ أَولى فيهِ بِالعذرِ